ActionScript 3.0 :: Searching For Nodes In A List?
Apr 16, 2009
I do not know flash at all and i am writing some code in Action Script 3 and am having some trouble.
Basically i have a list that is read from an XML file.
I am busy writing a function to allow a user to enter a search word that will allow him/her to find the closest matching node.
For example, if the nodes are:
1) movies
2) music
3) books
4) plays
typing "m" will search and scroll through 1 and 2 continuosly after every button click but typing "mo" will find only 1.
Using mytree.findNode("label", search_word); //will only find nodes of EXACT name Using mytree.getNextIndexAtLetter(search_word, i); //Will only find nodes with starting letter of search word
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<?xml version= "1.0"?>
<floor _number='1'>
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<boringExample2 peach="somevalue" ... />
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[Code] .....
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Sep 10, 2009
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var articleSort:Sort = new Sort();
articleSort.fields = [ new SortField('published', false, true), new SortField('id', true, true)];
articles.sort = articleSort;
Now I want to be able to use a cursor to findFirst() in that collection based on the id. However in order to do that I have to also pass through the published date in the findFirst() method. This is a real pain as I don't have the published date at that time, (or it's expensive to get).
articleCoursor.findFirst({ published: modelLocator.articles.getArticleById(event.newArticleId).published, id: event.newArticleId });
As you can see I am having to get it from the modelLocator in my application, and basically look up the item...
Ideally I would like to pass a wildcard though for the date in the FindFirst() function, as the id is the only thing I care about when searching. However it seems it Flex I can't do that.
The other option that occurred to me is to resort the collection before searching, but that would cause my view to re-render (as it's bound to the collection) on the collections refresh event. Plus it seems rather silly to have to resort in order to search.
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ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
msg = "";[code]........
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Apr 6, 2009
loading in xml in as3 (I followed the excellent Kirupa example [URL] and so far so good.
I now want to check if a certain string is present in a particular node and if so run a certain action. For example:
say my xml has a node like so:
<item>Customer likes Granny Smith, Winesap and Fuji apples</item>
</apples >
How can I check if a string is present in a node eg
nodeVal = displayData.fruit.apples[i];
if(nodeVal == "Granny Smith"){
//perform certain action here
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Item SKU="10167402" title="22265004210" department="11" quantity="7" counted="0" />
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Any advice on how to handle this sort of behavior using JFreeChart, or if this is not possible any recommendations for other libraries that do support this behavior?
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