ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Line To Be Path For Dots

Feb 21, 2004

URL...I'm thinking of haveing the dots move on a path (the line) clockwise. now I wonder: is it do-able in actionscript?I mean, can I set the line to be a path for the dots in actionscript? I'm thinking of something similar to the setMask() function..

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dot_array = ["d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d8", "d9", "d10","d11","d12","d13","d14"];


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time.onChanged = function() {
if(time.text.length == 4) {
var hours:Number = parseInt(time.text.substr(0,2),10);
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[Code] ......

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this.onRollOver = function () {
this._alpha = 0;
} this.onPress = function () {
this._alpha = 50;

I've tried also this, but it doesn't work:
var erasepoint = false;
this.onMouseDown = function(){erasepoint = true;}
this.onMouseUp = function(){erasepoint = false;}
this.onRollOver = function () {
this._alpha = 0;

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var stateName:String;
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External Swf Shows Up As 5 Flashing Dots

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ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Mask Interaction Of Dots In Map?

Feb 1, 2007

I'm making this interactive map. It's made from tiles of dots, each turned on or off at run time depending on where the user has scrolled to. The tiles are 9x9 dots and I make the map from an array which is 20x40 in size. The swf then shows what is visible as you scroll over that map with a window which is smaller than a 3x2 tile space. The problem I have is that the dots which fall outside of the proposed viewing window still exist so when your mouse hovers over them, even though they're hidden, they still interact.

Here's a picture: Is there some way to mask the interaction of those dots? Each one's a movie clip. I can hide them visually but that's no good, people can still click on them then without even knowing they're there. I've tried loading the exported SWF into a movieClipLoader but that just automatically spills over like this again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Dots Come Up For Password?

Sep 3, 2009

just playing around with stuff and i was wondering if i were to make a small internal site... how i'd go about making it so when you enter your password that it came up with those black dots instead of the letters?

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