ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing/seeking Progressive Video?

Jan 20, 2011

Here's what's going on: I have an F4V file loaded into a SWF. There are no real playback controls -- nor do I want any. I've created a "skip" button that's supposed to a) pause (or seek to 0) the video, then remove the video from the stage. It seems I can either pause the video OR seek to zero, but not both.Here's what I've tried:

function seekTo (num:Number):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Progressive FLV Download?

Apr 21, 2011

pausing the actual download of a progressively downloaded FLV/F4V or MP4 file?

Scenario: You have a playlist-style video player. You start downloading/playing a video file using the netStream class. Video finishes downloading (bytesLoaded == bytesTotal) and is playing fine. Custom class you have starts downloading other video files in your playlist. The need arrises to PAUSE the custom class's downloading of other video files (similar to pause buttons in downloads windows of web browsers).

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Seeking The Standard Flash Video Player?

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Professional :: Seeking To Unbuffered Parts Of Video?

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At the moment i am using vlc to transcode my video realtime and display the output through Flowplayer.The problem is that I am struggling to seek using flowplayer my time gets out of sync between the stream and flowplayer and there are a few other issues.Are there any streaming servers that allow for real time transcoding and allow for a flash player to seek.

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Flash - Seeking Video Beyond Buffered Area?

Dec 23, 2011

Normally we use NetStream.Seek method but it will make the seek after the buffer area crossed the seek time length.(HTTP). Can we seek the video that is beyond the buffered area like youtube in red5. Will it start the buffer from the seek point.

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Feb 28, 2011

I was told there is a server technology that allows user to seek to a part of video that has not been loaded yet even if I am using progressive download, not true streaming.

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Video: Streaming Vs Progressive Download

Jun 18, 2009

I'm trying to decide whether, for my particular application, I would be better off delivering video via streaming or progressive download. Here's the situation: Background: this will be a learning drill for learning foreign language phrases. There will be a series of ten short video clips, each one a headshot of a native speaker, saying a single sentence. The background is static so the only thing changing will be facial expressions, so compression should be pretty effective. Each clip will be approximately 4-6 seconds total length. Resolution will be approximately 360 X 270.

The way this particular drill works makes me wonder if perhaps progressive downloading might make more sense than streaming. But like I said, I'm not a Flash developer, so I could easily be wrong. (Did I mention we're currently looking for a talented, reliable Flash developer?) So here's how it will work: Drill will load up showing written text of instructions, along with audio of the narrator reading the instructions aloud. Approximate length of the audio instructions will be 15 seconds. (I"m thinking progressive download could begin during the reading of the instructions.)

After the instructions have been read, the intructional text goes away and is replaced with (from top to bottom) the text for the first sentence, the video box with a static image of the first frame, a "Begin" button. When the user clicks the "Begin" button, the video begins to play, and the "Begin" button transforms into a "Repeat" button, which is inactive while the video plays. When the video ends, the "Repeat" button becomes active. Clicking the "Repeat Button" causes the same video clip to play a second time (again, the "Repeat" button is inactive while video plays.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Seeking To Start Of Video On Mobile

Nov 4, 2011

I have a "video on demand" video that I'd like to seek at any point of the video. It's playing on a Motorola Xoom tablet. I can seek to the beginning of the video when the playhead is near the beginning. However, if I the playhead is towards the end of the video and I attempt to seek to the beginning of the video, the video seeks many seconds after the start of the video. I thought this might be a buffering issue, so I set inBufferSeek to true, but I still have the same issue.

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Flash :: Video Streaming - Random Seeking In External Files?

Feb 27, 2011

I am working on a system that requires me to be able to load large video files using Flash. However, the problem I am running into is that users need to be able to seek to a random point in the file that may or may not be downloaded yet and have it instantly start playing (think Youtube). The video files can be hosted anywhere, and thus I do not have the ability to install policy files or anything of the like.

I have looked into this, and cannot find any answers. Does anyone know of a way to enable this random seeking in Flash files without policy requests or an RTMP server installed at the destination?

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Actionscript 3 :: Optimize Random Seeking Of Embedded Video In Flash?

