Flash :: Creating Content With HTML5 Canvas Much More Complicated Than Authoring?

Jan 19, 2011

I've been doing Flash for couple of months and I love it. I can easily use a rectangle tool to draw a rectangle and do shape/motion tweening within seconds.

Lots of people are talking about HTML5 vs Flash nowadays and I took a look on HTML5 Canvas today. To my surprised, I see whole bunch of "code". It's so complicated, they need to make a lot of calls (fill, stroke, moveto, closepath etc...) to make a simple shape. And even dozens lines of code mixing with javascript to do a simple movement???

Am I missing something? It'll make animation 10x more complicated with HTML5 Canvas than Flash.

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Professional :: Export Flash Into Html5 Canvas?

Aug 1, 2011

I was told that you can export Flash CS5 creations into html5 Canvas. 

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Flash :: Created A Free Game With Html5 Canvas?

Aug 16, 2011

I want to make a free game with flash. Several month ago, I created a free game with html5 canvas. But unfortunately, most of people who access the page of the game use old version IEs and they can not play the html5 canvas game. So I want make flash version of it.

Can I use Flash builder to create flash game? Or I have to buy Flash professional? Or are there other good softwares? I hope I could create flash games with Flash builder, because Flash pro is much more expensive than Flash builder. If I have to buy Flash pro, I'll buy it. But is it normal to pay more than 600 dollars for developing a free game? There are a lot of free flash games on the Internet. Did their developers pay 600 dollars to create their free games?

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Javascript :: Porting An HTML5 Canvas WebGL Game To Flash

Sep 23, 2011

I had created an HTML5 Canvas WebGL game in January for the Mozilla Game On 2010 competition (pretty late, I know - I never released it until yesterday). Now I want to port it to Flash ActionScript 3.0 for a college assignment.I'm well versed with both static languages like C/C++ and Java; and dynamic languages like Python and JavaScript. However I don't know ActionScript, but since it's a subset of ECMAScript it should be pretty easy to understand.I want to learn programming in ActionScript 3.0 so that I may be able to port my game in Flash. To be more specific, I want to know more about:How is ActionScript different from Browser and Server-Side JavaScript, and basics.OpenGL programming in ActionScript (including loading textures, shaders, etc).How to create a HUD in Flash using a 2D HTML5 Canvas like API (in my game I have 2 canvases, one for the 3D game and another overlaying it for the heads-up display).Support for vector and matrix calculations in ActionScript.How to load assets like audio and sprites in Flash.It would be even more helpful if you would check my source code in JavaScript and suggest the best possible way for me to tackle this problem.The code for the main game engine and the game itself may be found in my Github repository.

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Javascript :: Client Technology Choice - Any HTML5/Canvas Libraries As Capable As Flash/Flex?

Jan 7, 2011

I built a prototype in Adobe Flex, they (customers) liked it. Everything was fine until they later told me that iPads / iOS needs to be supported too.I checked out Adobe's Packager for iPhone. We're evaluating that and we will know if it works out in a couple of days. (We need to get through Apple's red tape and certificates raj so this angle is delayed by a few days!)

There is a growing voice for using HTML5/Canvas as a technology platform itself. And despite being quite proficient in Flex, I think this makes sense.

I'm in need of a HTML5 library that can:

Render "widgets" i.e. containers with forms and components(this should be easy and possible using POHJC - Plain old HTML,JavaScript and CSS )Provide a Tree like control for laying out some data Provide a Canvas where data structures can be represented as basic shapes Provide drag and drop capabilities between Trees, Buttons and Canvas Provide some sort of Tab Navigator container (I guess JQuery works here) Interact with back-end services (JSON/XML calls will be okay, but mapping directly with back-end entities will be awesome!)Renders on latest versions of major browsers, Android OS and iOS (WebKit for mobile?)

I'm ready to give JQuery & JQuery UI a try. I looked at Sencha / ExtJS but it seems we need to maintain two code bases one for normal browsers and the other for mobiles (is that correct?)Single code base, I don't want to suggest to them that multiple code bases for the client need to be maintained. That's a last resort option and would lead to complete ruling out of HTML5 with Flash apps and native apps being developed.Canvas capabilities - I don't want to work with raw canvas and shape tags. This too is a last resort option. Is there any abstraction available?

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Flash 10 :: Flash Conversion To HTML5 Canvas

Jan 17, 2011

Has anyone used this conversion option with any success? The last thing I remember reading about it was that Apple was making it so that you could not. You could not sign up as a developer unless you used their iOS specifically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Used Only As An In-office Tool For Authoring Content

May 18, 2011

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Flash :: Run A Program That Large And Complicated From A Drive?

Jul 28, 2009

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Flex :: Creating Programmatic Skins For Canvas

Mar 24, 2010

I am having 2 problems creating programmatic skin for Canvas.

First problem: I would like to have background with rounded corners and I am using GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex in order to have round corners for only the upper two corners. The problem is that drawRoundRectComplex takes for each corner one single parameter - the corner radius. However my scaleX and scaleY factors are different and in fact the corners are not properly rounded because I either can set the radius using scaleX or scaleY. Graphics.drawRoundRect is better because it takes two parameters for the corners - elipse width and height and then you could apply both scale factors but it doesn't allow me to specify different radius for different corners. How to use GraphicsUtil.drawRoundRectComplex when scaleX and scaleY are different.

