I have a basic Tree built in Flex. The Tree works fine. I'm attempting to get a list of all of the visible nodes. I know there is a Tree.openItems, but that does not suffice because (for example) if you open all the items in your tree and then close the root, the invisible opened items are still counted.
I do not know flash at all and i am writing some code in Action Script 3 and am having some trouble.
Basically i have a list that is read from an XML file.
I am busy writing a function to allow a user to enter a search word that will allow him/her to find the closest matching node.
For example, if the nodes are:
1) movies 2) music 3) books 4) plays
typing "m" will search and scroll through 1 and 2 continuosly after every button click but typing "mo" will find only 1.
Using mytree.findNode("label", search_word); //will only find nodes of EXACT name Using mytree.getNextIndexAtLetter(search_word, i); //Will only find nodes with starting letter of search word
What I need is for each of the nodes highlighted in green to return the child Nodes. Example: when I move the mouse over the menu Indoor lighting, the results should be: Indoorlighting | LED 10W> 3W LED> LED 6W
For those unfamiliar with tree structures, tree structures are usually dynamic lists where every node has a pointer to two other nodes. They are arranged so it makes for faster searching and stuff and are very useful in programming languages that offer direct access to heap memory. Although I don't know if there would be benefits of making tree structures in AS would be of any help but I decided to have a go at it anyway. Since there are no pointers in flash I tried to just replace pointers to nodes with nodes themselves. Such things usually work in java I think because the language just automatically makes pointers for variables.
My designer provides me lots of MovieClips containing buttons and its states and most of them contain a TLF TextField. Now I do not want to check each MovieClip where a TLF TextField is used. Can I know exactly in which MovieClips and buttons a TLF TextFields has been used so that I can convert them to a classic TextField, or any method to convert all TLF TextFields to classic automatically by the compiler itself? I tried deleting the TLF library from publish settings: it starts giving me an error, but still not pointing me to where TLF TextFields are being used.
I'm using flex 4.1 to write an application. i read in the documents that has the rowCount property to set how many items to display. the does not have that property. how can I limit the list to display 3 items ?
The 'recommendations' dataProvider is an ArrayCollection of String, which are generally sentences about as long as this one. By setting the variableRowHeight and wordWrap properties as shown, if a sentence is too long to fit on a single line, everything works fine- the row expands and the messages show on two lines, or occasionally three.
The space allocated for this panel within the entire canvas means if the total text size of 'recommendations' exceeds six lines, I need for the entire list scroll. This is also working just fine. The trouble is when using the mouse wheel to do the scrolling- Flex scrolls both the entire list and the single item where the mouse is hovering. Often this results in only the second half of a sentence being visible. Non-programmer friends I have asked to look at this noticed this, and tell me it as a problem. If a user does not notice the dual scrolling, and sees only a fragment of a sentence, it will be perceived as an error in the application.
When a user selects a category from the first drop down box then i want the 2nd drop down to be updated based on the selection of the first drop down. I have created multiple ArrayCollections whose names are set to the "data" values of the first drop down, for instance:
[Bindable] public var countries:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {label:"USA",data:"USA"},
I'm trying to animate a list as I delete the top row. All the examples I can find use itemsChangeEffect to bind to the effect, but this property exists only in MX lists, not spark lists.
Any idea how I can get the same effect done in Spark Lists?
I'm trying to remove the top most item in the list with a slight fade out effect before the rest of the items move up to replace the gap.
A web service return to my flex3 client this custom exception: <SOAP-ENV:Fault xmlns:ro="urn:Gov2gLibrary" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="[URL]" xmlns:xsd="[URL]" xmlns:xsi="[URL]" xmlns:HNS="[URL]" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="[URL]" xmlns:v1="[URL]"> <faultcode>E2gError</faultcode> <faultstring>abc</faultstring> <detail><HNS:ROException> [Code] .....
This is obviously a part of the FaultEvent object I get when the remote call fail, so I'm trying to access "T2gMsg" subnode values like this: protected function onFaultEvent(e:FaultEvent):void { var obj:Object = e.fault; var err:XMLList = obj.element.detail.children()[0].children(); // now I have in err the "Messages" list, subnode of ROException, // so I should cycle to read one message at time: for each (var x:XML in err.children()) { //? }
How to read ID, Severity etc values. I think something like "x.ID" should work but it's not, while x.child("ID") or x.elements("ID") return null. What can I do?
The traditional way to assign an icon would be to use the icon field of the item renderer,which reads the value of "icon" property in your data, for example:
But i want the DefualtThemeLogoutIconClass to changed to another class: ightThemeLogoutIconClass when the theme is changed.The only way to do this would be to use a style declaration containing a classReference to the icon, and change its the value in each of the CSS files of the various themes.The question is, is there any way to assign this style to an icon in a List, something as easy as intuitive as list[0].getIcon().setStyle("styleName");
Say for example, I have an XML file with 100 "person" nodes, and I want the first 30. Or possibly 51 - 100. Is there any way to do this with e4x syntax to return an XMLList?
But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent
i have complex XML structure i want get all descendents uisng some xml paren.child.@attribute representation For example
Suppose i want get all xml nodes with month.task.@target how can i implement this, I mean i only give input as "month.task.@target" and the return should be XMLList containing all node that have same structure