Professional :: Select Multiple Symbols And Apply Scale Transform In Relation To Individual Registration Points?

Nov 18, 2011

I've been looking for a JSFL command that might do this, but haven't come across anything even remotely similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Perhaps there is another solution besides JSFL that someone might know of.Question: Is there a way that I can select multiple symbols (either in a single frame or across multiple frames) and apply a scale transform that will adhere to each symbol's registration point?
Scenario:In an animation sequence, a movieclip of a tall rectangle is tweened on the timeline using "classic" tween. There are 20keyframes, where the mc changes position and rotation.In a duplicate of that animation sequence, I want to change the height of all instances of the mc in the animation, but keep the position and rotation. The rectangle should stay a rectangle, only shorter.I go to a keyframe, select the mc, and enter the desired scale percentage for the height in the transform pane. Then I repeat this for the other 19 keyframes. Imagine the pain and suffering I go through when this is done for several sequences!

Ideally,I would want to use the "edit multiple frame" mode in the timeline, select all instances of the mc across all 20 keyframes, and apply the height transform to all mcs via JSFL or dark magic.Flash's default behavior transforms multiple objects as a group,so not only will it squash and shear the different mc instances(creating diamonds),it will also shrink the distances between the different positions(changing the path of the tweens).I'm looking for a way to apply the transform so that each instance scales to their own registration point,preserving their position and respective of their rotation.

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var correct:Number = 0;
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[Code] .....

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