ActionScript 2.0 :: Prioritise External JPEG Loading?
Mar 10, 2009
I create a lot of flash galleries with image viewers, that have the standard thumbnail and large image type scenarioMy question would be to ask if there is anyway to prioritise the order that flash loads external jpeg images..... at the moment it wont load the main image until all the smaller thumbnails have been loaded... which sometimes can be up to a total of say 130 small images.Is there any code that you could use with loadMovie, to prioritse that download, pausing the previous smaller thumbs download, then continue to load again after?his way the user could still use the slideshow whilst the thumbs are loading instead of having to sit and wait...
The only thing I could think of, was perhaps add a loadMovie command during the loading thumbs loop that would execute after loading say 15 thumbnails, but then that would still 'block up' any further loading until the remain images were loaded.
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May 19, 2009
I have a flash file that loads jpeg files and runs through each on the timeline. I have nav buttons to go back and forth. Here is the problem, all images load on frame 5 and I do this while another image is displayed so that they are loading in the background. I do this so that my initial file size is small, but I can load images in the background making the flash file appear to load quickly and loading other elements after it starts.
So all images load on frame 5, then I go frame by frame until I hit frame 11. If I click one of my nav buttons to go back to say, frame 7, the jpeg is gone and is no longer loaded. How to load jpeg files into the library, or at least, keep them loaded after they have loaded once? I have attached my fla file for reference. I had to rename the extension to eps, but it's a fla file, just rename the extension.
Attachments: hm-slideshow2.eps (1.1 MB)
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Jan 9, 2010
I have created a portfolio page (all flash) and am using the following code to load external jpegs. I've also created this button to take one back to the main area. The problem is, when I click on the back button, even though it does take me back to the main page, the image stays there. How would I modify the code to make that image delete itself or hide when the button is pressed?
// set up loader, an instance of MovieClipLoader, and use the main timeline ("this")
// to listen to and respond to its broadcast events
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
// define what should happen when the jpg/swf is completely loaded
[Code] .....
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May 24, 2009
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Jul 29, 2009
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Jan 3, 2010
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Jul 7, 2009
i'm making a simple portfolio site, and bringing in a series of jpeg files using a 'for' loop and the Loader class. once all the files are loaded in, i'd like to just be able to add, remove, tween, etc... the items from the stage as need-be by using instance names, such as movie clips or Sprites. but for some reason, i cannot seem to figure out how to have each image, as its loaded in, be separately accessable to me after the loop has completed.
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May 28, 2005
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Feb 22, 2008
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Nov 18, 2008
I imported an external jpeg.
Now, I would like to SMOOTH this image.
Since it does not appear in the library. I don`t know how.
Is this possible?
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Nov 29, 2009
I am trying to dynamically load a progressive jpeg using actionscript 3. To do so, I have created a class called Progressiveloader that creates a URLStream and uses it to streamload the progressive jpeg bytes into a byteArray. Everytime the byteArray grows, I use a Loader to loadBytes the byteArray. This works, to some extent, because if I addChild the Loader, I am able to see the jpeg as it is streamed, but I am unable to access the Loader's content and most importantly, I cannot change the width and height of the Loader.
The cause of the problem is that until the Loader has completely loaded the jpg, meaning until it actually sees the end byte of the jpg, it does not know the width and height and it does not create a content DisplayObject to be associated with the Loader's content. My question is, would there be a way to actually know the width and height of the jpeg before it is loaded? I would believe this would be possible, because of the nature of a progressive jpeg, it is loaded to it's full size, but with less detail, so size should be known. Even when loading a normal jpeg in this way, the size is seen on screen, except the pixels which are not loaded yet are showing as gray.
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Jan 8, 2009
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Feb 19, 2010
how to unload an external jpeg image in an AS3 function script.
var picURL2:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Buying-A-Diamond_Wh.jpg");var picFrame2:Loader = new Loader();picFrame2.load(picURL2);
function onOpen2(e:Event):void { trace("loading has begun");}
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Sep 10, 2009
I�m making an image gallery. I want to load the large jpeg images externally. I wanted thumbnails at the bottom to fade up as the images load up, then when they are ready to be displayed, they are actually fully loaded and ready to be displayed and don�t take any more than a couple of frames to become visable, but this is eluding me.
I'm currently using Flash 10.0, and the mx.controls.loader from the flash components to load the images into, which works fine other than getting to it before the images are loaded. An Actionscript 2.0 that creates a loop over a few frames until the external image is loaded then moves on should enable me to get it done, but no luck so far.
