Actionscript 3.0 :: Basics Of Papervision3d Tut Code As A Separate As File?

Feb 17, 2009

I've just been following the Basics of Papervision3D tut, which is very good by the way, the only one I've ever managed to get working.And I'd like to write the code as a separate as file, but I'm having a bit of trouble.In the class definition, what should it extend?[code]I tried everything I can think of and looked at other tuts to see what they've done but nothing works.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Papervision3D Collada Basics Tutorial Isn't Working?

Apr 11, 2009

I've been trying all day to get the Papervision3D Collada Basics tutorial to work and every time I run the file I end up with an empty black screen. No matter what I've tried i cannot get anything to show up. Finally I had the idea to download the source files from the tutorial and run those 'as is' without changing anything. When I opened the SWF created by Lee, all i saw was the same blank black screen. Has anyone else run into this? All other Flash files seem to be fine,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Code And Separate AS File Code Working Together

Dec 27, 2010

Is there a way to make code on the timeline and code in a separate AS file communicate with each other?I have two buttons, a yes button and a no button.I have a confirm box which is a movie clip. In the movie clip I have the two buttons on it and code so that every time one of the buttons is clicked it runs a function.I have the rest of my code for the movie (so the code to make the confirm box appear) on a separate AS file.Is there a way I can define the functions on the movie clip and run the functions with the separate AS file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundManager - Pausing Sound By Referencing Code In Separate File?

May 22, 2009

I wanted to have this Zombie Penguin enemy use a walk sound (it would be odd if he moved and was silent) but because it is initializing the whole world, simply coding the sound into his animation state won't work because it will play the sound for every existing Zombie Penguin in the world, not just the one on the screen.

Now I've tried to get around this problem by using a SoundManager class [URL] to load and play/pause the sound when necessary. I've got this working by placing a movieclip above the world and hittesting everything and when it finds a Zombie Penguin activates the SFX. If it finds the enemy and you leave the room or kill the enemy (basically any way it is removed from the screen) it will pause the sound (not stop) and then unpause if you go back/find another instance of that enemy.

The problem is, though, that if I STUN the enemy (not kill it) it plays it's dizzy animation (which consists of hit sitting down with stars spinning around it's head) the walking SFX continues to play as the enemy is still on the screen.Now in the Zombie Penguins .as file it has a boolean that for being stunned or not (bStunned), and a function (public function getZPStun():Boolean -- returns bStunned). this bStunned boolean is set to a default of false.I figure that I just have to reference that somewhere in the following code, but I'm not sure where. The Zombie Penguin's .as is ZPEnemy, so I'm calling it like so:


I've tried calling it as part of an if statement a in a number of placesin hopes that calling it will relate the current state of the bStunned boolean, but I can't seem to get it to work.


var bNotPenguin = true;
for(var i = 0; i<this.numChildren; i++) //** Sound Manager Coding (May 15)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Uber-basics: Communicating Between The Stage And The AS File

Mar 17, 2009

I was pretty good at 2.0 but 3.0 has completely lost me. I've been reading up on it and getting a handle on it, but in the entire Actionscript 3 BIBLE I have not been able to figure out the simplest, key part that links it all together. How, in the name of everything that's holy, do I communicate between the stage and the "ever-necessary, more secure, more robust" AS files I'm creating? I wish I could give specific code, but I'm just looking for the guideline. If I create a function in a class, I can't call it in the timeline or a button, or even a line down from it in the AS file (call to possibly undefined method).

If I create a sprite in my AS file and then try to add it to the stage, addChild is an undefined method or function. If I create a movie clip in flash, export it for actionscript, it's undefined in my AS file. Just show me how I can write a super simple program where the thing on the STAGE interacts with the thing in the AS file, and I can take it from there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Separate The Code Into Classes?

Dec 8, 2010

Im currently trying to make an as3 fantasy football application for my uni course, but am finding it hard to seperate the code I have written into classes (which I have no been told is the only accepted method for the marking scheme). So far I have an external XML file containing player names load into a datagrid component, there is then an event listener on the table which loads the player images into their correct positions on a pitch when clicked. I need to write more functionality for it including saving to XML and error handling but feel I need to sort out the classes situation before I continue and it is in for this week.

import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;[code]..............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting The Code Into Separate Files?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm looking for some help with the following script:

Main Class:

package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


Now, I'd like to move the blue color coded script to the separate package. When I do that, I've got many reference errors. how the code should look like, when it's in separate package, with all the references to variables that work? And how to call this function from Main class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Part Of The Code To Separate Package?

Oct 22, 2010

Main Class:package {// Flash Classesimport flash.display.MovieClip;import;import flash.display.StageAlign;import [code]........

