ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundManager - Pausing Sound By Referencing Code In Separate File?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to have this Zombie Penguin enemy use a walk sound (it would be odd if he moved and was silent) but because it is initializing the whole world, simply coding the sound into his animation state won't work because it will play the sound for every existing Zombie Penguin in the world, not just the one on the screen.

Now I've tried to get around this problem by using a SoundManager class [URL] to load and play/pause the sound when necessary. I've got this working by placing a movieclip above the world and hittesting everything and when it finds a Zombie Penguin activates the SFX. If it finds the enemy and you leave the room or kill the enemy (basically any way it is removed from the screen) it will pause the sound (not stop) and then unpause if you go back/find another instance of that enemy.

The problem is, though, that if I STUN the enemy (not kill it) it plays it's dizzy animation (which consists of hit sitting down with stars spinning around it's head) the walking SFX continues to play as the enemy is still on the screen.Now in the Zombie Penguins .as file it has a boolean that for being stunned or not (bStunned), and a function (public function getZPStun():Boolean -- returns bStunned). this bStunned boolean is set to a default of false.I figure that I just have to reference that somewhere in the following code, but I'm not sure where. The Zombie Penguin's .as is ZPEnemy, so I'm calling it like so:


I've tried calling it as part of an if statement a in a number of placesin hopes that calling it will relate the current state of the bStunned boolean, but I can't seem to get it to work.


var bNotPenguin = true;
for(var i = 0; i<this.numChildren; i++) //** Sound Manager Coding (May 15)


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mySoundChannel =, int.MAX_VALUE);

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[Flash 8 - AS2]
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package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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var url:String = "my file";var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);var sound:Sound = new Sound();sound.load(urlRequest);;
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var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;
var xmlList:XMLList;
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