Media Server :: (Recorded) File As Multicast Stream?

Dec 7, 2010

Flash Media Server (finally) supports multicast video. But documentation about this feature is about multicasting live video

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Media Server :: Multicast A Recorded Stream?

Oct 15, 2010

There seems to be great documentation on multicasting live streams.I can't find anything about multicasting recorded stream. Is there documentation? Or any other sources of info on multicasting recorded streams?

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Media Server :: Setup Multicast Event With Recorded Videos Not With Live Stream?

Nov 25, 2011

setup multicast event with recorded videos not with live stream. how to setup multicast address that ask in multicast configuration utility....

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Media Server :: Save A Recorded Stream .flv File Outside Of AnFMS Application Directory?

Sep 16, 2009

I have successfully been able to write some client-side ActionScript that allows me to record my webcam and mic data to my FMS server.  The .flv files get saved to a directory under the applications directory.  However, I need to process those flv files for a web application and would like those .flv files to be saved to the web app's directory (outside of the FMS application directory).  I have tried changing the <Streams> tag in the Application.xml file that I placed in the FMS application directory, but that simply did not work.My goal is simple:  to save the recorded stream data outside of the FMS application's directory.  I have been going crazy trying to do this, but would like to know any pointers that any of you experts have.  Can this be done?  If not, how can I execute a server side PHP script after the stream is done recording.  I know about using the exec() function in PHP, but am unsure as to how to execute that script via client-side actionscript.Here is the path to my FMS server (Linux OS) installation and the application directory.  The application name is "ngale"./opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngaleHere is the path that my client-side ActionScript is placing the .flv files of the recorded streams/opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngale/streams/recordings/Here is the path to my web application/home/user/public_html/ is the path that I would like for the .flv recording files to be saved to/home/user/public_html/

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Media Server :: RTMFP Multicast Stream Has Exceeded Max Duration Allowed Closing Stream?

May 9, 2011

i test the fms 4 update 1 rtmfp streams multicast after 10 minutes i get this message RTMFP Multicast stream has exceeded max duration allowed; closing stream. but i do not use IP multicast


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Media Server :: Record A Multicast Stream?

Mar 9, 2011

I create a local netconnection, and the netgroup on the server side. How can I record the stream that is published to a netgroup?

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Media Server :: FMS Multicast Stream QoS Tagging?

Nov 16, 2011

We have a  video broadcasting platform and we use FMS 4.5 to broadcast a multicast stream. My question is : can we do QoS tagging of this multicast stream ?

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Media Server :: Pulling A Stream From External FMS And Publishing In Multicast

Mar 21, 2011

I'm developping a FMS 4 application that read an external stream, and then, republish it in multicast: 

1.- So, first of all I open  a NetConnection to the remote application. And I associate it to a new Stream created in the application. Then I have the stream available in my application.
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.onStatus = function(info)

But, I don't know who would be the client in the registerStream method. Which reference should I add there? Is it possible in this way?
I made another different script that republish that stream in localhost using NetConnection.publish(localhost/sameapplication). It works properly. But I would like to be able of managing it in the other way.

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Media Server :: Use A DVR Recorded Stream As A VOD?

Jul 18, 2009

When a DVR stream finishes publishing, can you use the cached file as a VOD? Where is the DVR file stored?

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Media Server :: Change Recorded Stream Files Permissions From Server Side?

Dec 20, 2010

I need a way to set the permissions (ex 0777) for the recorded streams without calling any additionals scripts.

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Media Server :: 3.5 Recorded Live Stream Not Playable?

Sep 22, 2010

I use FMLE 3 streaming and recording (DVR) to FMS 3.5, and the sample DVR scripts on FMS for recording the live stream, but the recorded stream not playable (from the remote FMS with FLVPlayback and from my local Developer FMS with Adobe Video Player too). The recorded file is crashed.

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Media Server :: Recieve Infomation For Recorded Stream?

Feb 11, 2011

I want recieve infomation for recorded stream in FMS Server. so, i tried use Admin api(getRecordedStreams or getNetStreams).
but, returned below code : NetConnection.Admin.CommandFailed .


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Media Server :: Duration Metadata In Recorded Stream Incorrect?

