ActionScript 3.0 :: Rectangle.getBounds Causing An Infinite Loop?

Jul 19, 2011

I've been working on an AS3 project. One of my classes in this project is a collision object that extends MovieClip. It is used to be placed in other movie clips as hitboxes.My problem with the code lies in its hittest function. Occasionally, it causes an infinite loop that crashes the program. Flash tells me the problem lies with the getBounds function, but I don't understand why that is so. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with it?

public function HitTest(other:CollisionShape,offsetX:Number = 0,offsetY:Number = 0):Boolean {


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JavaScript :: Function Causing Infinite Loop In Firefox

Nov 16, 2010

A script on my page is causing an infinite loop in FireFox. Here is the Javascript:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
height: new_height
}, 100, function() {
// Animation complete.

This is being called via ExternalInterface from a Flex object:
var tiles_height:Number = 175+Math.ceil(MothersRingData.getInstance().styleArrayCollection.length/4)*175;"expandMothersRings", tiles_height + 300);

There is no issue in IE or Chrome. But for some reason the expandMothersRings function is infinitely looping in FF. The flex object is not expecting any return value from Javascript. Also if I change the JS function to look like:
function expandMothersRings(new_height) {
Then it only executes once. So something in the function is causing it to loop in Firefox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetBounds() - Get A Movie Clips Coordinate Bounds And Use The Minimum And Maximum Values Of X And Y To Draw Rectangle Around The Object

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I'm having a little difficulty getting to grips with the getBounds() Movie Clip function. I assumed the getbounds() method simply got the boundary coordinates for the movie Clip, that one could use to draw a rectangle. This is what I'm trying to do;I'm trying to get a movie clips coordinate bounds, and use the min and max values of x and y to draw rectangle around the object. Simple right? But in my case, I'm getting some unexpected results. I wonder does ther registration point of the object determine the coordinate values? Also are the coordinate values local to the clip instance or global to the stage?


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Flex :: Replace Infinite Loop?

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I want to access a webservice:getMonitorData() , on creationcomplete and returns an array, in an infinite loop so that the getIndex0.text is updated each time.Flex is not able to handle an infinite loop and gives a timeout error 1502. If I run the for loop until i<2000 or so it works fine.How can replace the loop so that my webservice is accessed continiously and the result is shown in getIndex0.text.This is how my application looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx=""


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Professional :: HitTestObject Causing Loop?

Jul 15, 2010

Im using hitTestObject to start a mc playing, but it continues to loop even though there is a stop(); on its last frame.


The mc "rolly" is the one being looped.  Its animation is within itself (hope that makes sense) it is not looping the main timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinite Loop Function ERROR

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"256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.This is probably an infinite loop.Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie."Why do I get this error (above) when I use the code (below)? Why isn't this acceptable? [I use function similar to this in Javascript with no problem.][code]

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var centerX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
var galleryWidth:Number = infiniteGallery.width;
var speed:Number = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveGallery);


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function tween1():void {
Tweener.addTween(image, { _hue: 180, time:5, onComplete:tween2 } );
function tween2():void {
Tweener.addTween(image, { _hue: -180, time:5, onComplete:tween1 } );

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Jan 12, 2012

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Jan 17, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variation On Infinite Loop Menu?

Dec 8, 2009

this menu is somewhat similar to the infinite scrolling menu that is often used except this one doesn't scroll based on mouse position but rather on which button is clicked in the nav.

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i 'sort of' have this working, but not quite.. i think the problem lies in how i have to shift the position of menuslide back to _x:0 when it gets to the end so that it looks like an infinitely looping menu. there also seems to be some conflict with the arch01 button as it doesn't slide down to highlight when it moves into position.

i have attached the fla if anyone has the time or inclination to take a look.

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I thought I have done this before but I was mistaken.

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Mar 20, 2003

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FLVPlayback Causing Slideshow To Loop Uncontrollably?

Jul 3, 2009

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The file functions properly until I added the FLVPlayback component.  It was looping even when the FLVPlayback component was in the library and exported for actionscript and in frame 1.  After unchecking these boxes it won't loop, however that all changes as soon as I drag an instance of the component on stage or inside a movie clip on stage.
The flash presentation I'm working on is designed so 1 frame is one slide and I need the video to be playable from 1 slide (frame).  Even after placing stop actions everywhere I could think of it still loops straight through with the FLVPlayback component. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pre-loader Which Is Causing A Continuous Loop?

Dec 18, 2002

I have posted this question recently and I am desperate for a solution. I have a pre-loader which is causing a continuous loop.

On frame 1, I have:

totalK = getBytesTotal()/1000;
loadedK = getBytesLoaded()/1000;
remainingK = totalK-loadedK;


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Professional :: Make An Infinite Loop With The Same Space On All Images?

