ActionScript 3.0 :: XML List All Nodes With A Specific Attribute ?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm looking for a way to list all XMLNode that have a certain attribute, in my case, the "link" attribute.So i do :

var list:XMLList = xml..@link;
for each(var i in list){

But this traces the value of the attribute and not the node containing the attribute... How to trace the node??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Count Number Of XML Nodes With Specific Attribute?

Feb 6, 2011

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<fortoyning hjorne="1" />
<fortoyning hjorne="1" />


But I only need the number 3 as the value of "ant_h1". How do I do that or is it an another way to achieve this?

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Xml :: Flash - Get All Nodes Attribute Value?

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<alphabet id="A">
<term heading= "Anchor" definition="A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from


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<page id="Page1">  <adverts id="0"> <adfile>file1</adfile>  <adwidth>1</adwidth>  <adheight>50</adheight>  <adposx>212</adposx>  <adposy>375</adposy> 
</adverts>  <adverts


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Actionscript 3 :: Select XML Nodes By Attribute?

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In C# I would do something like:

XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/Names/Name[@type='M']");

Can this be done in AS3?

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myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;


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Flex :: Filter Out Specific Nodes Of XML?

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Take this XML example[code]...

But that really just gives me back the original XML (since I'm asking for the root where those conditions are met I get the root). I understand why my approach doesn't work, but I don't know where to go from here./grandParent

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Choose Specific XML Nodes?

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So. Basically I'm trying to create a news-ticker that feeds of an XML-page that I don't have control over. It rolls horizontally across the screen. (Eventually...)

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var emp:XML =
<employee id="6401" code="231">
<employee id="6402" code="232">
<employee id="6403" code="233">
</employee>; </employees>

How would I access the specific attribute "6403"? I tried sth like this but did not work :

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Professional :: Hide Specific XML Nodes But Display Others?

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I have been looking for a reference for this all over Google and even through the Adobe Forums but I can't find anything.I'm using Flash CS4, AS2. I'm calling an XML document to populate 2 text areas (textArea). In one textArea I need to display the firstChild (or ROOT node) and three childNodes after that. In the other textArea, I need to display the fourth childNode only.I am good to go for the second textArea, the one that only shows the fourth childNode. What I cannot figure out is how to hide that fourth childNode from my other textArea that calls for the same XML file. My code is written below, actionscript and XML.My textArea boxes are named "myText" and "myText2". "myText2" is the one that is working properly. I need to show only the <title> <description> and <price> tags in the "myText" box, not the <link> tag.

Flash AS2
//Set Image PropertiesmyImageBox.html = true;myImageBox.wordWrap = true;myImageBox.multiline = true;myImageBox.label.condenseWhite = true;myImageBox.setStyle("borderStyle","non


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Xml :: Get A Flex Tree To Display Only Specific Nodes?

Oct 9, 2009

How do I get a Flex tree to display only specific XML nodes?

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It looks like using a custom TreeDataDescriptor is the way forward but I cannot find any examples of using one with XML.

<Grouper Type="ProductHeading" Id="" icon="drugIcon">
<Product Id="1002081" icon="genericIcon">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find XML Node Which Has A Specific Attribute?

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Apr 16, 2009

I do not know flash at all and i am writing some code in Action Script 3 and am having some trouble.

Basically i have a list that is read from an XML file.

I am busy writing a function to allow a user to enter a search word that will allow him/her to find the closest matching node.

For example, if the nodes are:

1) movies
2) music
3) books
4) plays

typing "m" will search and scroll through 1 and 2 continuosly after every button click but typing "mo" will find only 1.

Using mytree.findNode("label", search_word); //will only find nodes of EXACT name Using mytree.getNextIndexAtLetter(search_word, i); //Will only find nodes with starting letter of search word

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how to do this.. but every single one seems to have something that does not fit my purpose.

