ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign 5 Separate Dynamic Text Fields To 5 Separate Buttons?
Apr 18, 2010
What I need to do is assign 5 separate dynamic text fields to 5 seperate buttons and at the same time to those same five buttons i would like to add 5 images that i would be able to change merely by swapping out the images in the file theyre in on the server.I would also like to get a nice transition between the images...ALSO i want to dynamically load the images for the buttons that will be used for switching from picture to picture(which im thinking i will be able to do after i know the how to do point the aforementioned things.)
Through tutorials I've found around the net I've been able to get most of the parts together... but i get lost because what they show you for AS2 they don't for AS3 and vice versa, at least that ive I guess my question is... would i need to set up 5 seperate dynamic text fields on the stage and then set each one of them to one of the corresponding button. If so what AS code would i need to use to do so. And if not what would i need to do?
The other part of the question would be I know about the UILoader... would i be able to use it as my buttons and images, if so would i need 5 seperate ui loaders for both the Thumbnail buttons and the images or is there a way that would be better to do it? and once i do that would i do the transitions using frames and tweens like with AS2?
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Jan 17, 2011
This is NOT the same as my last thread as i am after three and NOT ONE as last time. In the attached movie there are three seperate movies loading into three seperate tweens. Please note that i am happy with this movie as it is, and do not want to change anything about it except for the script itself. It refurs to three seperate clips "b.a","d.c" and "f.e". What i want is for the script to incorperate all three clips under one name of "mc" And instead of have three seperate widths, "width 1","width2" and "width3" i want the script to also incorperate all three widths and heights into just one name of "width" and one name of "height".
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Sep 25, 2002
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I also require each line of the dynamic text to be clickable links that will take each line of text to a specific link. Ive uploaded a zip file containing fla and swf i found which shows vertical scrolling text. However if i move any of the graphics and text field clips around the stage the text cannot be seen anymore. why is this? can you put all of the items on the main stage in a movie clip so i can resize and move the scroller around the stage?? I tried this but again the text disapeared when i exported the movie? Is this due to the x + y co ordinates in the scripting?
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Jun 7, 2006
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//"this" is the button that was pressed; would return a string ending in
//thumberMC_<number of whichever movieclip thumb was clicked>
var: testString:String = this;
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Nov 24, 2009
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1. How can I start a movie clip while scrolling over a button? I know how to start a movie clip when a button is clicked.
2. How can I use multiple movie clips for seperate buttons?
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Sep 26, 2003
OK on my main timeline i have 2 buttons each one loading 2 seperate SWF's. When I load the first SWF it works perfect. Now when I load the other SWF. on the same level it replaces the 1st SWF. Now comes the problem, when i go to reload the first SWF the error accurs. "256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list. This is probably an infinite loop. Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie."
I understand the concept of the error. I just can not fix it. Is it a matter of having everthing on one SWF. file. Or is there an unloadMovie script I can use.I found this script from Posted it there...but didn't get ther help i needed.
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Feb 11, 2011
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btn1 - mc1
btn2 - mc2
btn3 - mc3
btn4 - mc4
I want each mc to appear when it's corresponding btn is clicked but it has to be the only mc on the stage...meaning whatever mc was currently has to disappear. I've toyed with numerous was to get this to work but I know there's a more code efficient way to do this than the code I have below. And I don't want to use any timeline.
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Sep 28, 2010
I've got a project that loads video clips and text via XML. I'm trying to add buttons but I am not sure how to code them. The problem is, I'm creating 4 transparent buttons over four dynamic text fields. In the XML doc I have 11 different sections or groups of content. Those text fields with the transparent buttons change when each video finishes and a new section is loaded.
What I want to do is get the changing value of any of those 4 buttons that I click while one of the sections is playing and load that new section. At first I thought I'd just check to see what the current section is that's playing and then if I click on the button that represents the next section I would increase the value+1. If I click on the button that's supposed to represent the third section from the current one then I would code the button, current section+3 and so on.
That would work fine but If I'm on section 9 in the XML and there's only 11 sections, I can't add "current section+3" because that would go to section 12 and there isn't a section 12. I would want it to go and load section 0.
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Dec 10, 2010
I have a user text input field and a preview button, when they press preview the inputed text appears in a dynamic text field in another part of the window. I need to be able to change the font of the text in the dynamic field using buttons (so the user can see their text displayed in various different fonts which will be embedded into the swf). After watching various different tutorials I hashed together this code for my first button to change the font to Times New Roman which I embedded with the class name timesNew.
