ActionScript 3.0 :: Senocular's Path Class - Take Line Paths - Drawn And Convert Them Into A Path Object?
Feb 15, 2010
I was wondering if it possible to write up some AS that will take line paths that you have drawn and convert them into a Path object? For example say you drew a jagged line from left to write, would there be a way to have AS convert that into a Path object.
So I've created a script where a mc is clicked on and the player can draw a path using the mouse. I'm trying to figure out how I can get the mc to follow the path drawn out by the player's mouse and when the player clicks again, it erases all of the code is below
The solution should be straight forward but I cannot find it, my problem it's that I'm reading a xml, and one of the properties inside the xml it's a Bitmap path(string), when I`m reading this xml I would like to convert this string to a Bitmap Obj so I can use through my MXMLs.
I am coming from flash to flashbuilder I have a directory, AS3_classes_dir, on my computer that stores all of my classes, including my greensock and papervision packages. In every flash app that I make I include that directory in the Source Path, so that I can import whatever I may need. Compiling in flash (using ctrl/enter) takes very little time; only the classes that are specifically imported are compiled.So today I did that in flashbuilder, included AS3_classes_dir via Flex Build Path/Source Path ... but now the compile time are a couple of minutes, even though I am not even importing ANY of the classes from within.
I'm working with Senocular's file and I notice that the points that it outputs on curves are not very accurate. [URL] The code has a variable for curve accuracy in there and I have tried changing it but if I set it to 1 or to 500 it doesn't effect the placement of objects on the curve.
Basically what I am doing is putting beads on a necklace and pushing them through a curve. Kinda like in the game Zuma. However when I set the positions of the beads to go up incrementally there seems to be a slight burst of speed on the curves, that speeds up at the ends and slows in the middle a little. I was wondering if anyone had any pointers on how to make the curves more accurate with this script? It is a hell of a good script by the way I'm sure I'm just stupid and not seeing something.
After shearing a drawn square, the path is left open: i.e. after printing (via printJob) the swf, and opening it in Illustrator, it's clear the path wasn't closed. (the same when you use drawPath or lineTo to create the sheared shape btw).
how to make sure the path is closed? For example:
var square:Sprite = new Sprite();;, 100, 100, 100);
Is it possible to draw a path in flash, and access the points from AS?For example if I have a map and I add hidden paths along various roads, I then later want to animate traffic or growing lines along these predefined paths from code.
I wok on desktop Adobe AIR application. It creates .DMG for mac os builds. It is actually command line application. What I want is the ability to call it from command line - add it .../*.app/Content/MacOS to $PATH. Is there any standard way to do it with AIR ? I need it to work on Windows as well.
Is there a way to add paths to the Flash runtime search path for loading files? Say I want to load myXML.xml and its down in /myDir1/myDir2/myXML.xml. Is there any way I can add "/myDir1/myDir2" to the search path so I can just load using the string "myXML.xml" INSTEAD of loading by the full path "/myDir1/myDir2/myXML.xml"? My directory structure will be changing on a semi-regular basis so I can't hard-code the direct path to the file.
I am currently looking to see what the bounding are for the start drag method. And by the looks of it the bounding is set by passing the rect() object to the dragUpdater/ constructor. My question then is can you pass a custom drawn shape like a curve or what ever? By the looks of it you can not as specified by the adobe reference doc. startDrag()method public function startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean = false, bounds:Rectangle = null):void So from this I would conclude that to have a custom drag path one would have to create a custom class.
use the mxmlc task of the Flex Ant tasks with a user-definable list of source path or library paths? The idea is that the user can define an arbitrary list of source paths and/or library (swc) paths into an Ant properties file and the build file takes these values and evaluates them for use in the mxmlc task. Just wondering if there are any tricks (maybe utilizing filtering/string replacing) to get this working?
the same class is passed to the mxmlc compiler in SWF library as a symbol linkage class and again in a source-path. But the compiler uses the definition from the source-path so creating new instance of that class won't create new instance of the library symbol. How do I tell the compiler to prefer the definition linked to the symbol (the one dfrom SWC)?
I have my design assets in an FLA file and they are linked to classes (e.g. [URL]. Then I export those assets to a SWC library and pass it to the compiler. Now when I create an instance of the class (new MyAsset();) it will be a new instance of the library object.
But there are other classes too in the source folder (e.g. "com.myproject.model.*" so I need to pass the source folder to the compiler too. And that is the problem, now the compiler will use the definition from the source path, not from the SWC where it is assigned to the library object so if I create new instance of MyAsset now it won't duplicate the library object.
I am displaying some flash content on a fairly standard page. This works really well when the flash, xml file and html page are sitting together in the same directory.url...However, I want to display that same content in another page which is deeper inside the site but outside of the directory that houses the .swf and .xml files as well as the assets.[code]The js files are loading properly but the flash content is not, so I could use a little help getting that sorted out.
URL...I'm thinking of haveing the dots move on a path (the line) clockwise. now I wonder: is it do-able in actionscript?I mean, can I set the line to be a path for the dots in actionscript? I'm thinking of something similar to the setMask() function..
I need to animate an electrical one-line drawing to illustrate "current flow". The path will take several 90-degree turns. I'd like this animation to mimic PhotoShop's selection marquee or "marching ants". Does anyone know where I can find a script to program this type of animation?
is it possible to do this? And if so how? the xml is converted to an Object using XLEFF; there are five nodes en the specified path: var path:String = "[0].menu[0].node.length"; trace(path) this will offcourse output just the path as a string. But I want to trace something like: trace(Object(path)); and hopefully get the number 5, which represents how many nodes there are in the specified path in the Object. Is this possibly? Because I can't find anyway to do this
how I draw a line through a path line? An example I have a movieClip that is a pencil and it is moving through a path line, now I want to draw the line that the pencil draw.
How can I make a Movie Clip move dynamically following a path given by a line?? Like.... the user can draw a line and the movlieclip moves following it ? how ?
Does anyone know if there is some kind of program that can convert the XML paths to Flash paths. Hmm...what I'm after is some little program that basically lets me open up an XML file, point on a node or attribute and the program will the flashpath to this node/attribute, where the path is something like: his.firstchild.childnode[2].attribute.jadajada