Flash :: Experience Using Strobe Media Playback (OSMF)?

Sep 11, 2010

Does anyone have an experience of using Strobe Media Playback (OSMF) in a real project? How is it compared to JW Player and Flowplayer?

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Media Server :: RTMFP Streaming Media Playback Using OSMF

Sep 13, 2010

I am looking for a sample media player using OSMF for RTMFP P2P streaming media.

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Flash 10 :: Open Source Media Framework - Strobe Player

Aug 17, 2011

I am using OSMF-Strobe Player for videos and I am trying to put my company's name below the video player as in the picture. how do I go about doing the same ? I dont have much knowledge about actionscript but with some online tutorials I can always manage.

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Media Server :: Load Flash Media Playback From Local And Not From Ftp?

Sep 1, 2011

in the standard embed code:
the player "FlashMediaPlayback" is loaded from remote ftp adobe server.
How can I load the player from my local machine?

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Media Server :: FMS Causes Error 1009 In OSMF Player

Jul 5, 2011

I have written a program to publish the audio and video data to the FMS. I am publishing the video data to FMS in live mode and trying to play back via OSMF player. When i start publishing video data in the livepkgr application folder of FMS files like .bootstrap, .control, .meta are getting created. But when i try to playback via OSMFplayer i will get error 1009 and one intersting thing what i have observed is after 7 minutes this error won't come and OSMF player starts playing properly. give the solution for error 1009 which comes only for first 7 minutes?

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Media Server :: 'URL Missing From Media Tag' On FMS4.5 HTTP Live Stream Playback?

Mar 30, 2012

'URL missing from Media tag' on FMS4.5 HTTP Live Stream playback.I have spent a whole day trying in vain to publish f4m live http streams from FMLE using FMS 4.5, and almost everything I try results in the error .The F4M document contains errors URL missing from Media tag...in both Flash Media Playback and the fms videoPlayer app.Other people seem to have seen this and solved it, but I've found nothing that helps. I have tried to publish a single stream, and with multiple bitrates. For the latter, I followed the Adobe video tutorial as follows:

Multiple bitrate live
I'm publishing 3 streams from FMLE, using
FMS URL: rtmp://[serveraddress]/livepkgr[code]..........

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Professional :: Experience Effects Of AVI With Alpha Channel?

Nov 29, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Experience With The Integrated Tween Class?

May 6, 2008

I started learning Flash when Flash MX came out. I recently got back into it, using Flash 8 now. So the Tween class was fairly new and exciting to me, and I've been using it recently.It's quick and easy, and what I like most about it is the onMotionFinished function. Very handy.

However, I've been using it for single items, and recently I wrote a little function where some words drop down, and when they arrive at their random destination they check each other for distance, 12 of them. If one's proximity is too close to another, it loads up the tween function again and finds another random destination, and does so until it finds a space far enough from it's siblings.

Now when using the built in Tween class, it gets absolutely overloaded and crashes my Core Duo if all the words don't find spaces soon, and have to do multiple checks.I was very, very surprised, it didn't seem like anything that hardcore, that should crash my computer.

So I then used a basic, lightweight tween that I wrote, and voila - no problem at all. Didn't even come close to crashing, in fact the CPU usage was fairly low.So im summary - it's pretty good and handy for tweening single objects, but if you have something more complex in mind it's absolutely useless.My question is why though? I mean they write the program, sure they could have engineered the tween class better and made it more efficient and less of a CPU hog?

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Media Server :: Keep Getting A "playback Failed" In Adobe Media Player?

Aug 4, 2009

We are streaming live events encoding using H.264, so therefore we have to save the file as a .f4v. However, whenever I try to play the file, I keep getting a "playback failed" in Adobe Media Player. What could I be missing? Is there anything else I need to do in Flash Media Live Encoder?

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Media Server :: Media Server Can Reconnect If Connection Is Lost During Playback?

Jan 31, 2011

First,i am in project for creating some website with streaming video.The connection to the host is bad and i need to know if Flash media server can reconnect if connection is lost during playback and second,is there some kind of plugin for subtitles,this is very important,If there is a positive answers on those two questions,the third would be "where can i buy it and how"?

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Media Server :: Different Playback Speeds?

