ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Basics By Senocular?

Jul 27, 2004

I am only at the very beginning and I want to make certain that I go through this understanding everything that can so maybe I won't have to ask as many questions in the forums and can start answering more. In this part:The code for making a standard generic object in Flash is as follows:

myObject = new Object();

The variable myObject then becomes a object variable which can then have more variables added to it using dot syntax like so.Is myObject the actual name of the variable and the = new Object simply stating that there is a new object called myObject?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's Free Transform Tool (or Even Senocular)

Mar 14, 2007

I've been using Senocular's free transform tool: [URL] in tandem with an image upload (using the fileReference class) so that users can upload an image and the transform it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reducing Display Object References Tip From Senocular?

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there is a Tip: Reducing Display Object References I need help with.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Senocular's Path Class - Take Line Paths - Drawn And Convert Them Into A Path Object?

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Flex :: Basics In For Loop In Actionscript 3 ?

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var i:Number = new Number();
trace("showarray length" + showArray.length);

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showarray length2

equal daw0==0


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Down To The Basics Button 2 Next Frame?

Jan 19, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Understanding Basics Of Random Motion

Apr 15, 2011

I started out learning AS3 on my own a while ago without any programming experience whatsoever. I'm still in my diapers, but slowly progressing. Currently I'm working on a short animation with some code involved. Part of the animation is a herd of cows grazing in a pasture. I have a class called Cow which extends MovieClip and on the Cow timeline I have the walk cycle and other cow movements animated. When a cow is walking it slowly moves horizontally, along the x axis. I want the cows, when walking to also randomly move up and down (along the y axis) which would basically look as though the cow is moving further away or moving closer towards us. I'll be resizing each cow, according to its y position to create the effect of perspective (near and far).

What I'm trying to figure out is how to make the cow move either up or down the y axis in a somewhat random way. By "somewhat random" I mean that I don't want the cow to switch directions every second, but rather something like: 5 seconds moving up the y axis, then maybe 8 seconds moving down, then possibly 4 up, then 11 down, etc. It would be super if I could also have a velocity factor involved, meaning that when changing directions - from up to down, or down to up - I prefer that the change is smooth, like as in a ease out and then ease in.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex/Flash Builder Basics?

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Another key problem: Flash Builder cannot connect to the debugger, even though I've installed it twice now.Can anyone help me here? I've made sure my firewall is off, but could this be causing problems?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Basics Of Calling A Function With A Variable?

May 27, 2011

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ActionScript Code:
_root.buttonStr.onPress = function()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Uber-basics: Communicating Between The Stage And The AS File

Mar 17, 2009

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Actionscript 3.0 :: 3 XML Basics - SelectedItem On ROLL_OVER - Error #1009?

Mar 17, 2008

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lb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, itemChange);

but when I rollover a list item I get: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at as3xml_finished_fla::MainTimeline/itemChange()

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Basics Of Papervision3d Tut Code As A Separate As File?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Back To Basics - Tracking Mouse Coords Into An Array

Mar 9, 2004

I've been reading through all the various threads related to the drawing API and saving drawings. About a hundred times I've seen mention of "log mouse positions into an array" and stuff like that, but I can't find any clear and simple examples of how to do this.

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Based Website Basics - First Steps - Good Practices

Jul 20, 2010

I have a bit of Flash experience, did a full featured movie player, other stuff in AS3 and got plenty of programming skills in other languages, BUT now I need to create a multi paged website. Quite easy, a few pages, some animations here and there, nothing fancy, got all the graphics.

But time is short on this one, so I need some advice about good practices (pack everything into one main MC or make separate swfs and load them in, etc.), where to begin, or what kind of book should I grab to make the job pretty.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Based Menu By Senocular?

Jul 31, 2007

I followed the XML based menu by senocular a long time ago and modified it to display a title when the sub menu is chosen simply a movie with an image of a menu button in it: http:[url]....I need to modify this so that when the title is hovered over it displays the sub menu. Essentially imitating the behaviour when the first menu is hovered over.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular ProgressiveDrawing Listener?

Mar 18, 2008

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PHP Code:
for(var i:Number _msStructure.menuItems.length; i++){ var nIndex:Number mcBtn _mcTarget["mcBtn"+i]; 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Senocular KeyObject Class?

Dec 28, 2010

got a question about this says:

* var key:KeyObject = new KeyObject(stage);
* if (key.isDown(key.LEFT)) { ... }


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's Directional Motion Blur?

