ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete Nodes According To His Attribute?

Dec 20, 2009

i have another problem.. I would like to be able to delete a node according to his attribute "id" of the node "adverts". ????? here is the xml script :

<page id="Page1">  <adverts id="0"> <adfile>file1</adfile>  <adwidth>1</adwidth>  <adheight>50</adheight>  <adposx>212</adposx>  <adposy>375</adposy> 
</adverts>  <adverts


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Xml :: Flash - Get All Nodes Attribute Value?

Feb 19, 2010

Here is the xml file

<alphabet id="A">
<term heading= "Anchor" definition="A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from


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Xml :: Flex - Nodes Will Not Delete Despite Calling "delete"?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to use the delete keyword to remove nodes from an xml file and it just plain won't work.Here's a stripped down example of what I'm working with. Every node has a child named "deleteme". If its value is equal to 1 I want to remove it from the xml file. If its anything else I want to leave it be. The delete method is deffinately gettig call but it's having no effect.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Actionscript 3 :: Select XML Nodes By Attribute?

Jul 11, 2010

Trying to parse some XML (over which I have no control!)

In C# I would do something like:

XmlNodeList xnList = xml.SelectNodes("/Names/Name[@type='M']");

Can this be done in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML List All Nodes With A Specific Attribute ?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm looking for a way to list all XMLNode that have a certain attribute, in my case, the "link" attribute.So i do :

var list:XMLList = xml..@link;
for each(var i in list){

But this traces the value of the attribute and not the node containing the attribute... How to trace the node??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Count Number Of XML Nodes With Specific Attribute?

Feb 6, 2011

I need to count how many instances there is of a spesific attribute in my xml-list.

Here is my xml-file where I need to count how many children where the attribute "hjorne" is "1":

<fortoyning hjorne="1" />
<fortoyning hjorne="1" />


But I only need the number 3 as the value of "ant_h1". How do I do that or is it an another way to achieve this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete Nodes From External XML By Value?

Aug 23, 2008

I need to remove nodes from the xml loaded into Flash from external xml file. I need to remove folder nodes and also inside nodes by id and than insert the nodes in Flash tree using the tree.dataProvider method. Maybe there is a better way!

This is my example:
I need to display only the folders with id 12 and the nodes inside those folders with id 12.

This is an example xml file:

<folder label="label-1" id="10">
<node label="node label" id="10" />


I am searching for solution for 1 week and I do not know what to do. I am beginner in Flash and do not understand a lot from the actionscript. I downloaded and use the CS3 version and actionscript 2.

How to traverse the xml loaded into Flash and remove the nodes that do not confirm with the given id.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Each Of The Nodes Highlighted In Green To Return The Child Nodes?

Dec 8, 2011

I develop a piece of code that brings me to an xml, all Nodes i use this code:
for(var i=0; i< menu_xml.childNodes.length; i++){
corrent_node = menu_xml.childNodes[i].length;corrent_item.action = corrent_node.attributes.action;corrent_item.variables = corrent_node.attributes.variables; =;

What I need is for each of the nodes highlighted in green to return the child Nodes. Example: when I move the mouse over the menu Indoor lighting, the results should be: Indoorlighting | LED 10W> 3W LED> LED 6W

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree Structures - Replace Pointers To Nodes With Nodes Themselves

Jan 26, 2006

For those unfamiliar with tree structures, tree structures are usually dynamic lists where every node has a pointer to two other nodes. They are arranged so it makes for faster searching and stuff and are very useful in programming languages that offer direct access to heap memory. Although I don't know if there would be benefits of making tree structures in AS would be of any help but I decided to have a go at it anyway. Since there are no pointers in flash I tried to just replace pointers to nodes with nodes themselves. Such things usually work in java I think because the language just automatically makes pointers for variables.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Parsing Not Working When Attribute Has A : In The Attribute Name?

May 13, 2009

I am having trouble parsing some xml that has a few attribute names with : characters in them. The compiler is not throwing any errors and when I trace my complete xml object out it is all there, however when I try to trace out any element or node it keeps comming up undefined. I removed the attribute names with : characters in them and everything works fine. I cant seem to target the attributes either to delete them.

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Actionscript 3 :: Making A Delete Button To Delete Text In The Inputtext Field

Nov 12, 2010

I got these four errors when I tried to create a button on the stage that would delete the text I inputted in the inputtext(ti). Based on the scripts I have and the errors, what should I write to create the delete button?


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Flex :: Combobox Backspace Or Delete Key Does Not Delete Highlighted Text

Mar 26, 2010

I am implementing a flex auto-suggest combobox - as the user types in each character: Consider the string 'Stackoverflow' and user input = 'st'

1) the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 'st'
2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted.

So for instance, the combobox text may contain st'ackoverflow', where 'ackoverflow' is highlighted using setSelectedIndex()When I hit back-space or delete, and check the 'this.text' value, I expect that the last un-highlighted character ('t' in the above case) gets deleted and the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 's'. However the text property contains 'st', as before

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Attribute Tags - Add In Custom Attribute Tags That Flash Can Recover?

Dec 15, 2006

I have been trying to figure out how you could add in custom attribute tags that flash can recover.

<param name = "movie" value = "somefile.swf">
<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400">

Except, that I would like to add a Custom tag, like "randNum" so that the tag user could input some number, or rather, a flash movie could generate a tag with a number already put in...Basically, heres a really basic version of the idea.There is a Flash Movie.In the movie, you can input text into a textfield.Upon finishing your message, you click a button "save".

The flash movie then:

1. Comes up with a random number unique to the message.

2. Assigns that number to a variable... "randNum".

3. Saves message as a xml file to the server as "filename" + randNum.

4. Outputs into a textfield a generated HTML tag that a user can post on myspace and such so that it will load in the flash movie.

