ActionScript 3.0 :: Searching Strings By Search Bar?
Mar 3, 2012
I want to search a dynamic text field through a search bar in As3, but I can't seem to find the code to "search". If you have any easy way to do this please tell me, in the mean time I found a tutorial but it's in Flash 5, and I have no experience in transforming as1 to as3, can anyone help me here is the code: (on the search button)
ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
msg = "";[code]........
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm using regular expression to search word in a string, for example
var patrn:RegExp = new RegExp("\bit's\b");
var str:String = "Heres my problem in it and it's so help me guys.";
trace(patrn.exec(str)); //result is null
My problem is I can't search the data in a string which has special character like ('/,/.). What regular expression string is capable solving my problem?
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ActionScript Code:
var someString:String = "...."
var expPattern:RegExp = "/"+someString+"/";
//I really want this to work!!!!
Otherwise, I think I'll have to use another string manipulation tool to search for the sequence. I think that RegExp might be the easiest solution.
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Jul 5, 2009
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Aug 24, 2009
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Problem: I push multiple strings into an array, and some of the strings are the same.
var myArray = new Array();
myArray.push (Snivvle);
myArray.push (Kirupa);
myArray.push (Snivvle);
I want to find out which element positions "Snivvle" hogs up. We can see that it would be using element 0 and 2, and if we do an "indexOf" we would only get to see element 0, and doing a "lastIndexOf" we would only see element 2. How do I find out ALL of the element positions "Snivvle" is located in, so that it returns: element 0, element 2.
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Sep 6, 2010
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Jun 8, 2009
I've started a project a while ago, so far it is almost done but there is something that I seem not to be able to do alone... I would like to add a search function which I don't know how to do.It will not be a normal search function so I am going to try to beak it down with an easy example:
Let's say I did a project that is embeded somewhere in a normal html page with a main menu from where you can get to different city maps (e.g. New York, Paris, Berlin). The maps are seperate swfs. On all those maps there are several buttons for historical sites (or whatever) with a mousover function and a link to a page with more information about that specific site (on html).the names of the buttons are always a letter and a number (New York: "N1","N2","N3"...; Paris: "P1","P2","P2"... instance name for P1 is p1_btn)
What I need now is a search field in the main menu where you can search for those buttons. Meaning if I type in "N2" and hit search it will take me to the New York swf and show me button "N2".
I know this might not make much sense like this but the actual version is quite different and more complicated context-wise. Therefore if possible I would like to leave it that way with the main menu, the linked swfs and the buttons.
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Nov 23, 2011
I've got a catalog of events in XML that is read into my Flash swf. I'm trying to develop a search box that will search through the titles, descriptions, presenters, etc. and return a list of related events.
Does anybody know a prebuilt AS2 system that does this? Or a good tutorial on how to go about this? I have googled, but haven't found much.
Here is my approach so far. When I load in the XML I create an array of the frequency of all the words in the nodes that I'm interested in. I figured it would be useful to do this once instead of each time a search is performed. I store that word index in another array with an index that will take me back to the original node. I was trying to figure out if there was someway to put it all into one index, but then I'm not sure how I'd link back to the original nodes.
When performing a search I look through the array of word indexs and check for the word and return another array of which original nodes contain the word.
If the search term isn't represented I generate all the permutations of the word that have an edit distance of 1 -- i.e. that have a letter changed, added, or deleted in any position. So for example if the search is for "the" the list of 1-edit would be ahe, bhe, ... tae, tbe,... tha, thb...athe, bthe,...tahe,tbhe, ....... he, te, th. If any of those are found it returns the results and puts up a "Did you mean xxxxx?" type of notice.
So far all of this is working rather well.
I'm still working on figuring out what to do if the user puts two words into the search box.
Also haven't figured out what to do with plurals and other "stem" type situations.
I want to make this pretty simple and easy for people to get the results they want.
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Jun 16, 2003
Its mostly the way google is set up that makes it so easy. I just happened to notice that the url for a google search is always the same except for the search variables at the end. http:[url]....So all I did was to add a textfield to get the variable to put on the end of the URL. (And a button to press)
getURL("" + inputText);
P.S. I am going to put this into a thread too in case any one else is interested.
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Dec 21, 2009
How do i search use the code to search?e.g. From Zoo, To City Hall.The zoo(hv already create the flash animate to city hall)but the problem is how to write a code to point to zoo(action script)!
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Jul 14, 2009
I've got a flash movie that reads in an XML file and has an input text box. When you type something in the input box, I want to search through the XML and return the names of the elements that match whatever is currently in the input box, even if its only partially complete.The input box has an event listener of type Event.CHANGE on it and it runs the following function.
Code: Select allfunction searchWords(e:Event):void {[code].........
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Sep 26, 2011
Long story short: I want to search a multidimensional array in AS3 for (in this example) the location of 6 strings - all of which are stored in another unrelared array. Long story long: Once I get the locations (in the multidimensional array) of each string, i then know where it's located, and can access other atributes of that object - so if i found the string "box3" is located in element [5] of my multidimensional array, i can now target: multiArray[5][3] to return the 4th item stored (keeping in mind we're starting from 0, so 3 is the 4th position).
I can get this to work once, but I'm trying to set up a for loop based on the length of my basic string storage array - this array holds (in this example) 6 instance name strings - each time my for loop loops, i need to run a search in my multdimensional array for the next consecutive instance name. Then, once I've located all of them (and store the results in a new temporary array) I can dig around in each location for the info I need.
