Just trying to load and display a progressive JPEG with AS3. At this stage I do know how to load and display the jpg after it is loaded but I can't figure out how to display it progressively (ie: get something on the screen even before it is fully loaded).
I would like to load jpegs externally and have them fade in with a simple preload bar at the bottom. When the forward button is pressed I would like the image to fade out and the next image to fade in. When the back button is pressed I would like the image to fade out and fade in the previous jpeg. I would like to do all of this using Actionscript
I want to create a page for viewing JPEGs and SWFs. There will be a holder and underneath this there will be a row of thumbnails. On release of a thumbnail the JPEG or SWF will load into the holder. The files need to be updateable.
i'm making a simple portfolio site, and bringing in a series of jpeg files using a 'for' loop and the Loader class. once all the files are loaded in, i'd like to just be able to add, remove, tween, etc... the items from the stage as need-be by using instance names, such as movie clips or Sprites. but for some reason, i cannot seem to figure out how to have each image, as its loaded in, be separately accessable to me after the loop has completed.
When I put the common code for create a preloder in the beginning of the flash presentation, it will load the content of all the movie. But if I want to use different preloaders for loading JPEG's or mc, or different scenes, independly??
I have created a flash gallery where I am trying to fetch all thumbnails and large images from external folders. I am using the following code to load image blow-ups in a container:[code]While this works offline, when I upload the files, the thumbs are fetched from the image folder but not the large images. If there was an issue with the path, then thumbs should also not load.
I create a lot of flash galleries with image viewers, that have the standard thumbnail and large image type scenarioMy question would be to ask if there is anyway to prioritise the order that flash loads external jpeg images..... at the moment it wont load the main image until all the smaller thumbnails have been loaded... which sometimes can be up to a total of say 130 small images.Is there any code that you could use with loadMovie, to prioritse that download, pausing the previous smaller thumbs download, then continue to load again after?his way the user could still use the slideshow whilst the thumbs are loading instead of having to sit and wait...
The only thing I could think of, was perhaps add a loadMovie command during the loading thumbs loop that would execute after loading say 15 thumbnails, but then that would still 'block up' any further loading until the remain images were loaded.
I have a flash file that loads jpeg files and runs through each on the timeline. I have nav buttons to go back and forth. Here is the problem, all images load on frame 5 and I do this while another image is displayed so that they are loading in the background. I do this so that my initial file size is small, but I can load images in the background making the flash file appear to load quickly and loading other elements after it starts.
So all images load on frame 5, then I go frame by frame until I hit frame 11. If I click one of my nav buttons to go back to say, frame 7, the jpeg is gone and is no longer loaded. How to load jpeg files into the library, or at least, keep them loaded after they have loaded once? I have attached my fla file for reference. I had to rename the extension to eps, but it's a fla file, just rename the extension.
I am trying to dynamically load a progressive jpeg using actionscript 3. To do so, I have created a class called Progressiveloader that creates a URLStream and uses it to streamload the progressive jpeg bytes into a byteArray. Everytime the byteArray grows, I use a Loader to loadBytes the byteArray. This works, to some extent, because if I addChild the Loader, I am able to see the jpeg as it is streamed, but I am unable to access the Loader's content and most importantly, I cannot change the width and height of the Loader.
The cause of the problem is that until the Loader has completely loaded the jpg, meaning until it actually sees the end byte of the jpg, it does not know the width and height and it does not create a content DisplayObject to be associated with the Loader's content. My question is, would there be a way to actually know the width and height of the jpeg before it is loaded? I would believe this would be possible, because of the nature of a progressive jpeg, it is loaded to it's full size, but with less detail, so size should be known. Even when loading a normal jpeg in this way, the size is seen on screen, except the pixels which are not loaded yet are showing as gray.
I have a combo-box on the stage with a few items in the combo-box and also have corresponding JPEG/PNG image files. I need to display the appropriate image onto the stage based on the selection of the item in the combo-box. So, please I need ActionScript code or procedure to handle this using Event-Handling mechanism of MouseEvent.
I have created a portfolio page (all flash) and am using the following code to load external jpegs. I've also created this button to take one back to the main area. The problem is, when I click on the back button, even though it does take me back to the main page, the image stays there. How would I modify the code to make that image delete itself or hide when the button is pressed?
