ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable From Flash To HTML?

Feb 16, 2009

I have an issue on sending variable from flash to HTML. For example I have a main.html page with flash Object. In this flash there is a search text field. When you enter some text and click on Go button, It will go to search.html page and it should show the text value in this page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Input Text Variable To PHP Without HTML Tags

Oct 14, 2009

I have an input box with a variable name. When the user enters some text and presses a button that variable is sent to a php file using the GET method. Then the info is put into a database. When I checked my database, I found that a load of styling html tags has been included. I want for my input text box to have styled text, but I don't want that styling /html tags to be sent to the php file. I know I could use strip_tags in php to get rid of the html tags, but surely there's a way of not sending the tags at all, just the text content of my variable?


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Html :: Sending Flash In Email?

Dec 16, 2011

I was wondering... in the past it was never smart to send flash in emails, but now it's 2011, and I thought, would it be smart to embed flash in emails, and even possible?

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PHP :: Sending XML To Flash As Variable

Jun 27, 2011

I have a flash file where I can pass xml from file :
script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlSource = "XML.xml";

Can I send xml from php in varible to flash example:
$xml = "?xml version="1.0 ...";
script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.xmlSource = ?php echo $xml; ?>;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Parameters To Flash From Html (asp) Page

Mar 13, 2006

I have a project where I need to keep track of where the user is at a certain point of a flash training orientation.

Flash application needs to accept a parameter which contains a unique ID for the user running the flash application. This ID needs to be stored throughout the session of the flash application, from page to page. Once a user travels from page-X to page-X in the Flash, the next button needs to call an aspx page in order to send that ID and the page position so the aspx can write to an XML file this information. If the user does not finish the flash, once they return, the aspx needs to read the correct XML file and send 2 parameters to the flash application. These 2 parameters will be the user's ID and the page the user was on the flash can load the correct page. Instead of passing 2 parameters so the flash can dynamically load the correct section, the aspx can call the correct flash file (i.e. flash_file2.swf) but still pass the user's ID as a parameter.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable From Php To Flash Without Printing Var In Php

Oct 29, 2009

This is going to sound like a really stupid query, but I'm totally new to this. I can grab the contents of a single variable from a php page and display it in a field in Flash, which works great. I do this using the echo command and placing an & before the variable to be sent. e.g. echo "&textData=$contentSenttoFlash";

When I embed the flash movie into the php page though, the echo command also prints that variable to the screen, so that it appears both in the flash movie (which I want), and again as a text string on the page (which I don't want). Is there any way to prevent the php printing the variable as well whilst using this method?

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Data Integration :: Sending A Variable From Flash --> PHP?

Mar 14, 2007

according to a Flash MX book I'm using, the following should work (their own example):

The Flash movie:

- button with script:
on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("xxx.php", 0, "POST");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables In Flash Back To HTML Page

Dec 16, 2009

I had posted this in the PHP section but think it may be more relevant in Flash as have'nt had any replies yet..I have been asked to create a photo canvas website that allows users to upload an image, then apply several effects such as re-sizing/cropping/desaturate, then viewing the updated image on a generic wall and going to check out to buy the canvas.I am pretty new to web developing/designing, i am confident with html,css and actionscript to an extent, but have only used small parts of php before.My biggest worry is how to go between html > php >flash >back to html again.From what i understand i need to create the following functions:

1. Create a general html website which will store the upload form and flash photo editor swf on, when the user first access's the site i start the php session...

2. The user then uploads there image to the server using a simple php upload form which will store the file and create a unique named file also on the server...

3. The flash editor swf will then load up on the html page. Inside the actionscript of the swf i will tell flash to continue with the php session by calling it again and call users image on the server with the 'file reference' command. The editing functions such as cropping, canvas size will all have variables to mark what the user has chosen and these varaibles will get ent back to the html page using php to keep track of them for the checkout process...

4. Once the editing has finished the user will click 'finish' in the swf taking them to the php shopping basket/checkout which will call the variables sent in flash to determine final cost depending on what effects chosen.

Is the above correct and more importantly is it possible? The main part i am struggling to get my head around is editing in flash (say changing the uploaded image to 20 x 26) and then saving this back to the server and sending the new settings back into the html/php page.Is this all possible without using database and tables such as MySql?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending A Variable To Embedded Flash File?

Nov 28, 2011

What I need to do is pass a variable into flash.

I've had success doing this by just adding the variable to the end of the embedded SWF URL (.../mymovie.swf?variable=value), but what I need is the ability to send the swf variables when certain links are clicked, without the page refreshing.

I'm guessing this has to be done somehow with a javascript onClick function.

I've looked into using externalInterface, but it seems overly complicated for this application.

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Flash :: Sending Variable From Fla To Document Class And Then Accessing?

