Media Server :: Playback Logs From FMS From A Client?

Jun 11, 2009

I found some stuff in an old FMS book (great book on FMS but very old) on how to subscribing to the Log streams. The does a netConnect & NetStream and used a nc,onLog to get play back but onLog does not seem to be supported anymore. how I can playback logs from FMS 3.x into CS3 client?

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Jun 23, 2011

Has anyone been able to get bandwidth detection to work using the flvplayback control (client side - using AS3)? I have successfully got it to work using the video component with bwcheck and bwdone but I need to figure out how to do this with the FLV playback control. I am using FMS 3 and do not want to use the native bandwidth detection that comes with FMS. I need to detect the clients bandwidth and set the buffer time and what bitrate of a video (high, medium, low) I provide to a user based on their bandwidth.
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Jan 31, 2011

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Multiple bitrate live
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FMS URL: rtmp://[serveraddress]/livepkgr[code]..........

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Sep 1, 2011

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Media Server :: Client Returns Server Not Found:rtmp:// When Accessed From Another Pc?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a small LAN of about 8 computers all of which are running windows 7. I have installed FMS and XAMPP webserver on one of the machines. I want to stream live from one PC to all the other PCs on the LAN. I have a webpage with jwplayer embedded in it on my XAMPP webserver that is able to see the live stream when i start it locally. I mean the live stream works fine on the machine with the servers on it. But when i want to view the live stream from another machine in the LAN by accessing the webpage that has the jwpalyer from another machine, The jwplayer returns "server not found:rtmp://" error. I was thinking that maybe a firewall is blocking the 1935 port but i have turned off the firewall of every PC on the LAN. I have unistalled any antivirus program on all the PCs. But i still get the same error when i try to access the live stream from another PC on the LAN.When i run netstat -a -n|find ":1935" i get SYN_SENT and i think the request for the stream is sent but the conection is rejected.

This is the code for the webpage with jwplayer embedded in it. maybe it:
<html>head> <title>JW FLV Media Player</title>    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="swfobject.js"></script>


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Media Server :: Use RTMP Over HTTP - Outside Client Gets The Internal IP Address Of The FMS Server?

Jan 8, 2010

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Media Server :: Sending Information From Server-side Script To Client?

Apr 18, 2010

I have created a script for an Adobe FMS application to broadcast a playlist of video files as a live stream. (internet tv)
I am now working on a custom Flash-based video player to play my stream.

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Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Switching From Server (not Client) Side

Sep 6, 2010

I understand how clients use bandwidth detection etc to dynamically switch streams via client calls with ns.play2( ... ), but I was wondering if it's possible to only ever use 1 initial ... ) call on the client side, but let FMS server side logic that I write dictate which client sees what content. For example, I have 3 clients connected to my FMS server, all watching a live stream. I then decide I want clientA to see 'recordedMovieA.flv', clientB to continue seeing the live stream, and clientC to watch 'recordedMovieB.flv'.


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Media Server :: Check The Bandwidth Of A Client ( Server Sided ) And Redirecting Him To The Right Video Stream?

Apr 7, 2010

i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided. 

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As3 :: Media Server :: Limit Server Recorded Netstream Length To 10 Seconds At Client Side

Sep 19, 2010

I want to limit server recorded netstream length to 10 secs at client side using as3. How can I do that?

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Media Server :: 3.5.3 Freezing / Stuttering Server Playback Of Recorded Streams

May 24, 2010

I'm using the server method to playback a recorded stream, it plays back fine until it hits the buffer limit (Say I set the buffer to 5 seconds, it will playback fine for 5 seconds). But then it freezes and playback is very stuttery (1 frame every 2/3 seconds). Is this a know issue? I'm using windows 2008 server. I've tried a few things to resolve this but no luck. The server is running the dev license and has no load.

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Media Server :: Call Methods Form Server To Client?

Apr 28, 2010

I m working in flex3.0 and i just want to know that how can i call a function from fms server to my AS3.0 (Client Side) code.i tried the syntax,null,null); but my flex code throw exception unable to call the can i use (methodname,null,null) and is there some special way to declare that method at client side.

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Media Server :: Setup Of Client And Server For Live Webcam?