Jul 26, 2010

I know as of 3.5.3 you're supposed to be able to use the Smart Seek functionality to do trick modes like 1/2x, 2x, etc.ow is this actually done?I understand the new seeking/stepping, just not how to playback at a different rate.

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Flash :: Set A Buffer Graphic Using OSMF?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm building a pretty simple player and have a a buffer size set on my MediaPlayer (mediaPlayer.bufferTime = BUFFER_TIME). That's working but I want to show a graphic whenever it starts to buffer. I have an Event Listener on my mediaplayer to show and hide but it doesn't seem to be working properly.[code]...

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Flash :: Crossfade Two AudioElements In OSMF?

Sep 5, 2011

I'd like to crossfade two AudioElements inside a SerialElement but I don't know where to start.

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Flash :: Seeking Error In OSMF?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a HTTP video player built using Adobe's OSMF and I am experiencing a strange behavior when trying to seek within a subclip.The player requests data from the server using URL like "http:[url]...." to get the full video, and appends "?begin=123456" to request a subclip starting at 123456 bytes offset.Whenever I try to seek within a loaded subclip, the playhead just drops to the start of the subclip and the video plays from there. Although both mediaPlayer.canSeek() and mediaPlayer.canSeekTo(newtime) return true.

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Media Server :: FLV Playback Stopping Early?

Jan 12, 2009

I have an intermittant problem with FLV playback. I am using FMS 3.0.1r123 and FLVPlayback component to play RTMP streams that have been recorded using a webcam via RTMP. Maybe 1 in 10 recordings will not play back the last couple of seconds of the movie. A day or two later they are fine and play completely! I have made some tests;

1. Using Video object instead makes no difference (it seems the Event.COMPLETE message arrives early)

2. Using HTTP playback fixes the problem (but I want to try and keep the RTMP playback if possible though but I guess this is one way out)

3. The duration before the movies plays back properly seems to vary but is always at least 24 hours later (is that weird or what?)

4. Seeking past the 'end' will play the last couple of seconds.

5. The metadata duration reported at the start is correct (but how can you force FLVPlayback to use this length?)

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Media Server :: Playback Logs From FMS From A Client?

Jun 11, 2009

I found some stuff in an old FMS book (great book on FMS but very old) on how to subscribing to the Log streams. The does a netConnect & NetStream and used a nc,onLog to get play back but onLog does not seem to be supported anymore. how I can playback logs from FMS 3.x into CS3 client?

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Media Server :: Record And Streaming Playback

Apr 4, 2011

when I heard that Amazon cloud services are now including FMS for a marginal increase in cost. So all I am looking to do is:
1) Record off a web cam and store the video using FMS

2) Play the video stream using FMS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: OSMF Player Without Flex (Flash Only)?

May 28, 2010

I am looking to build a custom OSMF player such as this OSMF player sample, however I only have Flash CS but not Flex. Is it possible to build a OSMF player without using Flex?

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Flash :: OSMF Seek With Amazon Cloudfront?

Jun 7, 2011

I've written a little OSMF player that streams via RTMP from Amazon Cloudfront. There's a known issue, the mp3 duration is not correctly readed from metadata and thus the seek function is not working.
I know there's a workaround implying the use of getStreamLength function of NetConnection, which I successfully implemented in a previous non-OSMF player, but now I don't know how and when to call it, in terms of OSMF Events and Traits. This code is not working:


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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 And Playback Component Choices?

Dec 15, 2009

I am ramping up a Flash Media Interactive Server ver 3.5. My question is - I don't have Flash CS4, -does the flvPlayback component in it allow netstream connection control to facilitate FMIS connections? One that allows fullscreen for VOD streaming would be what I need.

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Media Server :: Playback F4v Files Recorded In FMLE?

Feb 25, 2010

my name is Göran and I know this is probably the wrong place to post my question but as far as I can see there´s no forum for FMLE here. I´m using the betaversion for mac. I was broadcasting to justin tv last night and decided to try out the record feature i FMLE. It looked like it worked ok and a 125 mb f4v landed on my harddrive. There´s no way I can play it back though or for that matter convert it mov etc etc. What am I doing wrong do I need another special app for playback or converting. Seem a bit strange if this feature is onboard the FMLE but you can´t use it.

