Media Server :: Playback F4v Files Recorded In FMLE?

Feb 25, 2010

my name is Göran and I know this is probably the wrong place to post my question but as far as I can see there´s no forum for FMLE here. I´m using the betaversion for mac. I was broadcasting to justin tv last night and decided to try out the record feature i FMLE. It looked like it worked ok and a 125 mb f4v landed on my harddrive. There´s no way I can play it back though or for that matter convert it mov etc etc. What am I doing wrong do I need another special app for playback or converting. Seem a bit strange if this feature is onboard the FMLE but you can´t use it.

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May 25, 2009

As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?

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Media Server :: Playback Of Recorded Injected Data Events?

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page 3 of his article "Working with metadata for live Flash video streaming" (http:url....) Jens Loeffler says the following...This code defines the function sendDataEvent on the server side, which utilizes the NetStream.send() function to inject the event, including the associated data synchronized with the current timecode of the video.
Note: If you record the video on the server side (a functionality of FMIS), the injected events are also being triggered by the recorded file.
Now, I've got both my own project and his sample project sending/receiving injected plain text data events via the whole "call ('sendDataEvent',data) -> send('onDataEvent',data) -> onDataEvent(data)" relationship just as expected and explained in his article.The Note that Jens makes, however, I cannot seem to validate and, unfortunately, that's linchpin piece in my project. Whenever I capture a stream with injected data events and play it back (via the same 'player' mechanism used with the live stream) the captured video plays back but I do not see the injected events being triggered by the recorded file.

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Jan 10, 2011

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If the operator selects a video it adds the video to playlist:, -2, -1, false);
Also have this event handler to play a random idle video when there are no more action videos lined up:
function onStreamStatus(obj) {
if (obj.code != "NetStream.Play.Stop") return;
switch (obj.code) {

So it is working so far. Problem is:
As time goes by there appears to be a delay between I issue the play command on the stream and I actually see it in the video on client side.

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Aug 18, 2010

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2) I am making my connection like this "rtmpt://xx.yy.zz.kk:80/Training" where xx.yy.zz.kk represent live System IP where Flash Media Server is running.

3) After analyzing the problem I observed that while publishing the stream ,http requests from Publishing system keeps on increasing  and at one time it crosses  the limit of proxy server (our proxy can handle 600 http requests per minute from any client PC) so streaming get stopped.

4) Then I attended "adobe connect pro" Trail classroom session by sitting behind the same proxy and firewall,But in this case my live video streaming is not breaking down ,as per my understanding adobe connect pro also use Flash Media Server for streaming.

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application.onPublish = function(client, potok){
potok.onStatus = function(info){
for(var i in info){
trace(i + "=" + info[i]);
[Code] .....

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Sep 5, 2011

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i was modified the main.asc script in livepkgr, it used to call, which i assume this is the code it play the stream from FMLE to"FileName") , which is a flv video file in my application. unfortunately when i start the FMLE stream to the FMS and watch the stream with the FMS Sample Video player, i was expecting to see the video content from the flv, but instead the camera footage in playing on the player.

i am very confusing now, i thought the the only code to control what should be playing in application. or when FMLE is connected to server, the server must play the footage from FMLE by some hidden code, no matter what wanna to play?

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Mar 11, 2010

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Media Server :: Use A DVR Recorded Stream As A VOD?

Jul 18, 2009

When a DVR stream finishes publishing, can you use the cached file as a VOD? Where is the DVR file stored?

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Media Server :: Recorded Mp4 Is Not Playing?

Feb 22, 2011

I have developed an application for recording the mp4 format movie. I am able to record  mp4 format file but my recorded file is not playing in window media player.
so, if any body have some idea/suggestion  about play pre-recorded mp4 file in window media player then your most welcome.

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Media Server :: Fetch Recorded Flv From FMS?

Sep 5, 2011

I wrote a simple web app that record web cam capture over FMS, now I'm trying to find out how can I fetch the recorded file and give the option to download it to a local computer

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Media Server :: Add Cue Points To A FLV Recorded By Webcam?

Sep 28, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to add/inject a cue point to an FLV server-side that has been recorded/published from a users webcam using FMS3.5.

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Media Server :: MetaData Of Recorded Streams ?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a problem with recorded stream: The MetaData its partialy correct.Most of the informations are correct, but the 2 most important information for me width and height for the video are always 320 x 240 for any recorded stream althow they are published at different WxH.I tried to get my head around this but cant seem to figure out were the problem is.FMLE its used to publish the stream useing H.264 / MP3 codecs.Here is the server side code used to record the stream:[code]....

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Media Server :: Recorded FLVs Manipulation?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm creating a Flex application that enables users to communicate in a kind of video chat room. I only allow to live streams at any given moment. I'm using FMS to record the videos in FLVs. What I need to do is post process those videos and create a single video with all that happened in the video room. That means that I need to combine 2 videos, reduce the size of one of them so it appears over the other one. In other words one video will use the whole space an the other will appear at the upper left corner (over the other video,).
I need a server side solution for this. I created another post here and someone suggest a screen capture solution. That would work perfectly, but since this appliction will be used for several people and any time, I want the process to be automaticaly not manual. So, I'm thinking I can do it with FFMPEG, but I need a way to identify in which order I need to compose the videos. Something like adding a time stamp to each FLV in FMS (when they are recorded). How can I add custom metadata to the FLV?

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Oct 15, 2010

There seems to be great documentation on multicasting live streams.I can't find anything about multicasting recorded stream. Is there documentation? Or any other sources of info on multicasting recorded streams?

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Media Server :: Recorded Streams Are Different Length

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to record a video chat being done through FMS. I have made my program start recording only when the second stream publishes. Then, I stop recording when either streams stops publishing. In my last test I recorded a 45 minute chat. The resulting flv files show that there are 13 seconds difference between them. The video gets more out of sync as it goes along. My first guess is that it is something to do with dropped frames. Is there any way to force FMS to fill in dropped frames. I'm posting my code for starting and stopping recording:


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Media Server :: Media Server Can Reconnect If Connection Is Lost During Playback?

Jan 31, 2011

First,i am in project for creating some website with streaming video.The connection to the host is bad and i need to know if Flash media server can reconnect if connection is lost during playback and second,is there some kind of plugin for subtitles,this is very important,If there is a positive answers on those two questions,the third would be "where can i buy it and how"?

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