Media Server :: FMS Static HD Video Playback Buffering

May 18, 2010

I have downloaded and installed the Flash Media Server (FMS) trial version. Just purchased the software today and waiting for the activation serial number. I created a video gallery - [URL]. My goal is for these videos to stream just like vimeo. I am only using HD 1280 x 720 video. All videos are between 25 to 125 MB in size, originally .mov files converted to .flv using FFMPEG. Videos are between 30 seconds to 58 seconds in length.

I am using ColdFusion to upload and organize my videos and I have configured FMS to work with CF. The Issue is that these videos buffer the same way they did when I didn't have FMS installed. Press play, the video buffers, the video plays, then stops to buffer again. Stop and Buffer, Stop and Buffer. I can understand if there is buffering at the start of the video but not throughout. When I start the video over from the start, it has to buffer all over again!

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Media Server :: 3.5 Buffering Too Much

Jul 14, 2009

i setup the development versionof fms 3.5 server on windows 2003 server and it worked great in my we bought the server and are putting it in production now.the only problem is i never "tested" large FLV if i put a large 50+megabytes flv file in the server it constantly buffers on the client.Is there a setting that defines the buffer size to increase the amount of buffer data that gets sent to the client?if i use a small flv file it works flawlessly but for large files it says "buffering" every 2-5seconds on the client.the client is just opening the test page that comes with the server the server has 3000mb/s to the internet and the client has a 20mb/s connection so i don't think bandwidth is an issue...

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Media Server :: Pre-buffering Multiple NetStreams?

May 21, 2009

I am running into some streaming bugs and am wondering if anyone else has come across them. Very grateful in advance for any help as I've been banging my head against this for a week now.
First of all, I'm finding that no matter what value I set for a NetStream's bufferTime property, the NetStream will not begin actually playing until the bufferLength property is over 2 seconds. This is not what Flash documentation says (that the default value of bufferLength is .1 seconds). Could this issue a function of the FMS configuration with my RTMP hosting account? Is it something I can resolve with my asc file?
Also: In my Actionscript 3 app, I need to pre-buffer a number of video streams so that any one of them can be triggered immediately later in the program. I do this by building an array of NetStreams (within a single NetConnection), then playing each of the streams I need to pre-buffer and immediately pausing each too. This is successfully causing them to buffer in the background, so that they're ready for immediate play when I need them. When I do this with just one NetStream, it works fine. But with more, the streams are behaving unpredictably. They are successfully buffering, but when I need to actually play them and I go to unpause them (Netstream.resume), the NetStreams are generally NOT playing back correctly. Their behavior is not consistent, and they mostly play with no video, or no audio OR video. The one exception is the FIRST NetStream that I started pre-buffering, which is the only one that's consistently playing back fine with its audio and video. Again, if I unpause any of the other NetStreams, they play back with just audio, or not at all.

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Media Server :: Streaming Vid Skips After Buffering

May 26, 2011

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May 31, 2011

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Feb 10, 2012

I am developing a video player that is almost done, but there is a problem in Bufferbar

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_flvPlayback.source = "";
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_flvPlayback.source = "rtmp://";
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Media Server :: Dynamic Buffering Based On Bandwidth And Datarate?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm trying to determine an initial value for NetStream.bufferTime based on the client's calculated bandwidth and the video's bitrate.As far as I can tell you can't do this, because you must have an initial buffer set BEFORE you call (or use the default 2 seconds) and FMS does not call NetStream.onMetaData, where one would normally find the videodatarate, until after is called.Even if you modify NetStream.bufferTime during the onMetaData call back it doesn't effect when the video starts playing or when the NetStatus event registers "NetStatus.Buffer.Full".
How do I find the Video Data Rate BEFORE I call do how do I reset the initial bufferTime before acctual play back begins and the NetStatus event fires with "NetStatus.Buffer.Full"

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Nov 22, 2010

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Media Server :: NetStream.time Jumping Ahead When Buffering Playlists?

Dec 14, 2009

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Multiple bitrate live
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Sep 1, 2011

in the standard embed code:
the player "FlashMediaPlayback" is loaded from remote ftp adobe server.
How can I load the player from my local machine?

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Media Server :: 3.5.3 Freezing / Stuttering Server Playback Of Recorded Streams

May 24, 2010

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Flash :: Media Server - Send Video And Audio Data To A Media Server By Using RTMP Protocol

Jul 22, 2010

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Jul 19, 2011

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Jul 26, 2010

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Media Server :: FLV Playback Stopping Early?

Jan 12, 2009

I have an intermittant problem with FLV playback. I am using FMS 3.0.1r123 and FLVPlayback component to play RTMP streams that have been recorded using a webcam via RTMP. Maybe 1 in 10 recordings will not play back the last couple of seconds of the movie. A day or two later they are fine and play completely! I have made some tests;

1. Using Video object instead makes no difference (it seems the Event.COMPLETE message arrives early)

2. Using HTTP playback fixes the problem (but I want to try and keep the RTMP playback if possible though but I guess this is one way out)

3. The duration before the movies plays back properly seems to vary but is always at least 24 hours later (is that weird or what?)

4. Seeking past the 'end' will play the last couple of seconds.

5. The metadata duration reported at the start is correct (but how can you force FLVPlayback to use this length?)

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Media Server :: Playback Logs From FMS From A Client?

Jun 11, 2009

I found some stuff in an old FMS book (great book on FMS but very old) on how to subscribing to the Log streams. The does a netConnect & NetStream and used a nc,onLog to get play back but onLog does not seem to be supported anymore. how I can playback logs from FMS 3.x into CS3 client?

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Media Server :: Record And Streaming Playback

Apr 4, 2011

when I heard that Amazon cloud services are now including FMS for a marginal increase in cost. So all I am looking to do is:
1) Record off a web cam and store the video using FMS

2) Play the video stream using FMS.

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Dec 12, 2010

is it possible to built a Video Chat without the need for server side code so that I can run it on a Flash Media Streaming Server?

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Media Server :: Duration Of Video Streaming Using Flash Media Server 3.5?

Feb 16, 2011

Flash media server 3.5 to stream live video to a webpage with flex GUI embedded in it.For this I have used Adobe flash media server start screen .I could able to stream video correctly.I want to know how long it could be do like suppose I have to stream like this for 3 or 6 months

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Nov 9, 2011

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Media Server :: Playback F4v Files Recorded In FMLE?

Feb 25, 2010

my name is Göran and I know this is probably the wrong place to post my question but as far as I can see there´s no forum for FMLE here. I´m using the betaversion for mac. I was broadcasting to justin tv last night and decided to try out the record feature i FMLE. It looked like it worked ok and a 125 mb f4v landed on my harddrive. There´s no way I can play it back though or for that matter convert it mov etc etc. What am I doing wrong do I need another special app for playback or converting. Seem a bit strange if this feature is onboard the FMLE but you can´t use it.

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Media Server :: Recording Stream From Webcam As F4V Playback

Mar 23, 2010

I'm recording a stream from a webcam as an f4v file using FMS 3.5. The file is created in the live folder, and i can stream it back to the client no problem, however when I try to play the file in Adobe Media Player (or anything else) it won't play. I've used the f4v post processor which claims to run successfully, but with no joy.

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Media Server :: Playback Components For Live Streaming?

Feb 3, 2011

I used video component for live stream .It is working well.but I need play and pause button on mouse over video in live streaming.I do not know how i do in mouse over in live streaming.flvplayback component have mouseover option in normal video streaming.Any possible way to use flvplayback component in livestreaming video?Any idea for mouse over pause and play button or any playback component(like flvplayback ).

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