I thought this would work:
if (this.getBytesLoaded()>=this.getBytesTotal()) {
gotoAndPlay("the label name on the next frame");
} else {
gotoAndPlay("the label name on the previous frame");
but it continues on the timeline even when the external image is not fully loaded yet.
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Sep 28, 2008
I'm using this source file to create my photo gallery:How would I modify this code to make the external JPEG load in the center of the movie?
MovieClip.prototype.fadeIn = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
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Jul 4, 2009
I am trying to load an image into a movieclip and a link for a button from a text file. How would I do this?The text file looks like this:
HTML Code:
With a code like this or something?:
var photo:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
but this didnt work.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have loaded a jpeg image in flash. Now I need the handler after the loading complete. I have used ActionScript Code:
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest(arr[0]);
imageLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, image_func);
function image_func(e:Event):void {
trace("image laoded complete");
The above code is not working for loading complete.
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Mar 20, 2010
When I compiled the following code I had some problem.[code]...
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Mar 20, 2010
When I compiled the following code I had some problem.
private var image_loader:URLLoader;
public function loadImageData():void {
image_loader=new URLLoader(new URLRequest("studentphotosBlue hills.jpg"));
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Oct 16, 2003
How to call an external jpeg file in a thumbnail and on click event showing the same image with greater dimension along with the text file
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Feb 13, 2002
I'm creating a simple flash navigation using some transparent .gifs. At present i import them then make them instances and use them internally in flash from there... But, is it possible to link the instance to an external gif file on the server so that the image can be change by simply changing the gif file/s instead of having to go back into flash??
I realise it would be easier to just update by importing the new images into flash but it's a client request and as they say 'the customer is always difficult'
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May 10, 2010
I am new to Flash CS5 and I have created a slide show. I am trying to reduce the .swf file size for faster loading. I have been trying to adjust the size using the jpeg quality slider, but it doesn't seem to function whether I set it to 0 or 100 or anywhere in between. Publishing always generates the same size swf file.
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Jan 24, 2006
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function loader(){
choice = Math.round(Math.random()*5);
containernew = "container"+i[code].....
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Jun 6, 2003
I have a very general requirement that seemed very simple: Step 1: Load a new external JPEG image into a MC with a string var encoding a string caption in the URL link (VALUE="../fadeTest.swf?someTextVar=TestCaption") within the EMBED / OBJECT sections. I know how to do this and it semed to work fine. STEP2: When the JPEG is loaded I would like the substituted Text to Fade In over the JPEG. The JPEG should also fade in before the Text. The fade rate should be programmable.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a movieclip clip that plays when the movie starts, the movieclip is a visual assets that show's that the application is loading some information but it's not showing any loading progress, just playing while the assets are loaded.I created a for loop that will load the assets using a simple loader, and then when the object is loaded the application push the object to an array.Problem is that when the loading starts all the animation that i have on screen stops until the loading is finished.The whole point is that the animation will play while it's loading.
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Feb 23, 2011
I spent almost a week trying to figure out how to unload a currently loaded swf using its button and loading a new swf... I have three files, a main.fla, file1.fla and file2.fla. In my main.fla, I have a code which loads the other two files. If i will click the "unload" button in the file1.swf, I would like the main.fla to unload the file1.swf and load the other file, file2.swf. Here is the code to load the file1.swf:
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Jun 4, 2004
[FMX] I am having trouble loading an XML file on an external server into my flash movie when it is uploaded. The data loads in fine when the flash file is on my local computer with the xml file on a server. As soon as the flash file is uploaded the XML data will not load in.
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Nov 2, 2010
I used to do this fine with AS2 and now i'm struggling to get it to work in code is as follows:
PW1.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK,loader1 );
//==================== PS function =============================================
var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
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May 4, 2011
I have created a main "site.swf" file that loads a "default.swf" file into a container after a preloader. On this default.swf file I have buttons that needs to load new external SWF files in its place in the container. All of the external SWFs contain buttons and navigations that will also call up other external SWFs into this container. So, I would like to know how to program each button (some are movieclips as buttons) to unload itself and load the respective SWF into the container (eg. AboutUsButton to call up aboutus.swf into the container). I do not have a main navigation on the site.swf file bacause the navigation changes on each SWF that needs to be loaded into the container.
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Jul 19, 2009
I want to load external png's through this code:
(for this code, check the mcBandPreloader in de .fla file)
var imageLoader:Loader;
var RespJpeg:String = "images/arch1Proj.jpg"
function loadImage(url:String):void {
Here the problem is that I can't type html in my external txt file. (I did checked the html button in Dynamic Text Properties. What am I doing wrong here?
.fla can be downloaded at [URL]
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