ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing, Resuming Sound Loaded In Mc?

Mar 26, 2010

I haven't found this one yet, plenty about pausing sound, but I have sound loaded into a movie clip so:

Intro1 = new Sound (soundLoader);
Intro1.loadSound("SndIntro1.mp3", true);

I'd like to get a pause button to stop the animation, get the position of the sound, stop it also, and then clicking the play button will start the animation, and also the sound from the same position it was stopped (in other words resume the sound). Here's my script for the pause button, it's stopping the animation, but still not the sound:

on (release) {
pauseTime = Intro1_sound.position;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing And Resuming A Sound Loop?

Dec 3, 2010

So my program starts playing and my background music starts to play and loops...

Actionscript Code:
mySoundChannel =, int.MAX_VALUE);

but i'd like to be able to pause the background music and then continue looping. this is what i'm doing now after i've stopped the song and acquired it's current position, and am ready to play again...

Actionscript Code:
mySoundChannel =, int.MAX_VALUE);

problem is that when it loops, it loops back to the resumePosition (as expected since that's when we told it to start playing from). so how to i resume AND loop starting over at the beginning of the song?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing And Then Resuming Sounds

Dec 4, 2009

I have some trouble with pausing and then resuming sounds in as3.


Pausing goes fine, however when I resume the song again, the sound starts playing a few seconds before I actually paused (so parts of the sound repeats itself). This is really annoying.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resuming Sound During A Flash Movie?

Jan 15, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Sound In FMX?

Jan 12, 2004

my problem pertains to Flash MX and pausing .mp3 files I have loaded externally. I have searched this forum, but every useful thread i found references [URL] but that page gives me and http 500 internal server error... ie the site is down.

but my problem is that I need to know if there is a reletively simple (or actually any at all) way to pause a song through a button that i have externally loaded... this is my code so far:

Song = new array("tonight.mp3", "when in doubt.mp3", "hey now.mp3");
bgSound = new Sound(this);
bgSound.loadSound(Song[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)], true);


It looks a little complicated because i have a volume slider in there, as well as loading songs randomly... but what i need to know is how to get the stopB button to pause the song... and the playB button to resume it... right now stopB just stops the song... and playB loads a new one randomly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Mp3 Sound

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Animation AND Sound?

Aug 29, 2005

Can you pause both animation and sound? I know you can do


but you can't start the sounds again after that at the place they were at, like a soundtrack. What is the actionscript (if it exists) for a pause and play buttons that also pause and play the sounds?Imported movies pause sound with stop();, do i have to export an swf with like just the soundfile and put that in? Cause i think that would work but sounds like too much trouble.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing & Resume Sound?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm trying to pause and resume play a background sound loop and tweens with the same button

The animation pauses and resumes fine. But when the music resumes, it gets cut-off early, and it doesn't loop anymore.

The code is as follows:


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IDE :: Image Galleries - Pausing Sound From External SWF

Apr 18, 2010

I am making a set of image galleries which will have looping background music. What are your opinions about the recommended method to bring music in? I am happy with the attachSound and loadSound methods, but wondered whether attaching a soundtrack.swf using loadMovieNum would be better. If so, I only know how to stop and start the music, not pause it and restart where it left off, which is important if I add a narration. Sound Objects seem more versatile because they let you use "position/1000", but from what I have found on the forums I have searched through, I may have to load the swf into a Movieclip or perhaps use _level somewhow?

Here is the code, which works well, but does not "pause" the music, it just stops and starts at the beginning. Code is in the root timeline of my soundControls_mc (play/pause button).
[Flash 8 - AS2]
loadMovieNum("includes/number10.swf", 100);
soundOn = true;
this.onRelease = function() {
if (soundOn == true) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Pausing When Lost Focus, But Sound Continues?

Jul 9, 2010

I have an issue with an animation/movie thingy i am making

When the user for example, Switches a tab in firefox or something. The sound on the video will continue to play, but the animation will pause. Leading the animation to become out of sync with the sound.