Except... in the tag, there will be a custom attribute. If the random number variable "randNum" was 00112233, the custom attribute will be 00112233.

<embed src = "somefile.swf" width = "550" height = "400" randNum = "00112233">

So when the movie opens, it retrieves that randNum from the tag and can use it inside flash. How can this be done? Sorry this post was so long, but I wanted everyone to understand the concept.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Textbox At Run Time - Delete A Textbox By Delete Key

Jul 30, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Mc With Delete Key?

Sep 17, 2009

i have A,B,C,D moveiclip
now i want to delete a mc with delete key .if i select A then press delete key it will delete .

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Applying CSS To XML Nodes?

Sep 14, 2009

I couldn't find anything to directly answer my question online, so I thought I'd post here.

I have a CSS file, and an XML file. Both are loading fine, but the flash isn't applying the CSS to the XML nodes I assign.


district1_BTN.onRelease = function() {
descText.text = Quotations.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild;
for(i=0; i<Quotations.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes.length; i++)


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Add Xml Containing Multiple Nodes?

Aug 4, 2010

I have xml similar to this

var testXML:XML = <myxml>


Is there a way to add xml containing multiple nodes.

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As3 :: Get All The Xml Nodes That Contain A Certain Childnode With A Certain Value?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm trying to work with XML in flash here and ran into an issue. I need to collect all the nodes in an XMLList that contains a certain childnode with a certain value. For example, from the XML below I just want to get the ''product'' nodes that have 1 as a value for ''amount'', i.e product 3 and 5.

And it's not a typo for product 3... ;(

<title>Product 1</title>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Certain Nodes From Xml?

Nov 19, 2009

I have an xml schema and recently got some actionscript working to parse it. The problem is, the actionscript is parsing some of the nodes, but missing some others, specifically the "inner" ones. Attached is the xml structure, and a simple Fla that loads the xml and attempts to trace all the nodes. You will notice, when you run it, it only traces the "ContactDetail" node once, and so misses the data.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Value Of All XML Nodes?

Jul 3, 2006

I have the following xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<link name="HOME" ref="index.cfm"/>
<link name="HOW IT WORKS" ref="hiw.html"/>


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AS3 :: Can't Accessing XML Nodes In It

Mar 18, 2009

I'm fairly new to XML and Flash, and am having some trouble accessing some deeper nodes in the XML feed that I'm using for my project. See details below. I can access the headline fine, but it's anything below that - the timestamp and the excerpt that I'm having trouble accessing. For now, I'm just starting with the timestamp.[code]...

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XML Attribute Is Undefined?

May 11, 2009

I am on AS2.0, CS4:i am trying to extract the following data from the XML attribute:[code]i tried to load the xml attributes into the two separate dinamic text fields:[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Attribute Value From XML?

Jan 21, 2012

I am trying to get the value of an attribute full where another attribute name is equal to something

So in this case I am trying to get the value of "full"

var full_url = myXML.item.@full.(@name=="");

This is my XML:

<item name="Toy Box" thumb="resize/thumb_image2.png" full="full_images/image2.png" />
<item name="Toy Train" thumb="resize/thumb_image3.png" full="full_images/image3.png" / >
<item name="Toy Truck" thumb="resize/thumb_image4.png" full="full_images/image4.png" />

So my as above should return one of the But when I trace full_url I get nothing and no errors.

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Xml :: Get Textnode By Attribute?

Mar 2, 2012

I have this XML

<language lang = "ru">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Attribute NAME From Xml?

Jun 19, 2009

I have some xml that is full of attributes. Without much detail, i would like to translate the xml into objects. However , i need a method that can get the attribute values AND names. Getting the value is a no brainer, but the names are not coming so easy. For example, the following will translate and xml node into an object with a prop and value of the same[code]...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Get XML Attribute Name Not Value?

Apr 10, 2008

I need to be able to dynamically get the name of an attribute in AS3. So for example:

Code: Select all<setup<animation speed=".5" />
<animation transition="saturation" />
<animation easetype="linear" />
<animation clickthrough="true" />


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get XML By Value Of Attribute?

Jun 18, 2007

I'm updating an old AS2 project and have a question about XML. This thing I'm working on uses two xml files, pics.xml and lang.xml. The last one of the two contains translations for the flash file and looks like this:

PHP Code:

<lang>    <trans lang="sv">        <nextPic>N�sta bild</nextPic>            <prevPic>F�reg�ende bild</prevPic>        <showMap>Visa karta</showMap>    </trans>    <trans lang="en">        <nextPic>Next picture</nextPic>            <prevPic>Previous picture</prevPic>        <showMap>Show Map</showMap>    </trans></lang> 

and in the pics.xml you choose what language to display by setting an xml attribute to either "sv" or "en".My question is, how do I tell the function that parses lang.xml to only parse the node with the right language. If "sv" is set in pics.xml I only want to parse the first bit om lang.xml there, you se what I mean? I don't what to use something like: this.firstChild.childNodes[0].blahblah cos most likely the users of this will ad more languages...

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Dynamically Create Xml Nodes?

Feb 14, 2007

Is it possible to dynamically create child nodes of an xml file with flash??Im what i want to do is save a users name etc in an xml file without having to manually add nodes in.So when a user clicks a button to save their details a new

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DataGrid With XML Child Nodes?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm trying to populate a datagrid via an external xml file.  i'v gotten a good ways into it but have hit a stumbling block that i can't get past when it comes to using the child nodes to populate the datagrid. 


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Count Xml Child Nodes

Jun 5, 2009

How to find out that. Is any new child node is available in xml or not.this is the structure of xml:if i add any child node in the xml how can i find it in from actionscript 

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