ActionScript Code:
times_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showTim);
function showTim(e:MouseEvent):void{
var oneFont = new timesNew();
var timForm:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
timForm.font = oneFont;
[Code] .....
When I run the movie everything works fine and the console shows no errors but when I press the button to change the font the text in the dynamic field simply disappears.
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Mar 19, 2011
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Nov 19, 2011
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Process.visible = false;
Cycles.visible = false;
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void {
} startButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,playMovie);
[Code] .....
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Jan 28, 2010
I've got the following code working perfectly so that when I click the 'mc.fullscreen_btn' the movies goes full screen. When I click 'mc.fullscreen_btn' again the movie returns the the browser. However ideally I would like it so the user has to click a deferent button to return the movie to the browser (ie: _root.topmenu_mc.displaymenu_mc.displaymenuON_mc.b rowser_btn).. is this possible using the code base I have?
// Full Screen
var stageListener:Object = new Object();
stageListener.onFullScreen = function(bFullScreen:Boolean):Void
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Sep 24, 2004
i used this tutorial on smart clips for navigation but it didn't quite finish what i needed.
http:[url].....Its a great tutorial but it doesn't tell you how you can like the buttons independantly to seperate scenes or external swf's.
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Nov 25, 2005
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On the stage is a movieclip called mcOne bought in from the file library
In mcOne's timeline, frame 1:
mc1.lineStyle(2, 0x00ee00, 100);
trace("mcOne code");
While the trace outputs the message, no line appears when I test the movie.
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Jan 19, 2008
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Mar 13, 2011
I was wondering if there was a way to have a sort of output panel while testing an SWF outside of flash? I just want it to display text when I click a button on separate lines.
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Sep 27, 2007
Is it possible for (1)php script to write to seperate text files? Clarification; Say something like this partial code,
What I'm attempting to do is "ID" post to "schedule.txt" and "STime" post to "time.txt" is this possible or do I need to write a php script for each text file? Or am I way off base here? Now I have gotten "ID" to post to "schedule.txt" but not the other.
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Sep 15, 2010
-Adobe Flash IDE (CS3)
First off let me say I did try creating an extra text field off of the main stage set to Bold, and it's Verdana so I'm not exactly "selecting" a second font file all together to be embedded. Instead I am just setting the textfield property Bold to ON.
SO FAR I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but it does not want to go Bold. Aside from using Flex, which I know nothing about.
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Apr 30, 2009
Basically all I am trying to do, is place a simple text animation on a separate layer and animate it. Every time I insert the first keyframe on the first character of the text I am animating, it turns the whole document white. When I preview it like this, the white "layer" pulses at the set frame rate I have applied. I have played around with moving the layers and what not and I cant get this problem to go away.
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Oct 11, 2009
I want a site to have background music, but when I attach the music to the file it makes it quite large ...3 meg and the site is slow to load. Is there any way of having the music separate from the flash file and still have start stop music buttons?
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Sep 24, 2010
I'm trying to make it so that when a user inputs the correct word an event happens. It almost works except that the event doesn't fire until the NEXT keystroke. Is there a way to test for the word AFTER the keystroke has become part of WriteInOneText.text, without adding a separate button or anything? Here's the code:
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Apr 12, 2011
I have a 13 buttons to wich I added Event listeners using a for loop:
for (var i:Number = 1; i < 13; i++)
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Apr 26, 2005
I'm using XML to load text in dynamic textfields but want to attach a button to every field with a different link. How to position these buttons exactly behind the text fields and give them getURLs? I'm attaching the fla & here is the xml:
View 14 Replies
Apr 26, 2005
I'm using XML to load text in dynamic textfields but want to attach a button to every field with a different link. How to position these buttons exactly behind the text fields and give them getURLsI'm attaching the fla & here is the xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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Mar 22, 2006
Is it possible to export text from a text field, which has been created in Flash and export it into an external file such as a text file or Word document?The idea is that information will be collected by the user into a text field within the swf. Hopefully, this information can then be exported into an external file which will allow the user to work on and edit at a later stage. It needs to be a separate editable document. Is this possible? I'm using Flash 8.
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Dec 16, 2005
Im using this xml "data.xml":
HTML Code:
I want to generate a mc for each rep with 6 text fields containg the 6 values for eash rep.So for this xml there would be 3 mc's with 6 text fields in each. This is one of my first times really diving in to xml parsing in Flash.
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