Now, I'd like to move the script between --- Start --- and --- End --- comments, to the separate package. When I do that, I've got many reference errors. how the code should look like, when it's in separate package, with all the references to variables that work? And how to call this function from Main class?

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Code For Button On Separate Layer In Timeline?

May 18, 2011

I made a button a stage, and I want the button to take the user to a separate scene that I have named "Biography page" when it is clicked. The thing is, I want all my actions on one specific layer. So I made an instance name for my button, "aboutme". The thing is... I have no idea how to write the code.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Porting Gallery Code From Flash To Separate Class

Mar 26, 2010

I have an xml gallery sort of that works fine when I have the code not as a class, in first frame in Flash. So I decided I wanted to port it into a class and the problem I get is at:
thumb = new Thumbnail(xmlList[i].image);
It expects 0 arguments. How come that line of code works in first frame in flash but not as a class? There is a movieclip in the library called thumb with linkage of Thumbnail.

Below if the code when used in first frame:
PHP Code:
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;
var xmlList:XMLList;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 - Flash - Export From .fla File Symbol's (frames) To Separate File And Use It

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Text From A Flash File Into A Separate File?

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Is it possible to export text from a text field, which has been created in Flash and export it into an external file such as a text file or Word document?The idea is that information will be collected by the user into a text field within the swf. Hopefully, this information can then be exported into an external file which will allow the user to work on and edit at a later stage. It needs to be a separate editable document. Is this possible? I'm using Flash 8.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make One .as File Code Interact With Another .as File's Code?

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to find out how to make one .as file code interact with another .as file's, if I had one .as file that specified options of movies and then when the user clicks on a movie (loaded through xml) it uses code from another .as file to load the correct movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combine Separate .AS File And .FLA File

Feb 23, 2010

I am wondering why is there a seperate as file in a zip I downloaded? There are the files and slider.fla. There is only one frame in the fla file and I was wondering if I can combine the fla and as file to make it work, since I will be combining it with another file. This is the file:


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Flex :: Basics In For Loop In Actionscript 3 ?

Mar 23, 2011

this is my sample code

var i:Number = new Number();
trace("showarray length" + showArray.length);

wherenever the if is satisfied it stops looping it immediately goes out of the loop.this is a sample output given that the length of showArray is 2 and num = 0

showarray length2

equal daw0==0


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Down To The Basics Button 2 Next Frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Basics By Senocular?

Jul 27, 2004

I am only at the very beginning and I want to make certain that I go through this understanding everything that can so maybe I won't have to ask as many questions in the forums and can start answering more. In this part:The code for making a standard generic object in Flash is as follows:

myObject = new Object();

The variable myObject then becomes a object variable which can then have more variables added to it using dot syntax like so.Is myObject the actual name of the variable and the = new Object simply stating that there is a new object called myObject?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Separate (.as) File From .swf?

Jun 13, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Understanding Basics Of Random Motion

Apr 15, 2011

I started out learning AS3 on my own a while ago without any programming experience whatsoever. I'm still in my diapers, but slowly progressing. Currently I'm working on a short animation with some code involved. Part of the animation is a herd of cows grazing in a pasture. I have a class called Cow which extends MovieClip and on the Cow timeline I have the walk cycle and other cow movements animated. When a cow is walking it slowly moves horizontally, along the x axis. I want the cows, when walking to also randomly move up and down (along the y axis) which would basically look as though the cow is moving further away or moving closer towards us. I'll be resizing each cow, according to its y position to create the effect of perspective (near and far).

What I'm trying to figure out is how to make the cow move either up or down the y axis in a somewhat random way. By "somewhat random" I mean that I don't want the cow to switch directions every second, but rather something like: 5 seconds moving up the y axis, then maybe 8 seconds moving down, then possibly 4 up, then 11 down, etc. It would be super if I could also have a velocity factor involved, meaning that when changing directions - from up to down, or down to up - I prefer that the change is smooth, like as in a ease out and then ease in.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex/Flash Builder Basics?

Mar 27, 2011

I've been trying out Flash Builder for the first time and I can't seem to get it working...

First off I have these bits of very basic code:


Another key problem: Flash Builder cannot connect to the debugger, even though I've installed it twice now.Can anyone help me here? I've made sure my firewall is off, but could this be causing problems?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Basics Of Calling A Function With A Variable?