Aug 31, 2010

he problem I'm having is I can't make this code reusable- I want to use it in a more linear fashion for banners rather then dynamically with mouse clicks. Has anyone had any luck using this in a timeline?This is my attempt to customize at the moment (old_loc is coming up as undefined, which in turn makes new_loc NaN):

PHP Code:
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Skinning Senocular Transform Tool

Dec 27, 2010

Has anyone a chance to make custom skin for new transform tool v2 beta? Or can anyone guide me for a starting point?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Senocular's Shape Tween To Work?

Jun 20, 2011

Unfortunately the example is a broken link on senocular's site... this is what I have so far...

ActionScript Code:
import com.senocular.drawing.ShapeTween;
MovieClip.prototype.DrawCircle = function (x,y,r) {[code].....

Both the shapes are being drawn but as soon as I insert

ActionScript Code:

the stage just goes blank and stays that way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's XML Drop Down Menu Into Classes?

Aug 6, 2005

I'm trying to create a large site where I'm using AS2.0 classes to manage everything. I've started working on porting the XML drop down menu by Senocular into a XMLMenu class with limited success. I have two issues/problems.I'd love to offer this AS2.0 class to anyone once I have it figured out. (One note, it's already slightly modified to be a horizontal menu with the submenus appearing below each menuitem).

#1: On top level items that are in the XML that don't have submenu's (they are just <item/>), I get a weird extra menuitem with "undefined" as the label, and the placement is off by one menuitem.

#2: I'm not getting the submenu's to appear at all. I thought it was an XML issue, but I'm pretty sure it's getting the XML right now...I wish I had more info to give here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Amending Senocular's Countdown Timer

Sep 16, 2005

I'm amending Senocular's countdown timer that he has posted both on his site and as a tutorial on this site, but I'm trying to expand it slightly and need some advice.

His counter countsdown to one specific date, I have amended that date fine but need the date to change each month specified by the variable 'drawmonth' to countdown to the last day of the month at 17:00 when a competition draw will be made. So far I've got it working for September but when I add other variables it doesn't work.

This is a small section of the code that I know works fine:

loadVariables("test_index.asp", get);
currentDate = new Date();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular's Preload Next Image Gallery

Oct 20, 2005

From my somewhat limited understanding of the AS, the next image is preloaded and waits until the button is clicked, and then swaps depths with the first image... I am trying to use this gallery, but have the image on top (one) fade out, so it would reveal the image below. But would it be easier to keep the swap the same, but alpha fade the second image from 0 to 100?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Senocular's Zooming, Springy Menu?

Sep 25, 2006

[URL]..i've been trying to create something like this for ages but haven't been able to - quite new to actionscripting.anyway, i want to be able to display text in the boxes so that it relates to my website. at the moment, it'll only generate "item0, item1, item2, etc." but i want the text to display "home, gallery, etc."

here's a part of the script that i think needs to be edited to get it working but i don't seem to be able to do it.


there is 1 movieclip in the library called "item" and this is being re-used i think. but i don't know how to edit this source file to allow different text to be shown. also, if someone can let me know how i can add in the actual links that would be fantastic. ie: i want to go to home.html when home is clicked, go to gallery.html if gallery is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Images To Senocular's XML Menu?

Jan 9, 2007

I'm working on a navigation bar based off of senocular's amazing XML drop-down menututorial. I've managed to make the menu horizontal, and changed the boxes from rectangles to squares. All of that works fine. Now I need to figure out how to add an image to the inside of each element, and I can't figure out how to do that. I've addedCode:curr_item.image = curr_node.attributes.image; to the AS, and added an 'image' movieclip inside my menuitem, but that doesn't appear to work. Here's my complete actionscript:

GenerateMenu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var curr_node;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine 2 Senocular Preloading Scripts?

Jan 23, 2007

I made several test with all the methods shown but still, I can't seem to figure out how to combine 2 of the the ideas presented. I would like to make external SWF load in my main movie, like in the file named : in the article.So far everything is working fine, it works perfectly with my own movie. The only thing I am trying to achieve is to add a basic loading bar like in the example

I understand both files pretty well, individually, but it didn't work when I tried to replace the rotating preloading animation with a preloading bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Senocular Zoom Slider Tutorial

Jul 31, 2007

I hear that senocular has posted a zoom slider fla or tutorial but can not find it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Senocular's TransformTool - OnClick Event

Jan 27, 2009

One of the movieclips I have on the stage, Im using senocular's transformTool, to activate the transform controls (when that MC is clicked). But now I wanna have a different action if there is a SECOND click, but the MC isn't detecting any clicks anymore because the transformTool comes on top of the MC. Does it make sense or am I on crack?

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