Apr 8, 2011

I have an Embedded (synchronized with timeline) clip in a flash movie.I am controlling the currentFrame of the clip by dragging a slider left to right (to simulate rotating an object).The problem is when I go forwards, motion is smooth, but if I drag to the left Flash cannot seem to efficiently play back in reverse and the motion is extremely jerky.Obviously I'm skipping frames depending upon the position of the mouse, but there is a very noticable lag when currentFrame is decreased vs. increased. Is there a way to optimize an embedded timeline clip for reverse random seeking like this?Possible solutions (untested) :Use video instead of embedded - I would expect this to make the situation worse though!Create a second reversed video for when scrolling to the left. This would probably double the file size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Loop Progressive Loaded Video

Nov 8, 2009

I made some moveis, i need to have on my homepage, have eveything loaded, just can't find a way to have it going on a loop.


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Progressive Streaming Flv Video Files Using Php And Flex

May 17, 2011

I have been trying to use the example from to fetch only a part of video, as explained in the blog:URL...The code works fine for the video link they have, but when i change the link to a video file on my server, I get null object error for onMetaData( e:MetadataEvent ) function on the line ";" [code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clip End Of Progressive Flash Video FLV?

Sep 10, 2010

I have some FLV video files to be reproduced sequentially by a Flash video player. Suppose v1.flv and v2.flv. I want the player to start playing v2.flv once v1.flv has reached the end. According to this forum, the onPlayStatus does not fire in progressive FLVs. What can be done? A snippet of what I am trying below:

public class MyClass extends Sprite {
private var nc : NetConnection;
private var ns : NetStream;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Streaming Or Progressive Download?

Jul 20, 2011

I've developed a video player using NetConnection/NetStream that works fine, in as2 and also in as3. The peculiarity of my player is that read an xml file (editable by a cms) that sets if needed some "cuepoints". In the stream version it's not possible to inject ascuepoints in the video file, so i read the xml and with a listener i set a menu that sets the seek point of the video. Also the user when watch video sets an exit point by closing it. From the second time the user lands on the player, my code put the seek point in the last position seen.

I've seen youtube player and I know that youtube uses progressive download. It's awesome to know that because you can jump from one position to another like a streaming service. It seems an hybrid version with the capabilities of the streaming and the band saving of the progressive download. There's something that i can't imagine..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Video In To Flash Using Progressive Download

Aug 10, 2011

I am trying to load video in to flash. using progressive download... From what i googled It was said to follow the below procedure Import video -> select already deployed on a web server -> add video url it creates a FLVPlayback component Is this the right way? I have done video loading using NetStream a lot of time considering this method as streaming, though i am not sure if what this type of loading is called..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Progressive-Download Video Just When Press Play?

May 13, 2010

I have set the Progressive-Download video instead of Streaming-Video (because my webserver provider "" doesn't offer streaming videos), in Flash CS4 Professional, and exported to Dreamweaver CS4. I have also inserted the HTML code in Dreamweaver CS4 to enable FullScreen Playback of Flash .flv Videos.Now I have a problem:

- When the webpage loads into Internet Explorer 7, it take much time to load all the videos at same time!
Thus I want this:
- I want that the videos start to load just when I press the Play button, individually, not at same time.- I don't not want that start the load immediately when the webpage opens in IE7. - I want that the videos start to load content in the same manner of YouTube videos, just when I press play.

How can I do? What is the HTML code that I should insert into DreamweaverCS4? I have seen this help page: [URL]

At Chapter "Public Methods" I have seen this "load" function:"Begins loading the FLV file and provides a shortcut for setting the autoPlay property to false and setting the source, totalTime, and isLive properties, if given..."

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Lining Up Buttons Over Progressive Video Download With Cue Points?

Apr 13, 2012

I am looking to create something like [URL]

Basically a video that allows you to click on products and pull up more info on them as they appear in the video.

The video I will be using is 3 mins long with 10 products you can click on, so I guess I will need to progressively download it. If I could embed it in the timeline it would be a piece of cake. I would just have buttons motion tweened moving with the products in the timeline. But the file size will be too large to make this a sensible option.

My question is, I understand cue points can be used to activate actions for progressive video downloads, but how would I track the buttons over the products using progressive downloading when I can't see the video in the flash timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Video In Function?

Nov 30, 2009

I have an interface set up with a tile list and a media player.

Based on the function I have below, the tile list loads and the media player begins to play the first video in the tile list. I want to change that in the function so nothing plays first, but only when the user clicks a thumnail in the tile list, is that possible from within this function?

// add Listener for item selection.myTileList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, listListener);
// Select the first video.myTileList.selectedIndex=0;
// Detect when new video is selected, and play itfunction


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Video :: Pausing Streaming RTMFP?

