Javascript :: HTML5 Local Storage Fallback Solutions

Jan 14, 2011

I'm looking for javascript libraries and code that can simulate localStorage on browsers that do not have native support.Basically, I'd like to code my site using localStorage to store data and know that it will still work on browsers that don't natively support it. This would mean a library would detect if window.localStorage exists and use it if it does. If it doesn't exist, then it would create some sort of fallback method of local storage, by creating its own implementation in the window.localStorage namespace.I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local storage as well, but haven't found anything on using them as a fallback for standard HTML5 localStorage. Perhaps Google Gears has this capability too?Please share any related libraries, resources, or code snippets that you've found! I'd be especially interested in pure javascript or jquery-based solutions, but am guessing that is unlikely.

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Flash - Playing A FLV Video With A Fallback On HTML5?

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I told my boss to use HTML5 with a fallback on FLASH.But he said he wants FLASH as the first option, and if the browser (ipad or any other) can't recognize the FLASH , it should play the MP4 file we got. I suggested HTML5 with fallback on Flash. But he wants the opposite.

Using SWFObject (google it) and a SWF Controller (like FlashMediaPlayback.swf).It's very important to understand that the iPad has limitations with video size. So the MP4 file can't be bigger than 720p and 160kbps for audio.

<div style="text-align:center" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};


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It seems my options are to accept invalid html5 but not have the flash work properly, or have the classid and not have valid html5.

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My code is as follows:

modes: [
{ type: "html5", },
{ type: "flash", src=""}


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<video controls="controls" preload="auto" poster="image.url" >
<source src="video.url" type="video/ogg" />
<source src="video.url" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'/>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Local Storage From Url?

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i am hoping that someone can put me right on this question (apologies if this the wrong forum too)...i have an .ipa file that uses xml for it's content. i can load the xml/images etc... fine from both a url and also locally on the handset.but what i wanting/trying to do is for the .ipa to check to see if there is an updated xml doc/images from the url - if there is then it downloads/saves the xml doc and any associated images to a local folder/location - if there isn't (or the handset can not access the internet) it simply loads up the xml and images locally.i have seen a few methods of doing this - but am not sure how it all ties together with flash?

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Flash :: Add Local Storage To Webapp

Jan 5, 2011

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IDE :: Flash Pro 8 - Local File For Variable Storage?

Mar 28, 2009

Presently I'm building an interactive CD-ROM based presentation for stand alone individual machines. I'm using AutoPlay Media Studio 7 to package a flash movie along with a licensed adobe reader and adobe flash player. One of the buttons on the autoplay package will install and create folders and files on a local machine.

I've uploaded a file for you flash gurus out there to look at, it may help to examplify what I'm trying to achieve. What I'd like to do, is to be able to use a file (perhaps XML?) that the flash movie can reference and make changes to. If this is possible then such file would be included in the AutoPlay package (see background info above) and installed on the local machine.Security is an extremely low key issue here and the username password is simply a means for flash to lookup and recognise an existing user (if there is one) and set the states of some variables.

Why? - The project is like an interactive training manual with questions and animated examples split into 8 modules. I would like to be able to provide users a means with the of not having to review previous modules by logging in at the login frame.

Assigned to 'signInUser' button
on (release) {
if (user_name == storedUserName) {
if (pass_word == storedPassword) {


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Flex :: Know If The User Allows Storage Of Local Shared Objects (LSO)

Nov 25, 2010

There is a small feature I have implemented that makes uses of the Local Shared Objects to work properly.

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I'm looking for something similar to the muted property of the Microphone class [URL] or the Camera class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Local Storage Limit For Shared Objects?

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Is it possible to set the local storage limit for shared objects using action script rather than the Flash Player context menu?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect If User Doesn't Allow Local Storage?

Mar 18, 2009

I have an actionscript app which needs to use SharedObjects. I see how if the user doesn't allow the Flash Player to access local storage, the security settings panel automatically pops up and asks for user input.

My problem is that my app runs with a 1x1 pixel stage, because it doesn't display anything. So the user will never see that panel and the program will seem to hang.

What I want to do is to somehow detect that the user doesn't allow the Player to access local storage so that I can open a new window large enough to display that panel.

The only way I've been able to detect this so far is to try to call SharedObject.flush() and check the return value, but that displays the settings panel.

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Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to add mediaelement.js to my site to present a single player for any MP3 link on a particular page. The design is working fine for IE 9 and Chrome 11 (which have HTML5 MP3 support), but it has an issue with the flash fallback on Opera 11 and FireFox 4. Clicking any MP3 link on the page uses the .setSrc() method of media element player to change the source of the player, but in Opera and FF, the first time this method is called, it returns error " is not a function". Any call to the function after that works fine.

