Media Server :: Recorded Mp4 Is Not Playing?

Feb 22, 2011

I have developed an application for recording the mp4 format movie. I am able to record  mp4 format file but my recorded file is not playing in window media player.
so, if any body have some idea/suggestion  about play pre-recorded mp4 file in window media player then your most welcome.

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Media Server :: Playing Recorded Files As If They Were Live

Jan 10, 2011

There are some recorded flv files. The guy in the video is showing numbers with his hands. (1.flv, 2.flv, 3.flv etc) And there are live idle videos. In these idle videos the guy doesnt do anything.
I need to be able to click 1 as the operator and viewers should see the guy make "1" in the video. Actually I have accomplished so far. It works. I do this:
If the operator selects a video it adds the video to playlist:, -2, -1, false);
Also have this event handler to play a random idle video when there are no more action videos lined up:
function onStreamStatus(obj) {
if (obj.code != "NetStream.Play.Stop") return;
switch (obj.code) {

So it is working so far. Problem is:
As time goes by there appears to be a delay between I issue the play command on the stream and I actually see it in the video on client side.

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May 25, 2009

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May 24, 2010

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I need a server side solution for this. I created another post here and someone suggest a screen capture solution. That would work perfectly, but since this appliction will be used for several people and any time, I want the process to be automaticaly not manual. So, I'm thinking I can do it with FFMPEG, but I need a way to identify in which order I need to compose the videos. Something like adding a time stamp to each FLV in FMS (when they are recorded). How can I add custom metadata to the FLV?

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Media Server :: Recorded Streams Are Different Length

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to record a video chat being done through FMS. I have made my program start recording only when the second stream publishes. Then, I stop recording when either streams stops publishing. In my last test I recorded a 45 minute chat. The resulting flv files show that there are 13 seconds difference between them. The video gets more out of sync as it goes along. My first guess is that it is something to do with dropped frames. Is there any way to force FMS to fill in dropped frames. I'm posting my code for starting and stopping recording:


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Feb 11, 2011

I want recieve infomation for recorded stream in FMS Server. so, i tried use Admin api(getRecordedStreams or getNetStreams).
but, returned below code : NetConnection.Admin.CommandFailed .


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May 24, 2011

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var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);"../room1/video", 0);

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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Edge On H264 Recorded Streams?

Jan 4, 2012

We have 2 FMS 4.5 servers, one working as origin one as edge we are running our custom DVR application on Origin server, wich records streams. Clients are connecting to edge server and they can watch live or rewind back and watch recorded stream, the problem is after too many clients are connecting to edge server the rewind option becomes unstable, form our investigation we determined that rewind working bad only on that parts of file wich is not cached on edge server yet (caching is working fine when there are not too much clients).
We have currently upgraded from FLV Streams to H264, FLV was much stable and was able to handle much more connections.

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Media Server :: Playback Of Recorded Injected Data Events?

Jul 15, 2009

page 3 of his article "Working with metadata for live Flash video streaming" (http:url....) Jens Loeffler says the following...This code defines the function sendDataEvent on the server side, which utilizes the NetStream.send() function to inject the event, including the associated data synchronized with the current timecode of the video.
Note: If you record the video on the server side (a functionality of FMIS), the injected events are also being triggered by the recorded file.
Now, I've got both my own project and his sample project sending/receiving injected plain text data events via the whole "call ('sendDataEvent',data) -> send('onDataEvent',data) -> onDataEvent(data)" relationship just as expected and explained in his article.The Note that Jens makes, however, I cannot seem to validate and, unfortunately, that's linchpin piece in my project. Whenever I capture a stream with injected data events and play it back (via the same 'player' mechanism used with the live stream) the captured video plays back but I do not see the injected events being triggered by the recorded file.

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Media Server :: Duration Metadata In Recorded Stream Incorrect?

Aug 1, 2008

I'm streaming live video through FMS 3 and passing the streams to another FMS application to be recorded. While recording, I inject some custom metadata into the stream. Once recording is finished, I move the flv to another location and update my database with the metadata contained in the stream for later reference. All this succeeds without a problem.

However, only sometimes, the default 'duration' metadata (note - I never mess with the duration metadata, merely insert my own fields that are required for other reasons) is COMPLETELY wrong

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Media Server :: Capturing User Recorded Video / Audio

Oct 27, 2009

I'm new to Flash media server family. I need a server that can capture user recorded video/audio (through a flash recorder) and save it as a flv file on the server. which one of those server family is for me? I'm currently doing it using Red5, but would like to try out Flash media server as well.

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Media Server :: Switching From Live Streaming To Pre-recorded Instantly?

Feb 24, 2010

I am having troubles finding a way to switch videos during a live stream.  For example,  broadcasting a show and switching to a commercial and then back to the live feed.

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Media Server :: Copy Recorded Live Stream To New Drive?

Mar 19, 2010

how to copy a recorded live stream to a new drive on the server?  I can copy the file within the virtual app directory but not to another drive.
The only solution i found was to edit the application.xml:
<StreamManager>        <StorageDir>e:Sync</StorageDir>    </StreamManager>
But unfortunately i need to rename the file once its recorded, and i'm having a hard time accessing that drive/directory where the file is located.

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Media Server :: Play Recorded Videos Using FLVPlayback Component?

Jan 17, 2011

I recorded videos using fms and i want to play them using FLVPlayback component. I've done some research but i cant find somethinguseful, I tried this code :
flvplayback.source = "rtmp://localhost/appname/instancename/video";

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Media Server :: 3.5.0 Stops Streaming Live Pre-recorded Streams Unexpectedly

Mar 1, 2010

When broadcasting pre-recorded streams on a live applicationFMS always stops streaming at a certain time...
It can be after 10 seconds, it can be after 2 hours, or it can be after any other time, the frame just freezes on the client and the buffer drops to 0.

any attempt to diconnect / reconnect does not resume the streaming, althought the FMS console registers the connected client, no streaming is ensuing. One of the common events we get on the client in such instances when the streaming stops results in get "NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW".[code]...

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