Aug 1, 2008

I'm streaming live video through FMS 3 and passing the streams to another FMS application to be recorded. While recording, I inject some custom metadata into the stream. Once recording is finished, I move the flv to another location and update my database with the metadata contained in the stream for later reference. All this succeeds without a problem.

However, only sometimes, the default 'duration' metadata (note - I never mess with the duration metadata, merely insert my own fields that are required for other reasons) is COMPLETELY wrong

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Media Server :: Copy Recorded Live Stream To New Drive?

Mar 19, 2010

how to copy a recorded live stream to a new drive on the server?  I can copy the file within the virtual app directory but not to another drive.
The only solution i found was to edit the application.xml:
<StreamManager>        <StorageDir>e:Sync</StorageDir>    </StreamManager>
But unfortunately i need to rename the file once its recorded, and i'm having a hard time accessing that drive/directory where the file is located.

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Media Server ::, -1);  Plays Recorded Stream?

Sep 16, 2011, -1); This seems to be working wrong.if I have recorded an flv on server using FMS and FMLE with  only audio with name "myaudio" and then after if I try to play a live  stream using"myaudio", -1) then it plays the recorded  stream. I believe that documentation says that it should start a live  stream instead of playing recorded stream as the second argument is -1.  Is this a bug in method?

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Media Server :: Recorded / Post Processed Stream Won't Play Until Restarted

Apr 6, 2012

I'm having a very frustrating problem with FMS. A stream recorded on the server-side won't play until I restart the server.

The user flow I'm currently working with is:

1. record webcam stream

2. close the stream

3. call FMS function to post process the stream

4. FMS joins the recorded webcam stream with two pre-recorded videos and stores as a new stream
Then, knowing the new stream name, I'm trying to play it. However, I'm always seeing its last frame and it doesn't play. Surprisingly, restarting the server and re-connecting to it helps, then I can play the stream.
So I wonder if (server-side):

var stream = Stream.get("streamName");

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Media Server :: Rotate The Live Recorded Video Stream To A Maximum Limit?

Dec 6, 2010

Is it possible to limit the length of live recorded video stream to N minutes/MegaBytes by SSAS in FMS? If the aggregate size of stream outcomes the limit,always make the recorded video file the last N minutes/MegaBytes of the live show? remove the video file and record from the beginning when arriving N minutes/MegaBytes?

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Media Server :: Adobe Flash Tried To Play A Live Or Recorded Stream That Does Not Exist. Source Can't Be Found?

Sep 5, 2011

I have started a stream from Flash media encoder to flash media server. According to my encoder, it should be located at: "rtmp://localhost/live" and is called livestream.In the Flash  software I try and set the source of FLVPlayback component to rtmp://localhost/live/livestream", and I get this error: "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.". Both the server and encoder is runnind and I am encoding.

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Media Server :: Save To File Live Video Stream In Server?

Apr 27, 2009

I use FMIE and can i do save to file Live Streaming in server installed fms, not local system ?

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Media Server :: Recording Video/audio Files Using Flash Media Server Through Rmtp, And Allow Users To Access The Recorded Files Through Http?

May 25, 2009

As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?

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Media Server :: Can FMS Do Multicast Streaming Through Internet Rather Than Only LAN

Oct 27, 2010

1) Can FMS do multicast streaming through internet rather than only LAN?

2) Can we create multicasting of recorded video files stored on the server rather than LIVE video multicasting?

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Media Server :: FMIS 4 - How To Get IP Multicast To Work

Nov 9, 2010

I was wondering if any one could clarify something with IP multicast. From what I understand to get IP multicast to work the server needs to publish to the router box. So how can this be achieved if the FMS server is not in the same network as the router box? Would it require a second FMS server to be placed in the same network as the router box that connects to the main FMS server?

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Media Server :: Multicast Stops After About 2 Minutes?

Feb 28, 2011

We are testing IP Multicast, with Flahs media player 4.0. We set up the encoder and generated the manifest file. Multicast start, but we see lot of bufferring and video running fast. After about 2 minutes, the encode stops publishing to the server. We are using digital rapids as the encoder.

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Media Server :: Flash Multicast Streaming?

