ActionScript 3.0 :: Select Multiple Files?

Aug 16, 2011

Any way to browse and select multiple files to upload instead of just one?I'm looking at the ref but all I see is an argument for a filter.

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Java :: Select Single File Or Multiple Files To Download?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm currently working on a Flex3/blazeDS/Spring/Oracle project. My requirement is display a list of files from an external FTP server in a grid, user can select single file or multiple files to download, and if user selects multiple files I should tar the files on the FTP server and download the tar file from FTP server to user disk. As per my understanding on the File Download in Flex we have 2 ways to do it. 1) File Reference 2) Using navigateURL and call server side JSP/Servlets to download files.

1) For FileReference we need to download the data first and prompt the user to save the file by clicking on some button. We cannot prompt the 'Save' dialogue without the click event for Security reasons in Flex (Workaround). But my client hates this process because its two steps and he want it in one step like normal file download with only 'Save' dialogue. Then I tried the second option.

2) navigateURL. Open a new windows make a post url request for to JSP/Servlets and prompt the 'Save' dialogue. The problem I am facing here is the pop-up window does not close once the download is complete. navigateURL does not return any reference to the window to close the window. I even tried different content types and headers and java script but none seems to work. The window closes when it is a single file and not for the tar or zip file. I would like to download the popup window for any type of downloads. I am using IE7.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploading Local Files Without Requiring User To Select Files?

Feb 3, 2009

My users upload a certain kind of text file that sometimeshas references to images stored locally on their hard drive. I needto check this file either on the server or within a flash app tosee if it has these references and then grab those images in aflash app to upload to my server.So I can use FileReference easily enough to have users uploadlocal images. But FileReference requires users to select their files with a dialog box. I can't have that. Myusers wouldn't know where to look and there are typically way toomany files, sometimes with the same name but in differentdirectories.

I can also just use URLLoader with a local URL, I guess I canprobably just use Loader too? That works great. The problem here isI can't communicate with both the server and the local filesystemin the same flash application due to Flash's security sandboxrestrictions. So I can get out of those security restrictions byplacing or editing a trust file in designated locations on variousOSes. I then need to install this trust file which is more invasiveand confusing to users then I want to be...Java's method of accessing local files from a web applet bysimply signing the applet with a certificate and having a dialogbox popup where the users grants access is ideal. Is there anything

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XML File Won't Select Other Files?

Apr 1, 2009

Though, on one of the simplest things though I can not have the flash file select the XML files. It will select the first but will not continue with playing the rest of the songshere is my AS and XML files.

// Load XML Songs
var xml:XML = new XML();


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Oct 18, 2011

I was wondering, if I had an image with multiple sections that are highlighted on rollover(like a car), and I wanted to give the user an opportunity to select multiple sections and on release they are taken to a page that displays relevant info on each clicked section, how would I go about doing that?

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XML :: Flex E4X - Select Nodes By Multiple Attributes

Jan 6, 2010

<EFM><projects><project name="EFM Columbus Supply Chain Project">
<characteristics><characteristic name="Types of Data">
<option name="Commodity Flow" value="True"/>
<option name="Industry Assets" value="False"/>
[Code] .....

I want to select a XMLList of nodes by this criteria
<Projects>.<project>.@name = x &&<Projects>.<project>.<characteristics>.<characteristic>.<options>.<option>.(@name == y && @value == z)
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Flex :: Select Multiple Items In A DataGrid?

Feb 28, 2011

how to multiple select the datagrid? i can't figure it out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Radio Buttons, Select One?

Nov 30, 2005

I have 5 radiobutton. They have all been grouped into the Groupname HR_value Each of the radio button have the names: hr1 , hr2 and so on.

If I write: _root.line1.vv1.hr1.selected= true I get the result i am looking for. But I know want this to be contingent upon the value of a variable called temp:

var temp
temp=1[temp].selected= true

.....this does unfortunately not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Select Multiple Objects?

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I am wondering how it is possible to simulate the behaviour like in windows, where you drag on the stage and select all the objects (movieclips) in the drag area, so that you can move them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Multiple Select List Of Data From AS3 To PHP?