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Media Server :: Recording Stream From Webcam As F4V Playback

Mar 23, 2010

I'm recording a stream from a webcam as an f4v file using FMS 3.5. The file is created in the live folder, and i can stream it back to the client no problem, however when I try to play the file in Adobe Media Player (or anything else) it won't play. I've used the f4v post processor which claims to run successfully, but with no joy.

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Media Server :: FMS Static HD Video Playback Buffering

May 18, 2010

I have downloaded and installed the Flash Media Server (FMS) trial version. Just purchased the software today and waiting for the activation serial number. I created a video gallery - [URL]. My goal is for these videos to stream just like vimeo. I am only using HD 1280 x 720 video. All videos are between 25 to 125 MB in size, originally .mov files converted to .flv using FFMPEG. Videos are between 30 seconds to 58 seconds in length.

I am using ColdFusion to upload and organize my videos and I have configured FMS to work with CF. The Issue is that these videos buffer the same way they did when I didn't have FMS installed. Press play, the video buffers, the video plays, then stops to buffer again. Stop and Buffer, Stop and Buffer. I can understand if there is buffering at the start of the video but not throughout. When I start the video over from the start, it has to buffer all over again!

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Media Server :: Playback Components For Live Streaming?

Feb 3, 2011

I used video component for live stream .It is working well.but I need play and pause button on mouse over video in live streaming.I do not know how i do in mouse over in live streaming.flvplayback component have mouseover option in normal video streaming.Any possible way to use flvplayback component in livestreaming video?Any idea for mouse over pause and play button or any playback component(like flvplayback ).

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Media Server :: Fmscheck Utility Playback Timeout?

Apr 10, 2011

I am seeing fms utility time during the playback. What could be casuing it to timeout. when size around 179KB it starts to throw this error. Don't know exact size when it throws. For small sizes it is successful.


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Media Server :: OnMetaData Properties Missing When Playback With HDS

Oct 13, 2011

Currently we have updated to FMS4.5 and doing some evaluation on HDS. We published our RTMP streams to the livepkgr application and successfully setup and playback HDS. However, we found that a we can't access some onMetaData Properties during playback. Our player use onMetaData - "videodatarate" and "audiodatarate" properties. We are trying to migrate it to playback HDS, however, we don't seems to be able to get back the two fields?

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Flash :: OSMF Detecting The End Of A Live RTMP Stream?

Oct 26, 2010

What's the best way to check whether there is video data (or not) in a live RTMP stream? For example, if a broadcast terminates, can I auto-detect that condition, to perform some sort of "thank you for watching" behavior?Also, how can I know if a visitor somehow gets disconnected from the Internet during the broadcast? (So I can notify the visitor of the problem, and give instruction.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Media Playback Component To Play Videos & Variables

Sep 22, 2007

I'm trying to get a Media Playback component to play videos. I can get it all to work if I hard code the component with this code:


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Media Server :: Playback Of Recorded Injected Data Events?

Jul 15, 2009

page 3 of his article "Working with metadata for live Flash video streaming" (http:url....) Jens Loeffler says the following...This code defines the function sendDataEvent on the server side, which utilizes the NetStream.send() function to inject the event, including the associated data synchronized with the current timecode of the video.
Note: If you record the video on the server side (a functionality of FMIS), the injected events are also being triggered by the recorded file.
Now, I've got both my own project and his sample project sending/receiving injected plain text data events via the whole "call ('sendDataEvent',data) -> send('onDataEvent',data) -> onDataEvent(data)" relationship just as expected and explained in his article.The Note that Jens makes, however, I cannot seem to validate and, unfortunately, that's linchpin piece in my project. Whenever I capture a stream with injected data events and play it back (via the same 'player' mechanism used with the live stream) the captured video plays back but I do not see the injected events being triggered by the recorded file.

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Media Server :: Seek Or Start Playback Offset Not Working On Big Flv's

Dec 12, 2010

I try to start a FLV (created with soundbooth cs5) at a certain point of time using ns.play('video', 33000) or even just ns.seek(33000);
The FLV is about 9 hours long.
How do I make this work ? And why is it not working?

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