ActionScript 3.0 :: Porting Gallery Code From Flash To Separate Class

Mar 26, 2010

I have an xml gallery sort of that works fine when I have the code not as a class, in first frame in Flash. So I decided I wanted to port it into a class and the problem I get is at:
thumb = new Thumbnail(xmlList[i].image);
It expects 0 arguments. How come that line of code works in first frame in flash but not as a class? There is a movieclip in the library called thumb with linkage of Thumbnail.

Below if the code when used in first frame:
PHP Code:
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;
var xmlList:XMLList;
[Code] .....

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
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import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;[code]..............

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Main Class:

package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SoundManager - Pausing Sound By Referencing Code In Separate File?

May 22, 2009

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The problem is, though, that if I STUN the enemy (not kill it) it plays it's dizzy animation (which consists of hit sitting down with stars spinning around it's head) the walking SFX continues to play as the enemy is still on the screen.Now in the Zombie Penguins .as file it has a boolean that for being stunned or not (bStunned), and a function (public function getZPStun():Boolean -- returns bStunned). this bStunned boolean is set to a default of false.I figure that I just have to reference that somewhere in the following code, but I'm not sure where. The Zombie Penguin's .as is ZPEnemy, so I'm calling it like so:


I've tried calling it as part of an if statement a in a number of placesin hopes that calling it will relate the current state of the bStunned boolean, but I can't seem to get it to work.


var bNotPenguin = true;
for(var i = 0; i<this.numChildren; i++) //** Sound Manager Coding (May 15)


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C# :: Porting Silverlight App To Flex?

Mar 30, 2011

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Dec 11, 2010

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private function createContent(slideData:Object):void
if (slide){


Now when i remove or add a slide I would like it to appear with a transition, I would like to create a separate class to put the different transitions in using tweenlite. How would I approach this the best way? So to sum up, when I add or remove a child, the transitions class gets called, it returns a transition and the slide gets animated when its added or removed.

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Sep 2, 2010

Issue : Each swf which imports the same static class seem to have a seperate instance of that class.cenario: 2 seperate .swf's import the same static class. The Static class named Static has a setter function named test which has the default value of 'NO'. Swf A sets the value 'Yes' for the setter function and loads in swf B. Swf B then trace the value for the test method of the Static class but swf B traces the default value instead of the value set by swf a.

I would love to figure out a solution so I can keep using statics since I currently depend on them to do a wide variety of things in my current project.


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Aug 12, 2009

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May 16, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code Vs Class Code / Stage Items Go?

Oct 22, 2011

I had a 2 frame setup with some actionscript for each frame. Tried to move it all into one class file and a

1. frame .fla. ; Hiding and showing the resp. moviclips when i virtually move from frame 1 to frame

2. Now I get these ...Error #1069: Property edit_panel_mc not found on flash.display and there is no default value. errors or..

when i thought beeing clever adding the stage. prefix ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property edit_panel_mc not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value. The mc's are on the stage... i have a single .as classfile. Why cant I reference them? or how should i do it/ what should i do to change it from beeing .fla script to class script.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Code A Class Instead Of Putting Code In The Stage?

Oct 1, 2009

I see a lot of tutorials about coding actionscript 3 when they use all the code in a Class.I keep thinking every time why they use it in a class, instead of using actionscript on the stage.why it is more functional to code a class instead of putting code in the stage actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Sound From A Separate Class

Apr 7, 2009

Is it possible to start and stop a sound file from a separate class? In the first class, "House", I have called the MP3 using the following:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Function In A Separate Class?

Sep 30, 2010

When I try and access a function in a separate class, I suddenly lose access to all root access in that class.Heres some code.EnemyBase

ActionScript Code:


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