May 27, 2011

I'm trying to get to grips with having a function that can accept an input that is passed to it as it is called, and then use that input in its workings.As I'm writing more code, it's becoming clear that this is something that I need to pick up, but despite reading and playing about with it, I'm still a little confused.The code is designed for a character's "level up" screen. When the button next to a stat is pressed, I want it to pass the name of that stat to the statUp function, which will increase the selected stat by one.In my main file I have this code, to call the function when the button is pressed. (In this example, it is the Strength button)

ActionScript Code:
_root.buttonStr.onPress = function()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign 5 Separate Dynamic Text Fields To 5 Separate Buttons?

Apr 18, 2010

What I need to do is assign 5 separate dynamic text fields to 5 seperate buttons and at the same time to those same five buttons i would like to add 5 images that i would  be able to change merely by swapping out the images in the file theyre in on the server.I would also like to get a nice transition between the images...ALSO i want to dynamically load the images for the buttons that will be used for switching from picture to picture(which im thinking i will be able to do after i know the how to do point the aforementioned things.) 

Through tutorials I've found around the net I've been able to get most of the parts together... but i get lost because what they show you for AS2 they don't for AS3 and vice versa, at least that ive I guess my question is... would i need to set up 5 seperate dynamic text fields on the stage and then set each one of them to one of the corresponding button. If so what AS code would i need to use to do so.  And if not what would i need to do?
The other part of the question would be I know about the UILoader... would i be able to use it as my buttons and images, if so would i need 5 seperate ui loaders for both the Thumbnail buttons and the images or is there a way that would be better to do it?  and once i do that would i do the transitions using frames and tweens like with AS2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Preloader In A Separate File?

Apr 28, 2009

I've appropriated a preloader I created previous where it existed on the main timeline. For my new project, I placed it in an external AS file, but something's off. I keep getting this error message, referencing line 16 in my line of code:"1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Event."

The code is below:
package {  import flash.display.MovieClip; import;  import;  import


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Separate .swf File Within Another Swf?

May 23, 2010

I am trying to make a website that you can press a link in flash that opens up a external swf file within the same area but in a overlay effect... similar to lightbox image viewer.
I have linked in already with the requestURL function but that just opens in a browser window.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Separate Variables In A .txt File?

May 26, 2005

You know how & is used to separate variables in a .txt file if your loading variables, like &height=22&width=3353&....well what if you want to pass a string into flash like "We all went & drunk lots of beer"?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: 3 XML Basics - SelectedItem On ROLL_OVER - Error #1009?

Mar 17, 2008

Is there a way to modify this tutorial to execute selectedItem on ROLL_OVER instead of click? I changed



lb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, itemChange);

but when I rollover a list item I get: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at as3xml_finished_fla::MainTimeline/itemChange()

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function In A Separate .as File?

Nov 20, 2009

I have 1 .fla and 2 .as files. The first .as file is called documentClass and is the document class for the .fla. The second .as file is called tracePrac contains a function that traces a varible in I want to know how i call for this function in my code?

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Txt File From Separate Server To SWF?

Sep 8, 2011

I believe I am using AS2, I have cobbled some script together from the internet and it seems to be mostly working, but there is one issue I have.Okay here goes with my explanation. I have an SWF that loads a random quote from a txt file which is located on the same server as the SWF file. The quote has an 'a href' tag around the text so that when clicked it will load a URL. - This is all working fine! Here is the problem:I would like to use the same SWF file on a separate server (server 2), that then calls the quotes from to the txt file on server 1. I have added the complete path to the txt file, but when i run the SWF on server 2, it gives me an error. Here is the script I am using in the FLA file.

**Random Quotes Script*******************


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Flash :: Loading Swf From A Separate File Server

Dec 15, 2009

I am currently wondering if it is possible to load a swf that is sitting on another file server. I.e. I currently have a custom play bar swf which is embedded on a website (behind the company's firewall) which then loads swf content (currently in the same folder on the website server). The problem I have is bandwidth between remote sites is limited and streaming the swf content from the website server is not an option, however we do have a DFS set up to push all the swf content out to local file servers.

I have tried using a file:// path which works if you create a windows projector file however it doesn't work when embedded onto a website as it seems to try to access via http which the file servers are not set up for. So is it possible to get the play bar swf to load the swf content sat on a remote file server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Have Both Or Maybe To Have The Preloader On A Separate File Or Even Change?

Nov 16, 2009

I am designing a website with html pages and flash pages. When the user open a flash page (embedded in an html page) i would want to have a preload script. I found a couple of them but they all need to start at the first frame and have a go to and play script after. So my problem is that I already have an important script that make a image follow my mouse and the script needs to be on the first frame to. Is there any way to have both or maybe to have the preloader on a separate file or even change the way my script is written ?I am open to any ideas, here's the script I already need;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loopX);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loopY);
function loopX(e:Event):void


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