Oct 28, 2008

I'm developing a Flash interface that needs to pass a multi-select list to PHP from AS3. I have a similar interface programmed in HTML and JavaScript, and due to the quirks of PHP I use a series of like-named hidden fields to store the data. The fields are named, for example, "my_ option_text[]". The use of the square brackets in the name somehow identifies to PHP that this is an array and it treats it as such. I've had no problem using this method to send data to my PHP processing page and have been able to save it correctly. Now I'm trying to use the same PHP save page to process the data from Flash. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to configure my URLVariables class properties to appropriately pass an array that will be identified as such by PHP. I've tried simply assigning an array to an appropriately named property of the URLVariables class, but the PHP only recognizes one item, not all items. I've tried using the same naming convention as that I use in HTML/JavaScript, but the square brackets aren't appreciated by AS3.

I can't believe that I'm the first person to encounter this issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction on how to resolve this I'd appreciate it. I did try searching these forums but only found one case discussing PHP arrays, and that was sending data into Flash, not from Flash to PHP.

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CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 21, 2010

I can can select the anchor points as "white" quickly, but I can't get them to be "black" without doing it layer by layer, which is tedious. What I want is way to select lines that are in different layers and get the points I selected in a way similar to the regular selection tool or free transform tool.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag Select And Move Multiple Items?

Jul 4, 2011

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Flex - Possible To Select Text Between Multiple RichEditableText Objects?

Aug 15, 2011

For example, say I have 3 RichEditableText objects and I want to be able to highlight them all together:

<s:RichEditableText id="obj_one" width="100%" text="Click and start dragging the highlight here..." selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_two" width="100%" text="Continue dragging the highlight through this one" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_three" width="100%" text="and keep going and finish highlighting them all right here" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />

Is it even possible to make it so all three could be highlighted that way someone could Copy all three at once then past all the text somewhere? I should clarify, The reason they would be like this is because there they are in an itemRenderer so they would each be their own object in each line on the list. It would be nice though if the text could be highlighted and copied like it was all together though. Just imagine the way an end user would expect to be able to drag an highlight any other text in a standard html document to paste elsewhere.

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Flash CS4 :: Select Multiple Anchor Points Across Separate Layers?

Jan 24, 2010

I am talking about anchor points on a line, not a keyframe. They are also called "handles". I can select the anchor points as "white" quickly, but I can't get them to be "solid"without doing it layer by layer, which is tedious. What I want is way to select lines that are in different layers and get the points I selected in a way similar to the regular selection tool or free transform tool. Here is an image of what I'm trying to do, but more easily. The lines are on separate layers, but when I select them with the subselection tool I have to go layer by layer selecting the points. I'm trying to look for a very quick way of doing it. When I do select all with the subselection tool on, the anchor points are only "white" and not "solid" as shown below.

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Actionscript 3 :: Select Multiple Items As Default In List Component?

Feb 3, 2012

I set my list to allow multiple selection. But when I load data in my list, I want to set a few items as selected. Normally you can set only one item selected by using list.selectedIndex. It only accepts int. How can I set multiple items as selected?

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Mar 4, 2010

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Php :: Create Upload Script With Multiple File Select Like Facebook With A Progress Bar?

Mar 31, 2011

I was just wondering that is there a way to create a multiple file select like Facebook (using flash, I think.) and with a progress bar that show every photos progress in one progress bar. Have a clue or a script which can be customized and can be used easily?

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Professional :: Select Multiple Symbols And Apply Scale Transform In Relation To Individual Registration Points?

Nov 18, 2011

I've been looking for a JSFL command that might do this, but haven't come across anything even remotely similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Perhaps there is another solution besides JSFL that someone might know of.Question: Is there a way that I can select multiple symbols (either in a single frame or across multiple frames) and apply a scale transform that will adhere to each symbol's registration point?
Scenario:In an animation sequence, a movieclip of a tall rectangle is tweened on the timeline using "classic" tween. There are 20keyframes, where the mc changes position and rotation.In a duplicate of that animation sequence, I want to change the height of all instances of the mc in the animation, but keep the position and rotation. The rectangle should stay a rectangle, only shorter.I go to a keyframe, select the mc, and enter the desired scale percentage for the height in the transform pane. Then I repeat this for the other 19 keyframes. Imagine the pain and suffering I go through when this is done for several sequences!

Ideally,I would want to use the "edit multiple frame" mode in the timeline, select all instances of the mc across all 20 keyframes, and apply the height transform to all mcs via JSFL or dark magic.Flash's default behavior transforms multiple objects as a group,so not only will it squash and shear the different mc instances(creating diamonds),it will also shrink the distances between the different positions(changing the path of the tweens).I'm looking for a way to apply the transform so that each instance scales to their own registration point,preserving their position and respective of their rotation.

