ActionScript 3.0 :: Searching For A String In A XML Node?

Apr 6, 2009

loading in xml in as3 (I followed the excellent Kirupa example [URL] and so far so good.

I now want to check if a certain string is present in a particular node and if so run a certain action. For example:

say my xml has a node like so:

<item>Customer likes Granny Smith, Winesap and Fuji apples</item>
</apples >

How can I check if a string is present in a node eg

nodeVal = displayData.fruit.apples[i];
if(nodeVal == "Granny Smith"){
//perform certain action here

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var xmlData:XML =
<buttonID>first child node value</buttonID>

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ActionScript Code:
var sample:XML = <sample>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Searching In A XML?

Jul 3, 2011

I have 31 XML files, each containing words (A.xml for all the words beginning with the letter "A" and so on).The XML formatting is as follows:


(All the words are in alphabetical order)All in all, I have around 400,000 words neatly organized in 31 XMLs.

1. The CPU randomly picks a letter from A to Z. Based on that letter, it loads the appropriate XML file. From that XML file, it randomly loads one word (and when it first loads it, it skips words ending in "nt" - last two characters).

2. When it is presented with the word, the user needs to type in another word, which must start with the two characters that the previous word ended with. Here, the same rule of "nt" applies. Also, Flash needs to check if the word is valid (must check inside the XMLs for the word.

3. If the word is valid, Flash picks another word that starts with the last two characters of the previous word. (Here, the "nt" rule doesn't apply).

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Mar 12, 2012

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<?xml version= "1.0"?>
<floor _number='1'>


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Mar 7, 2011

I have a few different XML documents that get loaded into my app. What I would like to know how to do is search the incoming XML string for a certain attribute (apple or peach) then route its use to the correct location.example:

<boringExample1 apple ="somevalue" ... />
<boringExample2 peach="somevalue" ... />

I am not trying to read the value of the attribute but the name of attribute itself. if my XML string has apple attribute go here else if my XML string has peach attribute go there. I hope that makes sense

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Searching For Flash Templates

Mar 30, 2009

sharing an old template of his or a nice website where I can find some for free?

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IDE :: Searching PARTIAL Attribute Value Of XML?

May 12, 2009

I have gone thru the Kirupa's tutorial "Using XML in Flash CS3/AS3", and it helped a lot in my project. Now, I have a question in XML searching. If an attribute's value is say title="kirupa tutorial" and a user wanted to search only the word "kirupa", then how can i get this node of xml, which title is "kirupa tutorial"..

@title == "kirupa" only works when the whole word matches the value of "title" attribute, but i want to search a partial word.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Searching For Nodes In A List?

Apr 16, 2009

I do not know flash at all and i am writing some code in Action Script 3 and am having some trouble.

Basically i have a list that is read from an XML file.

I am busy writing a function to allow a user to enter a search word that will allow him/her to find the closest matching node.

For example, if the nodes are:

1) movies
2) music
3) books
4) plays

typing "m" will search and scroll through 1 and 2 continuosly after every button click but typing "mo" will find only 1.

Using mytree.findNode("label", search_word); //will only find nodes of EXACT name Using mytree.getNextIndexAtLetter(search_word, i); //Will only find nodes with starting letter of search word

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Flash8 :: Searching / Referencing XML Tags

Jul 2, 2009

Does anyone know of an easy way to use the data from a combo box to either search or reference the XML tags? I have an xml document formatted like this:


Ultimately, I would like to use the data from the combo box to find/reference the information contained in the Brand tags so I can display the information in the remaining tags (stuf1, stuf2, stuf3 & stuf4) in separate text fields.

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Jul 6, 2009

I'm working with tons of array generated from a XML. How should I go about creating a search function that will be able to search and retrieve a particular nod from the array. Sth to do with .toLowerCase() and getIndexOf? The search function should be able to search and retrieve any text that contain the letter/letters... not the whole word. Like for example if user enter "gre", it should retrieve results containing "great" and so on.

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Aug 12, 2009

I have got an array of objects, each with properties, plus those objects have sub objects.

Array[0] = 0 = fish
Object.Array[0] = 0
object.variety = red tetra
[Code] .....

So now it will go through every item in the array and work filterArray on it, but where to proceed from here?

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