Code: // set up loader, an instance of MovieClipLoader, and use the main timeline ("this") // to listen to and respond to its broadcast events var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.addListener(this); // define what should happen when the jpg/swf is completely loaded [Code] .....
I have loaded a jpeg image in flash. Now I need the handler after the loading complete. I have used ActionScript Code: var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest(arr[0]); imageLoader.load(req); mc.addChild(imageLoader); imageLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, image_func); function image_func(e:Event):void { trace("image laoded complete"); } The above code is not working for loading complete.
I am new to Flash CS5 and I have created a slide show. I am trying to reduce the .swf file size for faster loading. I have been trying to adjust the size using the jpeg quality slider, but it doesn't seem to function whether I set it to 0 or 100 or anywhere in between. Publishing always generates the same size swf file.
I am attaching a movieclip to the stage called "polaroid", then dynamically loading a jpeg into it "polaroid.holder".But it doesn't work.It seems that if I dynamically set the instance name of the polaroid clip from attachmovie it won't wor
Code: i=1 function loader(){ choice = Math.round(Math.random()*5); containernew = "container"+i[code].....
I'm using Flash CS5, AS3 to create an .swf that imports an .f4v or .flv that was encoded with Adobe Media Encoder.When I use .flv the video begins playing immediately and downloads progressively. When I use .f4v the video has to download completetly before playing. Considering all things are equal except for encoding the video as either .flv or f4v, what step am I missing that is preventing the .f4v from downloading progressively?
I'm trying to have a preloader animate according to how much of the external swf has already downloaded on the user's computer. However, several errors like :
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClipLoader.
simple solution to a simple problem. I've made myself a little flv player, using the progressive download method.
However, it only starts playing once the whole flv has been downloaded. Now the adobe docs quote:
While using an ActionScript 3 file, the video begins playing only when enough of it has downloaded so that it can play the FLV file from start to finish. This behavior can be altered using ActionScript. However, I can not find this code anywhere. bufferTime does not work (as it is downloading, not streaming).
I'm trying to decide whether, for my particular application, I would be better off delivering video via streaming or progressive download. Here's the situation: Background: this will be a learning drill for learning foreign language phrases. There will be a series of ten short video clips, each one a headshot of a native speaker, saying a single sentence. The background is static so the only thing changing will be facial expressions, so compression should be pretty effective. Each clip will be approximately 4-6 seconds total length. Resolution will be approximately 360 X 270.
The way this particular drill works makes me wonder if perhaps progressive downloading might make more sense than streaming. But like I said, I'm not a Flash developer, so I could easily be wrong. (Did I mention we're currently looking for a talented, reliable Flash developer?) So here's how it will work: Drill will load up showing written text of instructions, along with audio of the narrator reading the instructions aloud. Approximate length of the audio instructions will be 15 seconds. (I"m thinking progressive download could begin during the reading of the instructions.)
After the instructions have been read, the intructional text goes away and is replaced with (from top to bottom) the text for the first sentence, the video box with a static image of the first frame, a "Begin" button. When the user clicks the "Begin" button, the video begins to play, and the "Begin" button transforms into a "Repeat" button, which is inactive while the video plays. When the video ends, the "Repeat" button becomes active. Clicking the "Repeat Button" causes the same video clip to play a second time (again, the "Repeat" button is inactive while video plays.
Developing a flash resource which runs FLV files from within it as pro gressive. It works ok on my local testing computer/network server. But when I put it online it does not play.I opened up the components panel for each FLV and noticed they were absolutely linked to my network drive (obviously when online this linking will now work). So i changed all the linking to be relative and some warning windows did come up and say i was breaking the link but i ignored them because i don't care about how it runs locally...i want this resource to work online!line.something that it might also be is I am uploading this resource to an LMS called Janisons (perhaps they are not FLV through flash playback - friendly).
Is there any particular path of troubleshooting I could go along? Because I have just about tried everything i know!UPDATE: I changed back one of the FLVs parameters to link to local drive in the component parameters - and as expected, it runs fine locally but when previewd in chrome (which might i add has some great debugging features that you could only dream of finding in IE) i get the following message:
Like the title states my Progressive download never plays. Before I waste your time and mine showing the methods used I rather start off simple.