Nov 29, 2011

I am testing the P2P function of Flash Media Server 4.I have setup two environment for testing, but only one can success to using the P2P.However, i found that there is some problem in network connection.Here is my procedure to create the Peer to Peer Multicast.1. Using Multicast Config Tool ( oolsmulticastconfigurator) to create the "Peer to Peer" type (Generate the manifest.f4m and copy the publisher stream name to flash encoder) --> multicast type: Peer to Peer --> RTMFP URL: rtmfp://true ip/miltocast --> stream name: livestream --> publish password: password --> group name: fms.multicast.example --> ip multicastaddress and port: Using Flash encoder with the public stream name connect to flash media server.3. In client side, we use the example player ( oolsmulticastmulticastplayer)

First Environment (A) - not work
1. Flash Media Server (Data center)
Data center reported that "All the port have opened (TCP/UDP)


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Media Server :: P2P Multicast And Upstream Bandwidth

Jan 27, 2012

I'm in the process of developing a realtime video chat application where multiple users can send video streams simultanuously. The number of users receiving the streams can be very big, e.g. 10 broadcasters and 500 receivers, each receiver should get all streams.
I use RTMFP connections to an FMS and streams are published in P2P multicast groups by passing the groupspec to the NetStream constructor. Currently I'm having problems with audio/video synchronization and video stream 'jumps' (not continuous). From what I read on other threads, this is related to the fact that there is not enough upstream bandwidth for sending the streams. So my questions are:
How to calculate the required upstream bandwidth on every peer for the given example of 10 broadcasters and 500 receivers (is it 10*bandwidth of one stream)?What settings (on NetStream, Camera, Microphone etc.) should be used for best results and how to adapt them based on the number of broadcasters? 

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Media Server :: Multicast In Amazon FMS Server?

Nov 4, 2011

We have a problem with amazon FMS 4.0.3 server for enable muticast.In the server we have open all the port for ensure the good works.but when we used the http://public-dns/multicast/multicastplayer/multicastplayer.html, we have this message : The connection attempt to FMS failed.In the server administration we can view the Flash Media Live Encoder session but the multicastplayer cannot connect on the rtmfp://public-dns/multicas

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Media Server :: Can't Stream MP4-file

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to stream a MP4-file from the VOD-folder using the videoplayer in flash. I can play the sample-file without any trouble, but when i try to use iceage.mp4 as source, it don't find the stream.[URL]..

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Media Server :: How To Stream .mp3 File

Nov 25, 2011

I have success full installation of Flash media server 4 in my linux machine.I am in need of stream the .mp3 file over network.

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Media Server :: Recording Multicast RTMFP Streams?

Dec 19, 2010

I know this question comes up from time to time, but it's completely unaddressed in the documentation and I'd like there to exist a more authoritative treatment of the subject.Like many other developers, we're trying to record multicast RTMFP streams. We see three options:

Broadcasting clients open two outgoing NetStreams: one for the multicast group through RTMFP, and another directly to FMS through RTMP for recording. One downside to this solution is that now the user has two outgoing streams, so available outbound bandwidth for any broadcasting client could easily become a constraint on video quality.One can stream to FMS 4 using RTMP and have FMS-side code that records and broadcasts the stream to the multicast group using RTMFP (recommended by JayCharles at http:url...). I haven't tried this out yet but my guess it that it will have worse video quality than a pure RTMFP solution. Is my concern justified?Super-hacky solution: one could have flash player running in some kind of virtual environment on a server. This flash player could subscribe to the multicast stream and record the video at a systems level. Has anyone tried a hack as daring as this? What solution is recommended by Adobe?It's incredible to me that FMS 4 can't act as an RTMFP consumer, thereby both acting as a multicast node and also recording the video. Can anyone at Adobe comment on this omission in functionality?

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Media Server :: Implementing IP Multicast On An MPLS Network?

Mar 2, 2011

I work for a carrier, and am looking at implementing IP Multicast on an MPLS network to support enterprise executive webcasts. As your probably aware, there are multiple multicast methods available.
Anyways its down to two multicast methods. PIM-SM  ( which our engineering group will probably reject to complexity)
PIM-SSM ( Which not every application supports Can anyone advise on whether Adobe flash media server ( and player ) support PIM-SSM multicast?

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