Is there a way to make the animation continue playing even if the tab has been changed??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundManager - Pausing Sound By Referencing Code In Separate File?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to have this Zombie Penguin enemy use a walk sound (it would be odd if he moved and was silent) but because it is initializing the whole world, simply coding the sound into his animation state won't work because it will play the sound for every existing Zombie Penguin in the world, not just the one on the screen.

Now I've tried to get around this problem by using a SoundManager class [URL] to load and play/pause the sound when necessary. I've got this working by placing a movieclip above the world and hittesting everything and when it finds a Zombie Penguin activates the SFX. If it finds the enemy and you leave the room or kill the enemy (basically any way it is removed from the screen) it will pause the sound (not stop) and then unpause if you go back/find another instance of that enemy.

The problem is, though, that if I STUN the enemy (not kill it) it plays it's dizzy animation (which consists of hit sitting down with stars spinning around it's head) the walking SFX continues to play as the enemy is still on the screen.Now in the Zombie Penguins .as file it has a boolean that for being stunned or not (bStunned), and a function (public function getZPStun():Boolean -- returns bStunned). this bStunned boolean is set to a default of false.I figure that I just have to reference that somewhere in the following code, but I'm not sure where. The Zombie Penguin's .as is ZPEnemy, so I'm calling it like so:


I've tried calling it as part of an if statement a in a number of placesin hopes that calling it will relate the current state of the bStunned boolean, but I can't seem to get it to work.


var bNotPenguin = true;
for(var i = 0; i<this.numChildren; i++) //** Sound Manager Coding (May 15)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing A Video Once A Swf Is Loaded On Top?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a main video clip being played right when you enter a page. On that page are multiple thumbnails that load up another swf on a new level and play that video. Well if that happens - the main video continues playing. I want the main video to just pause once they click on a thumbnail. And once they close the loaded swf - to be able to play that main video again. Right now - I'm able to click on the thumb to pause the video which is great. But if I unpause the main video by clicking it, all the code seems to be ineffective anymore.So - here is the code that I have scrapped together...and would love someone to point me in the right direction to make this work.

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Externally Loaded Swf's

Nov 12, 2009

I don't know why I'm having so many problems converting my project to AS3.I seem to be stumbling over every little thing.I'm loading an external (AS3) swf into an empty movieclip located on the stage.All I need to do is pause this swf using a button located on my main timeline.I have tried multiple solutions found in some posts here but nothing seems to work for's the code for the loader:[code]The child swf I'm loading consists of a layer with two movieclips that contain all the animation. And a layer for the AS that has an enter frame event listener to advance to the next movieclip once the first one is complete.I have a movieclip functioning as a button on the parent movie that needs to pause the external swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing The Loaded Movie 5 Seconds

May 20, 2004

This script pauses 5 secs the timeline.. if I put that on a frame in main timeline works ok... // Set the following two values for how long you want to // loop, and how many frames to loop:


However I need to pause a swf loaded into level1 when a button is pressed... I couldn't customize it to make it work... I thought that changing the gotoAndPlay for level1.gotoAndPlay would be enough but it is not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing The Loaded Movie 5 Seconds?

May 20, 2004

This script pauses 5 secs the timeline.. if I put that on a frame in main timeline works ok...Set the following two values for how long you want to loop, and how many frames to loop:

pauseDuration = 5*1000;
framesInLoop = 1;
if (startTime == null) {[code]....

However I need to pause a swf loaded into level1 when a button is pressed..I couldn't customize it to make it work..I thought that changing the gotoAndPlay for level1.gotoAndPlay would be enough.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Dynamically Loaded .jpg Slideshow?

Nov 12, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Dynamically Loaded .jpg Slide Show?