Are there any reasons an flv might not be allowed to stream? I have followed the methods in every Progressive video tutorial I can find (about 7 so far) and they explain the exact same steps yet my flv never plays. I have also done it entirely with just action scripte and nothing. I get the player and my video list but never get the video. I have the Source set to the web directory of my flv in the parameters in the property inspector.
I have also tried to use this method with other types of video and it also never plays. The only thing that works is embedd it which is of course a terrible only choice.
I'm trying to understand and really pinpoint when to use progressive download vs. rtmp in flex/flash. It seems that the main point is that rtmp is not served with http, whereas progressive download is. Since it's not rtmp, the resource is protected since there is no way to connect to the rtmp server from outside the swf.
they would not be able to connect to rtmp. So rtmp seems to be more useful when you want to protect a resource? Is that all there is to it?
I have written my own flv player in Actionscript 3. You can view it in action here. It serves up sample videos. All of the videos are encoded at 700kbps (I know that is really high. I'm working on serving different bitrate versions) and they range from 8mb files up to 95mb. have had reports that sometimes the videos will stop playing, and the only way to get it to restart is to stop and restart (sometimes even refreshing the page). I have never had the problem on any of my computers. However, in talking with someone that does have the problem I have figured out that it is an issue with connection. The connection gets interrupted for some reason and it will stop downloading. BTW, everyone says that youtube, and other flv sites works just fine.
pausing the actual download of a progressively downloaded FLV/F4V or MP4 file?
Scenario: You have a playlist-style video player. You start downloading/playing a video file using the netStream class. Video finishes downloading (bytesLoaded == bytesTotal) and is playing fine. Custom class you have starts downloading other video files in your playlist. The need arrises to PAUSE the custom class's downloading of other video files (similar to pause buttons in downloads windows of web browsers).
I have a swf with just a jpg as the background and a simple animation. I simply want the swf to start playing and do a progressive download and continue to play.With the jpg it won't start playing until the jpg is finish downloading. Without it will start playing and downloading at the same time.I am using Event.INIT to know when the swf is loaded enough to play.
Ok I have this 30 minute FLV that is progressively downloaded. The app also has chapter points that the user can click. This was orginally being built for use on a CD rom, but now they want it on the web things are changing..ughhh..ion is to disabled all the chapter points until the FLV has loaded to that chapter point. How can I figure that out how much (in seconds) of the FLV has loaded?
I would like to make a dynamic field where the number to make a count of 0 to a number that will come from a variable.I am researching several hours and can not find.An example is the preloader, we have the percentage below the bar that has that type of field, plus the preloader I have is based on getBytesTotal (), and getBytesLoaded ();But in my case I'll just have a variable with the final value, and I want to show that the field from 0 to this value.
I got help for a a week ago to do a loop on progressive loaded movies, but nov I got a problem it only loops on keyframe one and not on keyframe 2. Do anyone know how I can sort that out..?
I have the following on keyframe 1, where everything is perfect:
I have created a SWF file with three main sections. Each section has at least one video that is viewed using the FLVPlayback component. In order to reduce bandwidth, and unnecessary processes in general, I want the videos only to load if the user is currently viewing that section.
The first part is simple enough only call the source method for the FLVPlayback until the video is needed. Great, works fine. However, problems arise in cancelling the download.
I have searched the Adobe documentation, and it seems almost impossible to stop a progressive download using FLVPlayback. (To be honest, I am using FLVPlayback simply so I don't have to build my own player. Its a whole other level of complexity that I simply do not want to get into unless ABSOLUTELY needed.)
The Adobe methods that actually stop streams (closeVideoPlayer(), etc.) render the FLVPlayback instance useless once called. I was looking for a way to stop a download AND be able to use the FLVPlayback instance again.
To test it, I created a simple file (the AS is below) with only an FLVPlayback component and a button on the stage. The button is connected to a function that clears the video and then resets the FLVPlayback instance to play the file again.
Everything works (play, pause, volume, etc.) EXCEPT that after button has been clicked and the reset function has been called, clicking the component's stop button "breaks" the player. The seekbar displays its streaming mode and clicking on any other button inside the player does nothing. (I could not recreate the problem in the Flash IDE (imagine that!), but it persistently appears when testing in a browser.)