Dec 22, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loop Running Infinite Times When Triggered

Mar 30, 2011

I've got this for loop, but for some weird reason it malfunctions:
- When triggered, it runs infinite times.
- It only triggers when segmenten1 or segmenten3 are 0, which is weird, because it should also work when segmenten0 and 2 and 4 are 0...

Here is the for loop:
function addmetaal (evt:Event) {
for(var animteller=0;animteller<5;animteller++){
if (this["segmenten"+animteller]==0) {
[Code] .....

It seems to me like that when any of the segmented variables hits 0, it should trigger 2nd for loop, and repeat that 4 times. The xco and yco are arrays which store values for the x and y coordinates for spwaning the addchilds, this works fine.
the segmented variables are declared as following:
var segmenten1:Number=17, segmenten2:Number=17, segmenten3:Number=17, segmenten4:Number=17, segmenten0:Number=17;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start An Infinite Sound Loop And Stop It After?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm trying to get right. Essentially I want the beeping sound to loop infinitely while there are no pauses in the writing of the text, but I want it to stop once the last loop that was going when a pause in the writing started has finished, and then start up again when the pause ends.Now I could just easily set the loop to stop once a pause starts, but then there is the chance of stopping the loop mid-sample and making the pause sound abrupt, and I don't want that to happen.Now please watch the current swf:And please read my script for better understanding

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Cycle Through Color Spectrum In An Infinite Loop?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm looking for a way to smoothly cycle through the color spectrum in an infinite loop, but I can't find any topics on the subject and don't really know where to start. I'd also like to be able to control how fast it cycles. I'm guessing I'd probably want to look into Tweener?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execution Timeout Error / Not And Infinite Loop

Jan 21, 2010

I have been getting the following error occasionally when running my flash file.Error #1502: A script has executed for longer than the default timeout period of 15 Sr_fla::CenterTemperature_10/frame2()After the error occurs I can dismiss it and the error will not reoccur unless the flash file is closed and reopened - even though I am running the same code over and over.I have traced out all of my loops and feel confident there is not and infinite loop.I read a note on the forums that mentioned this error can occur when a large calculation takes place.I am doing some semi-complex calculations. Maybe that is the cause. Below I have posted some snippets of code from my work. Essentially I have a script which tests a variable (CenterTemperature) to make sure it is within certain bounds.Then a looping movieclip reads the variable and scales another movieclip accordingly.[code]

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Actionscript :: Flash (CS4) - SetInterval Causing For Loop To Not Work?

Jan 12, 2010

I have some simple code:

function testing(){
for (a=1; a<=4; a++) {
this["btn"+a].enabled = true;

If i run this function from anywhere it works fine. If i run this function from myTimer = setInteval(testing, 3000); it will not work. If i add other random code into the function it (the newly added code only) will work. So i have narrowed it down to something about this["btn"+a].enabled = true; specifically that is causing it to not run.I really hope this makes sense, appologies, it's 3am :

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event For Loop Causing Undefined Array

Mar 11, 2011

Basically when I put the asteroidXlocation in a for loop it becomes undefined outside it. If I just do the line by itself it works.[code]...

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Aug 13, 2010

How do you stop the flash debugger if the code is running an infinite loop, or very very slowly?

I put too many trace() statements in, and it is taking forever. I know I can ctrl+alt+delete and stop flash CS5, but is there an easier way?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Clip Movement To Infinite Loop To X Axis?

Jan 21, 2008

I guys i am trying to make Movie clip movement to infinite loop to x axis.It should move like left to right on loop, without any jurk.i used this code. this is working fine to move left, but i am not getting how should i make it move on looop.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (this.masked._x>-100) {
this.masked._x += -10;[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can Requests From Flash Create An Infinite Loop That Crashes The Server

May 18, 2009

a client hosts numerous sites at MT, I've built a few Flash sites that exist on his server. For some reason, the server is over-running due to an internal loop that is basically the domain requesting itself over and over. can this potentially happen via the player itself somehow making numerous requests.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding/Infinite Menu - It Cuts Off A Bit When Going Infinite?

Nov 12, 2002

onClipEvent (load)

i did the tutorial but something is wrong cuz when i created my own little sliding thingy and i put my mouse so it slides left or right on the right side it cuts off a bit when going infinite.I think its something to do with the positioning of my menu because its not on x=0 its on x=120.8 and i was trying to work out how to fix it but i'm stuck...and when i move the menu to x=0 it works nicely.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: False Loop Error "A Script In The Movie Is Causing Macromedia Flash Player 6 To Run Slowly?

Nov 26, 2002

On very slow machines (>p200Mhz) I sometimes get an error that says "A script in the movie is causing macromedia flash player 6 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?" Yes, No.

I have a loop function that populates a listbox, sometimes the file it loops from is over 2000 lines, and takes a long time for the listbox to populate. In this time I get the error. If I hit No on the error everything works just fine. I am almost for sure there is no problem with my script, flash just thinks the loop is set to infinity or something and pops open the error box.

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