Nov 12, 2004

I made a movie with 3 slide shows on Level_0. Those slideshows are .swf files that are loaded into blank movie clips on the stage. Each .swf that is loaded into the file is a dynamically loaded .jpg slide show. Everything is working great, except that I want the 3 slide shows to pause when the user presses a button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Visualizations - Dynamically Read The Sound Levels Of A Loaded MP3

Jan 14, 2005

Does anyone know of a way to dynamically read the sound levels of a loaded MP3 to help produce dynamic sound visualization in Flash?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loaded Sound Doesn't Stop / When A New One Is Loaded

May 8, 2009

I have three btns on stage, clicking on each one i want them to load an external mp3.The problem is the previous loaded sound doesn't stop when a new one is loaded so I have all sounds playing at the same time

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Slideshow Not Resuming After Certain Buttons Are Used

Dec 10, 2010

I have this slideshow that I'm so close to having completed, but there's one issue I'm having with it not resuming after certain buttons are used. I've tried to figure out what could be causing this but I just can't see what it could be. I feel I'm so very close to having this completed if it weren't for this one issue.

In the slideshow buttons '1' and '2' work perfectly, however buttons '3' to '6' are not working completely as they should. During the slideshow, as it plays through the slides if you click on button '1' or '2' you are taken to the corresponding slide and then the slideshow automatically resumes, which is correct. However, if you click on any of buttons '3' to '6' you are still taken to the corresponding slide, but the slideshow does not resume and stays on that particular slide. I've looked over the Action Script 3 code several times and I just don't see what could be causing this but I'm not too experienced so there could be some error, no matter how minor, that I am missing.

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Flash :: Lose Control Android's Webview When Resuming The Application?

Dec 27, 2010

basically, what am doing is that am running a flash file (playing music) in the background of the app using webview, and when I want to stop the music , I just load "about:blank".I want to keep the flash file running (music) when my app gets paused (which works fine so far) the problem is when the app resumes, pressing on pause button launches a new webview instead of changing the link in the previous one and the sound doesn't stop.the only solution I found was to kill the process and restart the app, but that's not practical, any idea of how to still be able to use the same webview when resuming the app ?

Update: guess I wasn't clear enough, I have a webview widget stated as "gone" , I only need the audio form the flash file I'm running in the webview so the "play" button loads a URL that contains the flash file (so the user only hears music, and doesn't notice that I'm using a webview), when I press the back/home button the music doesn't stop (I like it that way) but when I go back and press on play again it loads another url in a new page, you get double music

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Jun 21, 2006

pause the execution of my code for a set amount of time before resuming?

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Flash :: Error Appears When Resuming The Paused H264/mp4 Streaming Video From Red5 Server

Nov 22, 2010

I just met a piece of error log when I was trying to resume the paused mp4 streaming. Here is the log from the server:

[INFO] [NioProcessor-1] - Frame
position was not found for timestamp:

I'm using Red5 newest 0.9.1 final for mac os x to stream the H.264/AAC encoded MP4 file to my flash app.

And there's no problem when I'm resuming the .flv file.

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Play Sound When Flash Is Loaded?

Jul 17, 2009

I have buttons with sound attached in over state and that works just fine, but this means that you are going to hear sounds only when you move cursor over button, how can i make some background sound to play from the moment flash is loaded, even when buttons are inactive, my background image looks like some electrical equipment and and i want to make it sound realistic (sound clip must to be set to loop) and must to start at the moment flash is loaded?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping A Sound In A Loaded Swf?

Jan 4, 2010

Is this possible? I've loaded an external swf into my movie - the swf stays on stage but loses focus throughout a users interaction.When it loses focus, I need the sounds within it to stop.It was mentioned that I should cast my swf as a movie clip but when I try I get errors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turning Off Sound On A Loaded Swf

Jan 11, 2010

i am loading an swf and i want to turn its sound off. Unfortunately i do not have access to the swf's .fla file. so i am looking for a way that i can turn off the sound from the file that i am loading it into.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound In Loaded SWF Not Playing?

Jan 27, 2009

I have an application, that has a movieclip in it. I'm creating a loader, loading another SWF and appending it to that movieclip. This is working perfectly fine. However, in the child SWF, there are a couple sound clips in the library that fire at certain times. If you play the child SWF by itself, the sound clips fire just fine. When loaded into the movieclip, nothing is playing.

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