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var classList:XMLList = e.child("class").(attribute("day") == theday).(attribute("hour_ini") >= thehours);
for (var i:int = 0; i < classList.length(); i++)


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<special NAME="thisone"></special>


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Feb 22, 2011

I've been trying to figure out how to display the descendants (in this case exchangeRate and PlacesOfInterest) of a parent node with a specific attribute.To set the scene - the user clicks on a button which sets a string variable to a destination eg. japan or australia.The code then runs through a set of nodes in the XML and any that have a matching attribute is traced - simple enoughWhat I can't figure out is how to then display only the child nodes of the node with that attribute.I'm sure there has to be a way of doing it and I'll probably be banging my head against the desk when I find it

public function ParseDestinations(destinationInput:XML):void
var destAttributes:XMLList = destinationInput.adventure.destination.attributes();


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Xml Parsing - Find Specific XML Data By Attribute Name/value In Flash?

Mar 31, 2012

Given the following XML code:

<set name="thumbsBooks">
<set name="pdf">
<thumb>Data I want to access</thumb>
<thumb>Data I want to access</thumb>


I want to be able to get the data contained in the "thumb" tags using the "name" attribute value of the parent tag as a selector, something like you would do in jQuery: $('set[name="pdf"]').find('thumb');Is there a method like this in Action Script 2 (can't use AS3)?

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say I have an xmllist like this (but with many other attributes not shown for brevity):

<node metal="white gold"/>
<node metal="yellow gold"/>
<node metal="silver"/>


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1) load in an xml file that contains several names
2) Load each one of those names into a predefined movie clip which would display the name
3) randomize the placement of each name in a given shape area so that the Movie clips with names would randomly fill in to make a specific shape.

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// Where user1 ... usern are objects of some class User
users = [ user1, user2, user3 ... usern ]
// How do I find out the objects that have the "foo" attribute set to "bar"

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Flex :: List Dataprovider Based On Matching Attribute

Jan 27, 2012

I have some xml, I want to give it to a List dataprovider, but based on an attribute match.

My Xml

<rows name="general">
<objects name="Start" image16="startflag16" image32="startflag32" class="someclass">


And I am trying to do something like below, If I remove (@name=="general") from below line it gives me all property


But it gives me error, so basically I want to get all property based on rows attribute name matching general

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ActionScript 3 :: Use RegEx To Match A Tag With Optional Attributes - One Specific Attribute / Value - And Preserve Its Contents?

Mar 3, 2011

I am not new to regex but have come across a problem I can't seem to solve. I'm trying to locate a specific HTML tag that has a specific attribute/value pair (it may have other attributes, too, but those are optional), extract it's contents as a backreference and wrap a new custom tag around it. The original tag is:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Specific FLV's In List

Sep 16, 2008

I've got the following script working correctly. When button1 is clicked it populates a list with XML driven items. When each list item is selected the description is presented in a text area.

I'm having trouble however, with playing a specific FLV when the item is clicked in the list. I can get it to work by specifying a specific vid.source = ("http......") by I need each item to play a different FLV.

lb.setStyle("contentPadding", 0);
function play1(e:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Each Of The Nodes Highlighted In Green To Return The Child Nodes?

Dec 8, 2011

I develop a piece of code that brings me to an xml, all Nodes i use this code:
for(var i=0; i< menu_xml.childNodes.length; i++){
corrent_node = menu_xml.childNodes[i].length;corrent_item.action = corrent_node.attributes.action;corrent_item.variables = corrent_node.attributes.variables; =;

What I need is for each of the nodes highlighted in green to return the child Nodes. Example: when I move the mouse over the menu Indoor lighting, the results should be: Indoorlighting | LED 10W> 3W LED> LED 6W

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Jan 26, 2006

For those unfamiliar with tree structures, tree structures are usually dynamic lists where every node has a pointer to two other nodes. They are arranged so it makes for faster searching and stuff and are very useful in programming languages that offer direct access to heap memory. Although I don't know if there would be benefits of making tree structures in AS would be of any help but I decided to have a go at it anyway. Since there are no pointers in flash I tried to just replace pointers to nodes with nodes themselves. Such things usually work in java I think because the language just automatically makes pointers for variables.


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Nov 2, 2006

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