Oct 9, 2011

No I have installed fms4.5, but I can't find good docs how to set something like this up. In Learning section I saw a lesson, but this one isn't ready.So I want to publish using flash and the subscribers to the livestream can be iPhones or Browsers.

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Nov 30, 2009

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Media Server :: Call A Particular Client Through FMS?

May 5, 2010

How to call a particular client from fms.Actually i m making a private chat application in which text messg send from one client to another specific client through FMS.So i m confused how gms recognize a particular clients.I am avoiding application .client[] array that contains all the connected users references.becoz it changes at the time of connection and disconnection of client from fms.

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Media Server :: How To Know Client Is Disconnected

Oct 27, 2010

There is a big problem in which i stuck .how to know that client has been disconnected if client pulls of cable or manuallu disconnect netconnection.

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Media Server :: 2.0.5 Client Disconnection

Mar 24, 2009

1. The basic problem I would like to solve is detecting when a connection to the Flash Media Server fails.Our client-side application establishes a persistent NetConnection and publishes a number of video/audio streams to the FMS.After publishing some videos, some clients find that recording no longer works. I need to add code to let them know that there's a connection problem. I've studied the NetConnection class and can't find an built-in method that can help alert the user if the connection is broken.

2. Also, I'm having trouble tracking these events in the FMS logs. Are there any key statements I should look for that would tell me if the FMS has experienced a sudden loss of connectivity with a client?I was thinking of using the onAppShutdown (?) event to detect when an application closes normally, so I can then get an idea of when it's closed down in other circumstances.

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Media Server :: Different Playback Speeds?

Jul 26, 2010

I know as of 3.5.3 you're supposed to be able to use the Smart Seek functionality to do trick modes like 1/2x, 2x, etc.ow is this actually done?I understand the new seeking/stepping, just not how to playback at a different rate.

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Media Server :: FMS - How To Authenticate Client Using LDAP

Mar 6, 2009

How can do I authenticate the client using an LDAP server?

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Media Server :: Calling Client Methods From (FMS 3.5)?

Jul 10, 2009

- Flash Media Server 3.5 (using ActionScript 3 for server-side code)

- Flex application (built in Flex Builder 3, using ActionScript 3)
Now, I'm trying to get the server-side ASC code to call something from a connected client.  It doesn't seem to work (thought everything else works beautifully).  I've tried stuff like the following in the server side:
- In the application.onConnect function, I've tried this:
currentClient.requestChat = function (reqID, destID){  trace("Requesting chat...");"requestWaiting", new reqHandler(), reqID, destID);};
(Where reqHandler is just some handler that I know gets called).
- I've also tried the following code outside the onConnect function:
Client.prototype.requestChat = function (reqID, destID){  trace("Requesting chat...");"requestWaiting", new reqHandler(), reqID, destID);}

Both seem to fire appropriately (when triggered from another client).  However, the "requestWaiting" method call to the clients doesn't seem to work at all.  I've tried some AS 2 examples on the client side, like:
nc = new NetConnection();  nc.client = new Object();
// function for handling queueing of requests for this station  nc.client.requestWaiting = function (reqID:String, destID:String):void {        trace("HELLO");    // check to make sure this is the right location, and if so, queue it    if (destID == "WhateverTheIDIs") {    chatQueue.push(reqID);    btnChatWaiting.visible = true;    } // if        }
...but that doesn't seem to fire at all.  I know the Flex has "sealed" the NetConnection class itself, so I can't just "extend" it as I do the "client" property.I've als tried some more AS 3-oriented stuff, like trying to make the "client" property reference a separate class that handles callbacks, but that doesn't work easily for me as I need access to properties in the class that contains the NetConnection.

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Media Server :: Record Client Pc's Sound?

Sep 11, 2009

i know the way to capture the mic's sound,My idea is to make an application to record songs palyed by other app,like Windows Media Player,Yes, Just capture from the soundcard,

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Media Server :: Lower Latency Via The Client?

Sep 29, 2009

Is a latency of 94 - 109 high or low....if its high how do I lower it via the client I don't have control over the server at this point in time.

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Media Server :: How Does A Client Receive Streams

Jan 15, 2010

Do i need a wireless connection from the server. I am thinking of installing an access point to test the server.. The only challenge is i dont know how to get the client to receive streams.

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