Second problem: Even though I set my programmatic skin through style - <> the skin's updateDisplayList gets executed only once and after that somehow "backgroundImage" style gets "undefined" and my programmatic skin is not associated anymore to the Canvas instance. As a workaround I am setting on each resize event "backgroundImage" style again but this is ugly. What could cause such "silent" resetting of the "backgroundImage" style to undefined?

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Nov 16, 2011

I'm just trying to understand how once HTML5 enters the picture, the current concerns about browser incompatibility and other issues go away? Wouldn't HTML5 simply add another set of browsers to the large list of current browsers that the application must target?

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But for those apps that require one of these new HTML5 features, are you planning to support older browsers, or expecting it's acceptable to restrict to HTML5 browsers because the enterprise in question has made one of them their new corporate standard (or other scenario, etc.)?

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I'm referring to the white rectangle that swaps their sites in and out

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Gotoandplay Getting Complicated?

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on (release) {


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Jun 5, 2009

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I want to dynamically add different items to thumbContent canvas and use scroller canvas to scroll. I see than the height of thumbContent bigger than 7977 it truncate from scrolling. So - I see the scroller canvas with empty space on top. Then I scroll to bottom - I see the content of thumbContent and at bottom scrolling I see empty space too.

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Apr 9, 2011

I'm trying to skin a canvas with an image (which is essentially a custom border for the canvas). I've been trying the backgroundImage style as well as the borderSkin style. I can't get the image to scale to the full size of the canvas though. I was wondering what the best way to go about this is.[code]...

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Flash :: Comparison Of Authoring Tools?

Jun 22, 2010

Are there a good overview/comparison of Flash-authoring tools somewhere online?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Complicated Loading / Unload Mechanism

Dec 19, 2006

How can I accomplish complicated loading and unloading mechanism? for example section number one is divided into the blocks. so when you hit the menu button, section is loading by parts...left part, after that center part and then right. when you press next menu button, first of all this section is unloading... center part, then right part, then left part and after that section number two begin to load in a different manner. so question is how can i control that? for loading and unloading i have got functions load_main() unload_main() load_contacts() unload_contacts()

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Target Path Are Soo Complicated?

Apr 26, 2010

I am wondering why the AS3 movieClip target path are soo complicated? I'm loading a simple external swf that contain a movieClip that I want to play with. But I can't find the proper syntaxe to call this movieClip..

var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var externalSWF:URLRequest=new URLRequest("externalFile.swf");
swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, loadProdComplete);


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Flash :: View Last Published Swf Authoring Envoirnment

May 14, 2009

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Flash :: Slow Compiling When Using Authoring Tool

May 25, 2011

Is there any way to use incremental compiling? I seem to have added alot of bitmap graphics to my library and I think I may have added to much over time and dind't notice how badly it was affecting my compile time. In my next project, i'll definately be doing bitmap graphics last. But is there a way for me to do incremental compiling in flash cs 5.5 authoring tool?[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Debugging A Flash App Out Of The Authoring Tool?

Jun 18, 2009

I have made an interactive application that runs on boothes that are 24h/24 running.I've tried to debbug it as far as possible from my computers, but when it runs on the boothes, it sometimes happen a bug.How could I log it? Is there a simple way to get what we have in the "input" window of the authoring tool into a log file?..... I've seen some tutos using the debug version of flash player, but in my case it's not working very well because i use some local and distant assets, and it gives me a lot of security warnings.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Component Does Not Update During Flash Authoring

May 6, 2010

I'm creating a component that places symbols on the stage based on text input by the flash author. The component behaves as expected when the swf is published, but doesn't update in flash authoring when the data is changed in the component inspector. Live preview in the control tab is checked. The component functioned as expected until a couple of days ago, and I can't for the life of me see what I may have changed to cause it to stop functioning.

package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.utils.*;
[Code] .....

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Data Integration :: When The XMl Is A Little Complicated Things Doesn't Work

Mar 6, 2008

All the tutorials and tips I have seen around about AS2 and XML are based on very simple XML sintax done in purpose for flash, but when the XMl is a little complicated things doesn't work for me... I have an XML that looks something like:


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Assets On Stage Are Not Visible At Authoring Time In Flash CS4?

Jun 30, 2009

I have an actions layer, a sound layer and an image layer. I put one image from the library onto the image layer and all I see is the border. When I test the movie the image is visible. This just started suddenly. What is going on? Flash CS4.

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Jul 31, 2009

I'm talking about watching my nested animations playback within Flash, while scrubbing the timeline. I've read this isn't possible, but I've found it to be a major hindrance. Anyone know of a plugin or workaround?

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Feb 15, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Values From Flash Authoring In JSFL Via XMLUI?

Aug 31, 2010

I want to set a variable from a flash file so that I can access if from JSFL in a Command. I am using a element in JSFL's XMLUI: Here's the JSFL:


but I get undefined when I use trace fl.xmlui.get('secretword') in JSFL after opening the panel. In a way it kind of makes sense, if the xmlui variables live as long as the xmlui dialog is display, and they become undefined as soon as the user click either accept or cancel. Can someone confirm is this is the case ? Aworkaround would be saving the 'secretword' in a text file through JSFL from xmlui, although just passing values from a xmlui node to JSFL would be simpler. Is there a 'cleaner' way of doing this, other than writing a file to disk ?

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