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Actionscript 3 :: Select The Viewstack Container Id Based On Select Field In ComboBox In Flex?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a comboBox and values like basic and advanced. And viewstack container conatains 2 grids.When i select the base option in Combobox, the first grid has to be selected. select the advanced value in comboBox, the second grid has to be selected.

<mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" width="95%" height="85%" x="0" y="63" >
<tables:KeyMetricsBasicTable basicArrayDataProvider="{basicArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<tables:KeyMetricsAdvTable advArrayDataProvider="{advArrayResult1}" width="100%" height="100%"/>

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Flex :: Select All And Select None Button With In The Drop Down Of Combobox?

Dec 6, 2011

Flex 4 Combobox is extended with a Text Input that helps in getting to the item that is searched for.I have created a Check Box as an itemrenderer for this Flex 4 Combobox. I would like to Add a Select All and Select None options in the drop down of the Combobox. I know that i could accomplish by editing the dropdownfactory in case of a Flex 3 Combobox. But in Flex 4 the dropdownfactory doesnt exist.

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Php :: Select Multiple Rows ( AllowMultipleSelection="true" ) In Datagrid Using Flex?

Nov 20, 2009

I have id(array) used in my application.i want to select number of rows mathching given array but if i used gatagrid selected Index then it will be selected only one row only . i set data grid allowMultipleSelection="true" also .. .how can be select mutipule rows in datagrid ?

for(var i:int=0;i<id.length;i++)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Multiple Text Files From Multiple Text Boxes?

Mar 2, 2011

As the title states, I need to know how to save multiple text files, from multiple text boxes on the screen. Each textbox has the instance name of t1, t2, t3... and so on. Here is the code I have now:


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CS3 Preload Multiple Files?

Feb 25, 2010

how can i make a preloader load multiple external (mp3) files before entering the site itself?

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Play Multiple .swf Files One After Another?

Oct 6, 2006

I have two flash files that I would like to play back to back in the same location on my site. I would like one to play, and then when it's done, I want the other to play in its location.

I googled around and read up on the loadmovie variable, which I thought that is what I needed, but it isn't working.

To start out, what I did was create a new flash file, then I inserted an image into the timeline on its own layer, converted it to a movie clip (named pic_mc), did a fadeout effect on that image, then I created a new layer, and on the frame directly after the image, I put the following:


loadMovie("/images/preferred-reseller-hosting-0001.swf", "pic_mc")

I then ran a test (ctrl+enter) and all I see is the fade out image, and not the other flash movie. I even uploaded the .swf to my site and tested it there in a real world situation, and it didn't work. It just fades the image out and restarts the movie.

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IDE :: Best Way Of Loading Multiple XML Files?

Dec 7, 2009

What is the best approach in AS3 when loading multiple XML files. I have 3 XML files I need to load. Should make separate XML loaders and functions for each XML file?

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Storing Multiple Animation Files?

Aug 19, 2009

I want to have a TV screen and hundreds of (small) flash animations load up in the 'TV'. I'm assuming I'm going to have to use Actionscript, so I'm looking into that right now. However, what would be the best way to organise this? Each "TV" will have a different set of "Channels". Do I create each 'channel' and save them as seperate SWF files, or is it possible to have them all in one main file. I can then flick through each 'channel', which essentially unloads the current animation and loads the next one

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Loading Multiple Jpeg Files

Jul 7, 2009

i'm making a simple portfolio site, and bringing in a series of jpeg files using a 'for' loop and the Loader class. once all the files are loaded in, i'd like to just be able to add, remove, tween, etc... the items from the stage as need-be by using instance names, such as movie clips or Sprites. but for some reason, i cannot seem to figure out how to have each image, as its loaded in, be separately accessable to me after the loop has completed.

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Play Multiple Flash Files One After Another?

Nov 2, 2009

I have a series of animations of graphs etc in different flash files. Tried to put everything on the one timeline but was getting way too confusing so thought I would put each part in a separate flash file.
What I want to do is, once one file has come to an end load the next one up to play and so on. This is all part of a presentation so the user will click the keyboard to progress to the next file.

I'm using Flash CS4 on a Mac with Action Script 3.0.

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Flash :: Should Have Multiple Swf Files On Different Webpages

Jan 29, 2010

I'm writing a small game app in Flash, and I'm wondering what the benefits of having one giant SWF loading everything vs multiple webpages and multiple SWF's.

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