Media Server :: RTMPT Connection Is Breaking With FMLE?

Aug 18, 2010

1) I am trying to make connection with Flash Media Server  to publish live video streaming, and I am sitting behind proxy and firewall, I am not able to make my connection with rtmp that's why I use rtmpt to make my connection with media server to publish .But in this case after publishing some time(ie 5 to 10 minutes) connection break down and streaming get stopped .The same problem occurs when I use "Flash Media Live Encoder 3" to publish live stream .

2) I am making my connection like this "rtmpt://xx.yy.zz.kk:80/Training" where xx.yy.zz.kk represent live System IP where Flash Media Server is running.

3) After analyzing the problem I observed that while publishing the stream ,http requests from Publishing system keeps on increasing  and at one time it crosses  the limit of proxy server (our proxy can handle 600 http requests per minute from any client PC) so streaming get stopped.

4) Then I attended "adobe connect pro" Trail classroom session by sitting behind the same proxy and firewall,But in this case my live video streaming is not breaking down ,as per my understanding adobe connect pro also use Flash Media Server for streaming.

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var nc = new NetConnection();
var time1:String = (new Date()).toTimeString();[code]........

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application.onPublish = function(client, potok){
potok.onStatus = function(info){
for(var i in info){
trace(i + "=" + info[i]);
[Code] .....

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Media Server :: Video Breaking Up On Some Folks Browsers?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Connection Required?

Jul 13, 2010

I have instaled FMS 2 on local machine and have a video chatroom. I have used:rtmp//localhost/chat as the string and i can connect using this same machine from the chat interface. However, when i try to connect to the server ffrom my laptop or any other machine i get a connection fail

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Media Server :: FMLE Disconnect From FMS + Users Disconnect On Console?

Mar 30, 2011

when I'm streaming in live :a. FMLE is disconnect for couple seconds (10 -30), stop encoding and then renew the connection and the encodingb. In the same time, I can see users (streams) are disconnecting/ disappear from the console.As said it can happen once in a session, but this disconnect most of the users and they have to refresh their browserto get the live session again.Currently I'm using FMSS 3.5.4 r210, Linux redhat 5.2,6 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 16GB.I found a post named "FMS disconnect from FME" (Jun 7, 2010 3:36 PM by BJWP Ltd)

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I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

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Feb 15, 2012

I want to restrict unauthorised edge servers connecting to my core server . How do i do it?

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