ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variable Values To Javascript?

Sep 9, 2008

I'd like to enable the user to enter several parameters within the flash plugin. These influence the flash movie. The flash file itself works perfectly fine. But now I also want to access and process these parameters on a Javascript function.

I tried the external.Interface and navigatetoURL method but couldnt achieve the required result. (The 'link' between flash and javascript doesn't seem to work...)

So how / which is the best way to transfer parameters from AS3 to Javascript on the server ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Values From SWF To AS File?

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Example: I have 2 buttons.

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Button1.onRelease = function(){myXML.load("something1");};
Button2.onRelease = function(){myXML.load("something3");};

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private var xmlURL:String = HERE';

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This myVariables.nombre = name_txt.text; doesn't seem to be working although a new record is created in the db. The textfield is correctly named and everything but.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Values From Flash Swf To Database?

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How it can be done - when I press a button, then some value will be kept in some variableAnd how the values can be sent to the MySQL database ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Values From HTML To PHP And SWF1 To SWF2

Oct 25, 2009

I have a flash banner1.swf (AS2) on [URL] (html-file)
How do I send 4 values from banner.swf to banner2.swf?
- banner2.swf is on another domain
- send the values to [URL] (php-file)
- And output the values into textfields on banner2.swf
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$envelope.carValue1 = value1;
$envelope.carValue2 = value2;
$envelope.carValue3 = value3;
$envelope.carValue4 = value4;

Is there any way to only send the values directly to banner2.swf without using any PHP script in test.php? The problem I get is that banner2.swf doesn't catch any values. How do receive the sent values into banner2.swf? Do I have to have banner1.swf in php-file and banner2.swf in php-file? Is there any difference if both the swf:s are on the same domain or not?

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HTML file with JS:
<script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript">
</script><script type="text/javascript">
var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
function getDimensions() {
if( typeof( window.innerWidth
[Code] .....

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var1 = "please";
var2 ="work"


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Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to pass the contents of variable playnoyes to the long line of code below to decide whether or not to autoplay the flash movie, but doing it as I have below, the resultant line of code has the variable in quotes and therefore the code doesn't execute it as expected. My question is, how can I pass the variable so that the resulting line of code doesn't have the quotes around the variable value.

var playnoyes='true';
var testtext = "<script type='text/javascript'>AC_FL_RunContent ('codebase','[code]....

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script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlSource = "XML.xml";

Can I send xml from php in varible to flash example:
$xml = "?xml version="1.0 ...";
script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlSource = ?php echo $xml; ?>;

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[URL] In the following link .Is it possible to get the upload /download limit which is displayed on the screen to a javascript alert(uploadlimit) or alert(downloadlimit)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable To Php In Loop?

Oct 23, 2009

save_all.onRelease = function(){
for(var n=0;n!=cArr.length;n++){
///some other stuff


I want the php file to be sent the variable and loaded as many times as the length of the array cArr... lets say cArr is 16 pockets long... only the 16n from textsave array gets sent to flash via the lv5.specialVariable... I'd like the script to run 16 times, each time with the value of n getting sent as the specialVariable..

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Professional :: Sending A Variable To A Webpage?

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to post the score that the player achieves to a database. I have set a web page "highScores.aspx" which gets a query string variable "webScore" and puts it in a database. This works fine as tested in a browser.
The problem I have is getting the correct information into the query string variable. I have:
form.loadVariables("", "GET");
where the text in question is located inside "form" (which is a movie clip). I've been following this tutorial [URL] and while not really relevant, it's got me further than anything else. The problem with this tutorial is it relies on the user entering text, whereas I am just displaying out the score in some dynamic text. This means that in output I get the following error:
I should point out, I do not need to read the text to get the value as it is stored in a variable beforehand, I just display it to the player via some dynamic text, but I'm not sure how to use this to my advantage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Sending Variable In Different Swf

Oct 27, 2007

for example i have 2 swf file a.swf and b.swf can a.swf sending variable to b.swf? can a.swf control some movieclip in b.swf? in a case a.swf is loadMovie to b.swf...

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Professional :: Get Values From And Send To Servlets Or Through Javascript?

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I wanted to know how to connect my flash embedded in html to servlets or through javascript and get values from and send to servlets or through javascript. I expect some references or books as i am an amateur and may be i cant follow what u all say in brief.

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Professional :: Passing Values From Swf To Html Or Javascript?

Aug 8, 2010

i have developed a flash website, just user interface, now i have a contact form in my swf file . can anyone help me in embedding this swf file in html and getting values out of swf file on html page and printing on another html page, i just need help in getting values and out of swf file to html.

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ActionScript :: Get Values/actions Using Javascript Without ExternalInterface?

Dec 15, 2010

Is is possible to click/get ActionScript values/actions using Javascript without ExternalInterface?

Is the how GreaseMonkey works? Can I do that using GreaseMonkey?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable From Php To Flash Without Printing Var In Php

Oct 29, 2009

This is going to sound like a really stupid query, but I'm totally new to this. I can grab the contents of a single variable from a php page and display it in a field in Flash, which works great. I do this using the echo command and placing an & before the variable to be sent. e.g. echo "&textData=$contentSenttoFlash";

When I embed the flash movie into the php page though, the echo command also prints that variable to the screen, so that it appears both in the flash movie (which I want), and again as a text string on the page (which I don't want). Is there any way to prevent the php printing the variable as well whilst using this method?

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Data Integration :: Sending A Variable From Flash --&gt; PHP?

Mar 14, 2007

according to a Flash MX book I'm using, the following should work (their own example):

The Flash movie:

- button with script:
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("xxx.php", 0, "POST");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable From Flash To HTML?

Feb 16, 2009

I have an issue on sending variable from flash to HTML. For example I have a main.html page with flash Object. In this flash there is a search text field. When you enter some text and click on Go button, It will go to search.html page and it should show the text value in this page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variable From Preloader To Main Swf?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm using a preloader SWF to load my content SWF and XML file, and when the COMPLETE event fires I'm using the following code to send my XML data to the content SWF -ActionScript;I then have a sendXML function in the content SWF that picks up the data.This works - but I can't access XMLData right away (it's null if I trace it). But if I set up a timer with a tiny delay which then checks XMLData, the information is there.It seems to be a bit of a dumb way to do things. Has anoyone else got a better solution or a way that will allow access to the variable right away?

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