Jun 29, 2011

I have an app that streams in video live, and archives it as it goes along.My question is this: What happens when I hit, or allow, 'pause' on a live stream, and then 'play'? Obviously the person on the other end streaming continues to do so, and my application continues to archive it, but what about the person receiving the stream?

Do they resume play from the archived copy, or do they seek ahead to the current point in the stream, missing everything they were paused for?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Video Once A Swf Is Loaded On Top?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a main video clip being played right when you enter a page. On that page are multiple thumbnails that load up another swf on a new level and play that video. Well if that happens - the main video continues playing. I want the main video to just pause once they click on a thumbnail. And once they close the loaded swf - to be able to play that main video again. Right now - I'm able to click on the thumb to pause the video which is great. But if I unpause the main video by clicking it, all the code seems to be ineffective anymore.So - here is the code that I have scrapped together...and would love someone to point me in the right direction to make this work.

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flv Video Is Pausing Itself At Random Times?

Aug 1, 2009

why my flv video is pausing itself at random times. I did this by removing code and ruling things out. It seems that any usage of setInterval while playing an .flv file will cause the video randomly pause itself. Sometimes it's after 3 seconds, sometimes 12, sometimes 30.. completely random.

Why would setInterval randomly pause flv playback? I'm rather suprised that there is not more info online about this bug, as I'm sure a large number of people are using setInterval and also playing an flv file.Try this code for yourself and you should see what I mean. You will need to save this to a folder and copy a .flv file to the same folder for this to work (as with any script that includes files). It might not work on the first or second time, but do the "Test Movie" in Flash a few times and you should see this happen.

function getMessages() {
trace("got messages");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading First Frame (image) / Pausing Video

Oct 22, 2010

Looking to load first frame art (image) then pause video. Anyone with any experience with this? It's a fullscreen bg video so creating a poster (replacement) image isn't appropriate.

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Flash :: Seeking Error In OSMF?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a HTTP video player built using Adobe's OSMF and I am experiencing a strange behavior when trying to seek within a subclip.The player requests data from the server using URL like "http:[url]...." to get the full video, and appends "?begin=123456" to request a subclip starting at 123456 bytes offset.Whenever I try to seek within a loaded subclip, the playhead just drops to the start of the subclip and the video plays from there. Although both mediaPlayer.canSeek() and mediaPlayer.canSeekTo(newtime) return true.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Netstream AppendBytes And Seeking

Sep 13, 2011

I have a simple flv player which connects to a CDN which can take header byte range requests if a user wants to skip through a flv without the need for the flv to be 100% loaded.I am using a third party http librabry to add the range header to the request.My code plays the flv but when I try to skip to 30 seconds into the video it just freezes. I beleive the cdn does return the file as i can trace through the bytes and the header has the content-range repsonse (below).[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seeking And Changing Only Part Of URL?

Feb 2, 2010

I have to set button for changing the default language with another one ... this button have to be in my flash header ... only the header in my site is flash ... I want to read the current URL and change the part of it .. for example:

www .
>>>> www .

Is this possible with ActionScript 2.0?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Add Seeking Capability To Audio Playback?

Oct 15, 2007

I'm looking for a way to add seeking capability to audio playback. I can do it pretty easily for video, but I'm currently using a sound object which has no seek capabilities whatsoever.

Is there a different object or method I can use to direct audio playback to a particular point in the audio duration?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SeekBar Breaks Everything When Seeking Beyond The Buffer?

Dec 9, 2009

I used a template from adobe and modified it to fit my needs. Instead of one long video with cuepoints, I have several videos that I want to switch when the buttons are clicked.verything works great except when the user seeks beyond the buffer (progressive download).hen this happens, everything breaks. All of the buttons, playback, play/pause... everything. You have to refresh the page and start over.My quesiton is, does the seekBar need a custom eventHandler? Shouldn't it work on it's own? Here is my code:
//-----------------// Video control assignment//-----------------
display.playPauseButton = play_btn;display.stopButton = stop_btn;display.seekBar =


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Media Server :: Recording And Seeking Inside F4V

Jun 28, 2010

I'm making DVR application and I'd like to use h-264 codec, but got following problem. While f4v file is recording, client application (for example Adobe DVR Sample Application player) cannot seek inside the video. It starts playing sought part of the video and stops in few seconds. When recording process finishes the seek works correctly in the recorded file. The process described above works fine when I use vp6 codec. I am using FMLE 3.1 and FMIS 3.5.3

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