May 31, 2011

I want to find out whether my swf was loaded locally or from another swf. For this purpose I have declared a variable 'parentType' in my fla. var parentType:String = String(parent); There is a function in the document class that determines whether swf was loaded locally or from another swf. The name of the function in the document class is 'externalOrInternal'. The varaible parentType is passed as a parameter to the function externalOrInternal externalOrInternal(parentType); The name of the document class is Main. In the constructor of Main I have the function pollResize() (the use of this function is to listen for the resizing event. That part of the code is not shown in the snippet given below).


I see that swfParentType is has value insde the function externalOrInternal. My doubt is why null is traced inside the function pollResize. Why is it not [object Stage] as inside externalOrInternal. Due to this I am not able proceed further with the stage resizing event.What needs to be done so that proper value is traced in the function pollResize.

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IDE :: Load Panghat Spa.swf As A Variable By Pasing Variable From Html Page In To Flash

Sep 15, 2009

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("panghat spa.swf"));

want to load panghat spa.swf as a variable by pasing variable from html page in to flash

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FLASH:: Data Integration - HTML - Switch Over To Hosting Service's Mailing List Manager For Sending Out Newsletters?

Aug 8, 2006

I have a Flash Web site for a small literary journal and am trying to switch over to my hosting service's mailing list manager for sending out newsletters. I see the HTML code for setting this up (available from my host), but do not know how to get it to work in my Flash site. (I did not build the site and know very little about Flash...I'm learning as I go in order to do updates.) It looks like the site currenly links to a PHP file to allow for sign ups to our newsletter. Can anyone tell me h how to get the HTML code to work on my site?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable Variable To Php?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm want to send a variable to php from flash. So far so good. But I want that variable to be variable, if I'm using that term correctly(?)...

var1 = "please";
var2 ="work"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Out HTML Command From Swf

Jun 11, 2010

how you throw out an html command from a swf? I need to call up a lightbox function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variables From HTML To SWF?

Feb 7, 2007

I have a header with tab buttons--- When you are on a certain page the coorisponding tab is a different color(as a locator). Right now I have like, 7 or 8 different headers that are the same thing minus the colored tab of the current page.Is there a way to code the flash so that I only need one header, but still keep the off-colored buttons when on the coorisponding page?Apparently, from what I have gathered I need to Send a variable to the SWF from the embedding HTML using FlashVars or SWFObjects' 'addVariable' method etc so the SWF knows which tab/color to use.But, I have no ideal where to start...u

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A XML Variable To Php?

Nov 15, 2009

making an xml variable, sending it from actionscript to php, and then having php create that file..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending HTML Form Data?

Jun 2, 2009

I've been tasked with replicating the following HTML in actionscript for the integration of a flash frontend onto an existing cart system: HTML Code:

<form name="campaign" method="post" action=""><input type="hidden" name="campaignSnippet" id="campaignSnippet" value="<campaign


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Sending Html Form Info From .swf?

Jan 28, 2012

A website is changing its payment processor company to and they sent code to the client that's to be embedded in an html page:

Code: Select all<form name="PrePage" method = "post" action =
<input type = "hidden" name = "LinkId" value


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Variable To Php In Loop?

Oct 23, 2009

save_all.onRelease = function(){
for(var n=0;n!=cArr.length;n++){
///some other stuff


I want the php file to be sent the variable and loaded as many times as the length of the array cArr... lets say cArr is 16 pockets long... only the 16n from textsave array gets sent to flash via the lv5.specialVariable... I'd like the script to run 16 times, each time with the value of n getting sent as the specialVariable..

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Professional :: Sending A Variable To A Webpage?

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to post the score that the player achieves to a database. I have set a web page "highScores.aspx" which gets a query string variable "webScore" and puts it in a database. This works fine as tested in a browser.
The problem I have is getting the correct information into the query string variable. I have:
form.loadVariables("", "GET");
where the text in question is located inside "form" (which is a movie clip). I've been following this tutorial [URL] and while not really relevant, it's got me further than anything else. The problem with this tutorial is it relies on the user entering text, whereas I am just displaying out the score in some dynamic text. This means that in output I get the following error:
I should point out, I do not need to read the text to get the value as it is stored in a variable beforehand, I just display it to the player via some dynamic text, but I'm not sure how to use this to my advantage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Sending Variable In Different Swf

Oct 27, 2007

for example i have 2 swf file a.swf and b.swf can a.swf sending variable to b.swf? can a.swf control some movieclip in b.swf? in a case a.swf is loadMovie to b.swf...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Alpha Script From Html To Embedded .swf?