Another issue is after the element containing the player is hidden "display:none" and then displayed again, calling the .pause() function will produce error "this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function". After that error is thrown, subsequent calls work fine until the element is hidden and displayed again.


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Playing Local Audio Files With Flash And/or HTML5

Jul 9, 2011

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Dec 21, 2011

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Jan 25, 2012

I know it is not right out of the box, but is there a hack anywhere that uses javascript, php, or even flash to play the MP4s if the html5 video tag isn't supported?

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Javascript :: Control The Video When Flash Takes Over From HTML5?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a HTML5 video with jquery hooking into the player like so: video.currentTime += 1; But when IE comes along and insists on using Flash plugins, none of my JQ will work - How am i supposed to control the video when Flash takes over from HTML5?

The player im falling back to is JQplayer as "player.swf"

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Javascript :: Language To Choose For A Board Game (flash Or HTML5)?

Dec 7, 2010

I am developing a web based multi-player board game and wondering what the best language for the UI would be? Its a board game similar to Go but a lot simpler.I have two options flash or the much touted HTML5 with JS. I have to learn both though I have basic knowledge of JS.The problem with flash is I have to pay for the server component but the UI development could be easier and have a richer look and feel to it. With HTML5 + JS there is no cost involved but the UI development I feel will be clunky and not smooth. This I am not sure.

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Javascript :: Porting An HTML5 Canvas WebGL Game To Flash

Sep 23, 2011

I had created an HTML5 Canvas WebGL game in January for the Mozilla Game On 2010 competition (pretty late, I know - I never released it until yesterday). Now I want to port it to Flash ActionScript 3.0 for a college assignment.I'm well versed with both static languages like C/C++ and Java; and dynamic languages like Python and JavaScript. However I don't know ActionScript, but since it's a subset of ECMAScript it should be pretty easy to understand.I want to learn programming in ActionScript 3.0 so that I may be able to port my game in Flash. To be more specific, I want to know more about:How is ActionScript different from Browser and Server-Side JavaScript, and basics.OpenGL programming in ActionScript (including loading textures, shaders, etc).How to create a HUD in Flash using a 2D HTML5 Canvas like API (in my game I have 2 canvases, one for the 3D game and another overlaying it for the heads-up display).Support for vector and matrix calculations in ActionScript.How to load assets like audio and sprites in Flash.It would be even more helpful if you would check my source code in JavaScript and suggest the best possible way for me to tackle this problem.The code for the main game engine and the game itself may be found in my Github repository.

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Javascript :: Flex Vs JQuery Vs GWTvs / Closre Vs Cappuccino Vs Plain JS And HTML5?

May 19, 2010

I'm creating my first web application and I'm really confused as to what technology to go for. My application needs to look serious (like an application), it doesn't need many colorful graphical interfaces. It only needs a toolbar, a tab bar, a split panel (preferably 3 columns), an easily-formatable text field, and a status bar. It will connect to a MySQL database through PHP (unless I go for GWT). Users will upload files. My evaluation of the options:

Flex: Probably the easiest to develop but I'm pretty sure my application is something one would use on an iPad and with Flash's future on the iPad still unsure, I don't want to take the risk, otherwise Flex would've been my choice. jQuery: I've heard a lot about it and a lot of people recommend but I don't know how easy it is to use and how customizable the look of my app is. GWT: The problem with GWT is that it doesn't have many widgets. Another problem is that I'm gonna have to host the files in AppEngine's datastore and transfer them back and forth to a web server that will do operations on them (I need to process them) which adds more traffic and slows the process which worsens the user experience. Closure: It has a nice toolbar and a nice text field. I'm not sure how easy it is to use. Plus, I read an article that makes it sound really bad.


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Javascript :: Access An Local Image (not In App Workspace) From A Local HTML File (in App Workspace)

Mar 12, 2011

I have a HTML box and load a local html file from the project. In this HTML file I use jquery and I want to load an image from my user directory. I see the image from my user directory but jquery doesn't works. I get this error:


But if I load an image from the app workspace, everything works fine (I see the image and Jquery works). Is this a policy problem? The error says that is a "null object reference" problem, but this can't be true...

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Javascript :: MediaElement Player "success" Callback Is Not Being Executed And Possibly The "ended" Event Does Not Fire If Flash Fallback Is Used

Mar 11, 2011

i use the following code to embed a video:

enablePluginDebug: false,
// remove or reorder to change plugin priority
plugins: ['flash','silverlight'],
// specify to force MediaElement to use a particular video or audio type


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