ActionScript 3.0 :: Properties Between SWFs In Different Browsers?

May 18, 2009

My main swf calls in an audio player that I wrote as a separate swf. There's a seek function inside the audio player that skips to any given track in audio player's list, after receiving 2 arguments: artist name and song name. That's semi-irrelevant... but just to keep you updated.

In the parent swf, there's a list of songs, and when clicked, each song will pass those 2 arguments to the audio player swf's seek function. The problem is simple enough to explain:

In the Flash test, it works fine. In IE it works fine. In firefox, I click the song button, and nothing happens. The audio player still works fine, but I can't seek to other songs from the parent swf.

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When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..

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_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


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a.bproperty = 0; //lowerlevel properties
a.cproperty = 1; // lowerlevel properties


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Just how compatible are flash files in web browsers?

Will they run in every browser? (obviously not, but which ones don't they run in / which ones do they have trouble running in?)

Why, in Internet Explorer does it always give me a hard time about running active content with its security warnings? (is there a way to get around this / allow the content to play normally without hassle? e.g When I got to Internet Explorer does not complain about running that active content.)

Is there anything else you know about the compatibility that you would like to share?

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ActionScript :: Xml - Setting Object Properties From Other Object Properties?

Jun 25, 2010

i'm attempting to cast an object's property as an actual property of another object. here's my object variable: var propObj:Object = {prop:"width", width:50}; now i want to assign the property of a sprite using that object's properties. var sp:Sprite = new Sprite(); sp.(propObj.prop as = propObj.width; now, i'm not even going to try that because i know the compiler will explode all up in my face. but you should be able to see what i'm trying to do. why i'm trying to do it is because i'm reading in an XML file with an undetermined list of usable properties for specific objects. so instead of writing something like a huge switch statement to evaluate whether the XML file has a value for that specific property, i'm trying to assign properties dynamically based on what's available in the XML file. if what i'm trying to do is possible, what's the best way to do it?

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Flash Movie Not Lining Up In Different Browsers?

Jun 15, 2009

Not sure if there's a fix for this or not. I've had this happen to me on the last two sites I've built. I embed the flash movie into my site in Dreamweaver, and everything works perfectly in Safari. When I view the site in Firefox however, the flash movie loads a few pixels off (see pics). Anyone have a fix for this?I've tried setting the vertical align of the movie to "bottom," and I've also tried dragging all of the cells tight in the site. I've even tried rebuilding the site all together. As soon as I bring in the flash, the cells get off in FirefoxSite in Safari:

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Feb 1, 2011

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and on google chrome i have just click on screen for it to show otherwise nothing happens.

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