Jun 15, 2009

know how to do this, and can't find anything directly in these pages.I have a menu .swf, embedded in an html. Press the buttons, a new html page loads.How can I have the newly-loaded html send a line of code to the menu to change the alpha of an instance so the menu button reflects which page the user is on. i thought it was only one simple line of code in the html sent to the .swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Values From HTML To PHP And SWF1 To SWF2

Oct 25, 2009

I have a flash banner1.swf (AS2) on [URL] (html-file)
How do I send 4 values from banner.swf to banner2.swf?
- banner2.swf is on another domain
- send the values to [URL] (php-file)
- And output the values into textfields on banner2.swf
- Inside banner2.swf I also want to make all the comparison and editing of the values.

I send the values in banner1.swf:
$envelope.carValue1 = value1;
$envelope.carValue2 = value2;
$envelope.carValue3 = value3;
$envelope.carValue4 = value4;

Is there any way to only send the values directly to banner2.swf without using any PHP script in test.php? The problem I get is that banner2.swf doesn't catch any values. How do receive the sent values into banner2.swf? Do I have to have banner1.swf in php-file and banner2.swf in php-file? Is there any difference if both the swf:s are on the same domain or not?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variable Values To Javascript?

Sep 9, 2008

I'd like to enable the user to enter several parameters within the flash plugin. These influence the flash movie. The flash file itself works perfectly fine. But now I also want to access and process these parameters on a Javascript function.

I tried the external.Interface and navigatetoURL method but couldnt achieve the required result. (The 'link' between flash and javascript doesn't seem to work...)

So how / which is the best way to transfer parameters from AS3 to Javascript on the server ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variable From Preloader To Main Swf?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm using a preloader SWF to load my content SWF and XML file, and when the COMPLETE event fires I'm using the following code to send my XML data to the content SWF -ActionScript;I then have a sendXML function in the content SWF that picks up the data.This works - but I can't access XMLData right away (it's null if I trace it). But if I set up a timer with a tiny delay which then checks XMLData, the information is there.It seems to be a bit of a dumb way to do things. Has anoyone else got a better solution or a way that will allow access to the variable right away?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A Variable To A Function In Another Class?

Oct 11, 2009

I have two classes one called '' which is used to talk to all the other classes im using. I also have a '' which works fine from a stand alone 'GeneralTimer.swf' file. What I am trying to do is send a value of 10ms to the '' which will then run the timer and when complete send a value back. But for simplicity im trying to send a 10 ms value to trace("tick") and trace("tock").

I keep getting error "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: Cannot convert 10 to GeneralTimer." this is according to Adobe "1034 Variables cannot be native." What does that mean for starters?

Here's my code:


var w:Number = 10;


so as you can see I want to send the number 10 to be used in the GeneralTimer. I am sure I have used this before (in CS3) and its worked but am now using CS4

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variable Value From A Loaded Swf To Parent Fla?

Apr 17, 2008

I load a swf in my main fla and I want to pass the value of a variable from the loaded swf to the main fla.How can I do this in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A Variable To A Class Function?

Oct 11, 2009

I have two classes one called '' which is used to talk to all the other classes im using. I also have a '' which works fine from a stand alone GeneralTimer.swf' file. What I am trying to do is send a value of 10ms to the' which will then run the timer and when complete send a value back. But for simplicity im trying to send a ms value to trace("tick") and trace("tock").I keep getting error "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: Cannot convert 10 to GeneralTimer." this is according to Adobe "1034 Variables cannot be native." What does that mean for starters?Here's my code:in

var w:Number = 10;


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HTML Symbol In Flash Variable

Mar 17, 2010

I got a Flash variable:<param name="flashvars" value="title=$title" />title is a string, but in this string I want to put: ë or in HTML &euml;.But flash doesn't like it.

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Php :: Passing Variable FROM Flash To HTML?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a rather simple flash application users can make a quick username when connected, and the username is created inside the flash swf.

Now, I have a cron job deleting inactive usernames every ten minutes (on my mysql database where these usernames are all stored and accessed by the other people online) which is fine. But it can still get cluttered up if a bunch of people sign off at once, there is still that 10 minute window before the cron job clears them.

The users have an option to click log out in the flash application which is fine and works great. But of course many choose not to click log off they just click the browser x.

I've looked into onbeforeunload and jquery's .unload but I still need a way to get the username variable that's IN flash INTO the HTML, then use a php script to run the delete username mysql query.

If not, any insight on how I might pass the username variable to the html to hold onto it after the user makes their username so it can be involved with the .unload function running the php script?

EDIT::::: Maybe is there a way to create a UNIQUE string of numbers with php then pass that var to flash to include with the mysql row then since i already have that var since it was created on the html side, just along with the unload, have it delete the row that has that unique id?

If anyone things this idea would be the best approach, and if i used something like md5(uniqid(microtime()) . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) to make a random iD how could i go about storing the result in a var i could place in the flash vars param then again in the jquery unload or javascript onbeforeunload if that would be better .

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