Flash :: Seeking Error In OSMF?
Dec 1, 2011
I have a HTTP video player built using Adobe's OSMF and I am experiencing a strange behavior when trying to seek within a subclip.The player requests data from the server using URL like "http:[url]...." to get the full video, and appends "?begin=123456" to request a subclip starting at 123456 bytes offset.Whenever I try to seek within a loaded subclip, the playhead just drops to the start of the subclip and the video plays from there. Although both mediaPlayer.canSeek() and mediaPlayer.canSeekTo(newtime) return true.
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ActionScript Code:
private function onTrackClickHandler( e:MouseEvent,trackWidth:Number):void{
mps.mediaPlayer.seek((skinControls.trackBg.mouseX/trackWidth) * mps.mediaPlayer.duration);
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seek() reference
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function stageMovement(evt:MouseEvent)
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Here is the actual class file. You can directly compile it with an fla file containing button instances in the library for play pause stop... Also you would need some sample flv file.
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listchange=function(me) {
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Oct 21, 2011
I'm working on a local application ( it's not a website or nothing related ) and I have various FLVs with a very simple encryptation method (just like adding 10 at each byte). I can load/play them using NetStream.appendBytes() after my decrypt, but that happens only after I read all video data. What I really need is to stream those videos from a remote url, and decrypting while receiving data, using a OSMF player that I already have.
This is my current code just to play my decoded FLV byte array
private function playBytes(bytes:ByteArray):void
// detecting it's header
if (bytes.readUTFBytes(3) != "FLV")
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Apr 29, 2010
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private function handle_elementLoaded(e:MediaFactoryEvent):void
mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(e.mediaElement); [code]....
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Oct 20, 2011
I'm working on a local application ( it's not a website or nothing related ) and I have various FLVs with a very simple encryptation method by now (just like adding 10 at each byte).
I can load/play them using NetStream.appendBytes() after decrypting, but that happens only after I read all video data it's not streamed.
What I really need is to stream those videos from a remote url, and decrypting while receiving data, using a OSMF based player that I already have built. I'm lost on how OSMF deals with FLV, otherwise, I would try to create a plugin or something like. .
find a way to load a local file using OSMF, passing a ByteArray value, instead of a url (below). Or even giving me directions to create a OSMF plugin to solve my problem.
videoElement.resource = "video_url/video.flv";
This is my current code just to play my decoded FLV byte array
private function playBytes(bytes:ByteArray):void
// detecting it's header
if (bytes.readUTFBytes(3) != "FLV")
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Jan 9, 2011
I am developing an web application in flex which have a feature of recording the runtime by having a snapshot of each frames then encoding it into a ByteArray for video playback. I am currently using NetStream.appendBytes() for playing the ByteArray FLV. It is working, but I just found out about OSMF and thinking bout integrating it in my application. It is it possible to play the flv byteArray in OSMF?
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Apr 7, 2011
I use OSMF's SWFElement for my project to load SWF file in to main Application but the main app can't detect event from child SWF at all, .CODE in the Main App
mediaPlayerSprite = new MediaPlayerSprite();
var swfElement:SWFElement = new SWFElement();[code]....
CODE in the Child Flash SWF using Flash CS3 add code in The FLASH TimeLine
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('animationEnd') );
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