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Jul 3, 2011
I have 31 XML files, each containing words (A.xml for all the words beginning with the letter "A" and so on).The XML formatting is as follows:
(All the words are in alphabetical order)All in all, I have around 400,000 words neatly organized in 31 XMLs.
1. The CPU randomly picks a letter from A to Z. Based on that letter, it loads the appropriate XML file. From that XML file, it randomly loads one word (and when it first loads it, it skips words ending in "nt" - last two characters).
2. When it is presented with the word, the user needs to type in another word, which must start with the two characters that the previous word ended with. Here, the same rule of "nt" applies. Also, Flash needs to check if the word is valid (must check inside the XMLs for the word.
3. If the word is valid, Flash picks another word that starts with the last two characters of the previous word. (Here, the "nt" rule doesn't apply).
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May 29, 2009
In Flash CS3 when you did Modify/Document it allowed you to type in a document Title and Description which were metadata searchable by internet search engines. According to the book "Brilliant Flash CS4" this is still possible in CS4, but I think they have removed the option, and the book is wrong. add metadata for searching to FLA documents or is this now gone?
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May 5, 2011
Usually when I am looking for a specific field name, section of code or variable, I will run a GREP regex search to search through my ASP files, which works great as they are just stored as plain text, however I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to do the same with ".fla" files.
The GREP search looks through all my files in one go and returns a list of files which match the search terms; but wouldn't work on .fla files as the actionscript is not stored as plain text. Possibly this would work if I converted all my ".fla"s to use seperate ".as" files but this would be a lot of work and I'd rather avoid it if possible.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have this XML:
<?xml version= "1.0"?>
<floor _number='1'>
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a few different XML documents that get loaded into my app. What I would like to know how to do is search the incoming XML string for a certain attribute (apple or peach) then route its use to the correct location.example:
<boringExample1 apple ="somevalue" ... />
<boringExample2 peach="somevalue" ... />
I am not trying to read the value of the attribute but the name of attribute itself. if my XML string has apple attribute go here else if my XML string has peach attribute go there. I hope that makes sense
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Mar 30, 2009
sharing an old template of his or a nice website where I can find some for free?
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May 12, 2009
I have gone thru the Kirupa's tutorial "Using XML in Flash CS3/AS3", and it helped a lot in my project. Now, I have a question in XML searching. If an attribute's value is say title="kirupa tutorial" and a user wanted to search only the word "kirupa", then how can i get this node of xml, which title is "kirupa tutorial"..
@title == "kirupa" only works when the whole word matches the value of "title" attribute, but i want to search a partial word.
View 8 Replies
Apr 16, 2009
I do not know flash at all and i am writing some code in Action Script 3 and am having some trouble.
Basically i have a list that is read from an XML file.
I am busy writing a function to allow a user to enter a search word that will allow him/her to find the closest matching node.
For example, if the nodes are:
1) movies
2) music
3) books
4) plays
typing "m" will search and scroll through 1 and 2 continuosly after every button click but typing "mo" will find only 1.
Using mytree.findNode("label", search_word); //will only find nodes of EXACT name Using mytree.getNextIndexAtLetter(search_word, i); //Will only find nodes with starting letter of search word
View 3 Replies
Jul 2, 2009
Does anyone know of an easy way to use the data from a combo box to either search or reference the XML tags? I have an xml document formatted like this:
Ultimately, I would like to use the data from the combo box to find/reference the information contained in the Brand tags so I can display the information in the remaining tags (stuf1, stuf2, stuf3 & stuf4) in separate text fields.
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Jul 6, 2009
I'm working with tons of array generated from a XML. How should I go about creating a search function that will be able to search and retrieve a particular nod from the array. Sth to do with .toLowerCase() and getIndexOf? The search function should be able to search and retrieve any text that contain the letter/letters... not the whole word. Like for example if user enter "gre", it should retrieve results containing "great" and so on.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have got an array of objects, each with properties, plus those objects have sub objects.
Array[0] = 0 = fish
Object.Array[0] = 0
object.variety = red tetra
[Code] .....
So now it will go through every item in the array and work filterArray on it, but where to proceed from here?
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May 19, 2010
I have a text file 100,000+ words (A scrabble dictionary) sorted alphabetically and I want to be able to search the file to see if it contains a word entered by the user. I should be able to write a binary search algorithm easily enough but I don't know how to access all the items in the list. I've only ever done file I/O with python so I don't know how in actionscript.
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Sep 10, 2009
I have a collection in Flex and I have sorted it by a date field, so the latest elements appear first in my view.
In order to do this I have applied a sort field like so:
var articleSort:Sort = new Sort();
articleSort.fields = [ new SortField('published', false, true), new SortField('id', true, true)];
articles.sort = articleSort;
Now I want to be able to use a cursor to findFirst() in that collection based on the id. However in order to do that I have to also pass through the published date in the findFirst() method. This is a real pain as I don't have the published date at that time, (or it's expensive to get).
articleCoursor.findFirst({ published: modelLocator.articles.getArticleById(event.newArticleId).published, id: event.newArticleId });
As you can see I am having to get it from the modelLocator in my application, and basically look up the item...
Ideally I would like to pass a wildcard though for the date in the FindFirst() function, as the id is the only thing I care about when searching. However it seems it Flex I can't do that.
The other option that occurred to me is to resort the collection before searching, but that would cause my view to re-render (as it's bound to the collection) on the collections refresh event. Plus it seems rather silly to have to resort in order to search.
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Jan 31, 2009
I am loading a .txt file and pusing it into a dynamic text field. i want to be able to sort this text by line..
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Apr 9, 2010
How can I search for a keyword in an array?
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