Javascript :: Porting An HTML5 Canvas WebGL Game To Flash

Sep 23, 2011

I had created an HTML5 Canvas WebGL game in January for the Mozilla Game On 2010 competition (pretty late, I know - I never released it until yesterday). Now I want to port it to Flash ActionScript 3.0 for a college assignment.I'm well versed with both static languages like C/C++ and Java; and dynamic languages like Python and JavaScript. However I don't know ActionScript, but since it's a subset of ECMAScript it should be pretty easy to understand.I want to learn programming in ActionScript 3.0 so that I may be able to port my game in Flash. To be more specific, I want to know more about:How is ActionScript different from Browser and Server-Side JavaScript, and basics.OpenGL programming in ActionScript (including loading textures, shaders, etc).How to create a HUD in Flash using a 2D HTML5 Canvas like API (in my game I have 2 canvases, one for the 3D game and another overlaying it for the heads-up display).Support for vector and matrix calculations in ActionScript.How to load assets like audio and sprites in Flash.It would be even more helpful if you would check my source code in JavaScript and suggest the best possible way for me to tackle this problem.The code for the main game engine and the game itself may be found in my Github repository.

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<OBJECT id="flashContent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<PARAM value="always" name="allowScriptAccess" />
<PARAM value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />


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I realise that Android is spread across a lot of different Hardware but are there any standardised resolutions? If not how would you go about resizing the Stage depending on the screen?

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Pause Flash Game Using Javascript

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thumb = new Thumbnail(xmlList[i].image);
It expects 0 arguments. How come that line of code works in first frame in flash but not as a class? There is a movieclip in the library called thumb with linkage of Thumbnail.

Below if the code when used in first frame:
PHP Code:
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("pics.xml");
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xml:XML;
var xmlList:XMLList;
[Code] .....

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i'm trying to find something that can boost Flash display performance. I nicely ended up with WebGL, promoted by the guys behind OpenGL. I wonder if the WebGL can in any way be ported or used with actionscript 3.0. I saw someone have created plugin to use flash with Unity 3D, but it's a little complicated to manage and too little "tricky" for me. How hard could be create WebGL extensions or classes for actionscript? Any guru here that want to start doing something?

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IDE :: Get A JavaScript Error When "Export As HTML5"?

Nov 29, 2011

I get a JavaScript error when I try to "Export as HTML5". It says "At line 28 of file "Users/......./Export as HTML5 (Swiffy).jsfl": exportSWF: Argument number 1 is invalid. Line 28 reads

doc.exportSWF(FLfile.platformPathToURI(inputPath), true);

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