ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Video Once A Swf Is Loaded On Top?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a main video clip being played right when you enter a page. On that page are multiple thumbnails that load up another swf on a new level and play that video. Well if that happens - the main video continues playing. I want the main video to just pause once they click on a thumbnail. And once they close the loaded swf - to be able to play that main video again. Right now - I'm able to click on the thumb to pause the video which is great. But if I unpause the main video by clicking it, all the code seems to be ineffective anymore.So - here is the code that I have scrapped together...and would love someone to point me in the right direction to make this work.

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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// add Listener for item selection.myTileList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, listListener);
// Select the first video.myTileList.selectedIndex=0;
// Detect when new video is selected, and play itfunction


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Mar 26, 2010

I haven't found this one yet, plenty about pausing sound, but I have sound loaded into a movie clip so:

Intro1 = new Sound (soundLoader);
Intro1.loadSound("SndIntro1.mp3", true);

I'd like to get a pause button to stop the animation, get the position of the sound, stop it also, and then clicking the play button will start the animation, and also the sound from the same position it was stopped (in other words resume the sound). Here's my script for the pause button, it's stopping the animation, but still not the sound:

on (release) {
pauseTime = Intro1_sound.position;

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However I need to pause a swf loaded into level1 when a button is pressed... I couldn't customize it to make it work... I thought that changing the gotoAndPlay for level1.gotoAndPlay would be enough but it is not.

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pauseDuration = 5*1000;
framesInLoop = 1;
if (startTime == null) {[code]....

However I need to pause a swf loaded into level1 when a button is pressed..I couldn't customize it to make it work..I thought that changing the gotoAndPlay for level1.gotoAndPlay would be enough.

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Why would setInterval randomly pause flv playback? I'm rather suprised that there is not more info online about this bug, as I'm sure a large number of people are using setInterval and also playing an flv file.Try this code for yourself and you should see what I mean. You will need to save this to a folder and copy a .flv file to the same folder for this to work (as with any script that includes files). It might not work on the first or second time, but do the "Test Movie" in Flash a few times and you should see this happen.

function getMessages() {
trace("got messages");

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function seekTo (num:Number):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause A Video Once A Swf Is Loaded On Top?

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Apr 25, 2011

Here s my problem, my stage contains 2 loaders, on the top there s an swf that contains buttons (my menu) and on the botom it loads in my content swf' out fine for fotos and so one, but im stuck when the loaded content is a video..

on my videoswf i ve got a play and a return(with stop) button, to return back to a frame to select what video should be played.. those buttons work perfectly, of course

the problem is now, that when i play the video and press a button from the upper loaded swf ( the menu) it loads another swf as usual,.. but the sound of the video still plays (so there has to be a child somewhere)..

now, how can i erase that movie instance when i cant excess it from the upper swf? is there a global value like stopEveryF*thing, or something like that ?

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Works fine however online it takes some time to start and it just has a blank screen for about 7-8 seconds before it starts the videoIs there any way to add a buffering message until it loads the video?I know that buffering is easier to do with NetStream.. but in this case im using Flash's CS5 FLV component which it doesnt give it as an option in the properties...

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Professional :: Loaded Video Inside Movieclip?

Mar 29, 2010

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Hope my explanation was clear cause I'm just starting out with AS3


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Actionscript 3 :: Determine When Video Is Loaded In Flex Sdk 3.4?

Mar 31, 2010

I wanted to know which event determines if an external video is loaded (using Action Script 3, Flex SDK 3.4 compiler and FlashDevelop -VideoEvent is not present here-).

I'm using a component

I've tried with NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS and "NetStream.Buffer.Full" but it does not seem to work.

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ActionScript 3 :: Video Loaded Using NetStream Hangs

Jun 24, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Poster Frame To A Loaded Video?

Feb 16, 2012

Im building application where users can upload flv's with the fileReference. When a user press upload the flv is uploaded into a folder and the path stored into the database.

When the user clicks on an other page, he can see a list with all the uploaded movies. But I want to create custom control for the movie so the user can click one to play.

How can I add a 'poster'from the first or a random frame from the FLV?

( There is no option to create a png for each file because when the app is online user can pick there own FLVs to upload. )

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ProgressEvent EventListener Won't Run If Video Already Loaded?

Feb 25, 2012

The purpose of the code below is to keep a video from playing until it's completely loaded. The first time the page loads everything works perfectly. The problem is that until the browser is closed and reopened, it won't play again. It other words if I hit the browsers refresh button, it won't play.

I believe this is because the video is then already loaded in temp storage, and because of that, on subsequent attempts the ProgressEvent EventListener does nothing, and never goes to the Function ProgressHandler.

import flash.display.*;


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