ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Alpha Script From Html To Embedded .swf?

Jun 15, 2009

know how to do this, and can't find anything directly in these pages.I have a menu .swf, embedded in an html. Press the buttons, a new html page loads.How can I have the newly-loaded html send a line of code to the menu to change the alpha of an instance so the menu button reflects which page the user is on. i thought it was only one simple line of code in the html sent to the .swf.

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I've had success doing this by just adding the variable to the end of the embedded SWF URL (.../mymovie.swf?variable=value), but what I need is the ability to send the swf variables when certain links are clicked, without the page refreshing.

I'm guessing this has to be done somehow with a javascript onClick function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sending Values From HTML To PHP And SWF1 To SWF2

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$envelope.carValue1 = value1;
$envelope.carValue2 = value2;
$envelope.carValue3 = value3;
$envelope.carValue4 = value4;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Variables In Flash Back To HTML Page

Dec 16, 2009

I had posted this in the PHP section but think it may be more relevant in Flash as have'nt had any replies yet..I have been asked to create a photo canvas website that allows users to upload an image, then apply several effects such as re-sizing/cropping/desaturate, then viewing the updated image on a generic wall and going to check out to buy the canvas.I am pretty new to web developing/designing, i am confident with html,css and actionscript to an extent, but have only used small parts of php before.My biggest worry is how to go between html > php >flash >back to html again.From what i understand i need to create the following functions:

1. Create a general html website which will store the upload form and flash photo editor swf on, when the user first access's the site i start the php session...

2. The user then uploads there image to the server using a simple php upload form which will store the file and create a unique named file also on the server...

3. The flash editor swf will then load up on the html page. Inside the actionscript of the swf i will tell flash to continue with the php session by calling it again and call users image on the server with the 'file reference' command. The editing functions such as cropping, canvas size will all have variables to mark what the user has chosen and these varaibles will get ent back to the html page using php to keep track of them for the checkout process...

4. Once the editing has finished the user will click 'finish' in the swf taking them to the php shopping basket/checkout which will call the variables sent in flash to determine final cost depending on what effects chosen.

Is the above correct and more importantly is it possible? The main part i am struggling to get my head around is editing in flash (say changing the uploaded image to 20 x 26) and then saving this back to the server and sending the new settings back into the html/php page.Is this all possible without using database and tables such as MySql?

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Cannot See Embedded Swf's In Html

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Professional :: Place A Banner In A HTML Page With Alpha?

Aug 23, 2011

I have multiple ideas/designs which want to work into my new site. It utilises designing graphics in AE, exported as .swf that lay on an alpha, building them into my HTML page layout, and once there the alpha/space in the design will enable HTML background elements to show through. How do I set this up in AE, HTML or Flash?

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SWF Embedded In HTML TextField (CS3)

Jun 18, 2009

Basically, there is a Flash movie embedded in the HTML TextFiled. The code is is as follows:
<img src="[URL]" width="470" height="350"></img>
<p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
<p>Is there any way to make the space between embedded Flash movie above and this text more narrow ???</p>

In case there is less line breaks (<br />) the text in the last paragraph is shown truncated from the beginnng (so it's like "ny way to make the space..."). Is this a bug in Flash Player or is there any way to render text below embered swf better?
Attachments: problem.gif (42.3 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Embedded In Html - Cant Get It To Resize?

Sep 3, 2009

i have been reading all over looking how to get flash to resize and i have seen all about setting the height and width to 100% but these all seem to be when the swf IS the webpage.i'm looking to embed just a piece of flash into my html page, which i need to resize on browser resize.

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Embedded Font Between HTML Tags?

Jul 17, 2009

in the attachment, you'll see the text display is quite awful despite the fact I embed Arial font in my application.

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SWF File Not Playing When Embedded In Html

Aug 16, 2009

I have embedded an automatic slideshow as a swf file into a website I'm designing for my parents. When I test the swf file, it performs exactly as expected but when I embed it into the html, it just sits there and doesn't run/animate/whatever.

The slideshow (should) automatically run through a group of 7 photos, with a fade transition and was all done with actionscript, loading the external jpeg files into alternate movieclip containers etc etc.
The web page where it doesn't work is here: [URL] - you can see that the swf just sits there, doing absolutely nothing.

The location of the swf file is: [URL] - as you can see, it works fine on its own!!

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Nov 30, 2009

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Html :: Firefox Not Playing Embedded Swf?

Nov 4, 2009

I am using swfin to embed a swf object (video player) and it loads fine in all browsers, but in firefox it won't "start".I have to right click on the movie area and "start" is unchecked so I click on "start" and it will start just fine. Yet, in chrome and IE (haven't moved to a mac for testing yet) it fires up and starts just as I expected. I have tried swfobject instead of swfin and I have IE issues that I couldn't seem to correct. Hence moving to swfin.Here is the swfin code:
var s = new swfIN("/Flash/video_player_playhead_overlays.swf", "flashMovie", "427", "280");
// s.hideSEO("div_seo");
s.addVar("video_file", "/DownloadableWork/Boardwalk.flv");[code]....

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ActionScript :: Errors When Swf Embedded Into HTML

May 10, 2011

I am using swf object to embed a swf into a html page. When I compile the swf there are no errors yet when I embed it into a web page i keep getting thrown either one of these two errors the first time the page loads in Safari and Chrome TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at tracks/loadFlashvars()[code]In firefox I get thrown the same errors everytime the page loads. My swf loads other swfs and and they have XML loaders I thought maybe it could be something to do with the base swf not being fully loaded before the code is run so I have been playing around with setTimeout(); to try and make a work around but I am unsure if this is correct or if my embed code is wrong, which you can see below.URL...

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IDE :: [CS3] Width 100% In Html Page With Embedded Swf

Jan 16, 2009

I am creating a Flash project for a fundraising event and tend to test it every now and again. It is an accordion menu. It is going on a html page. I want the height to be relative to the width and the width to equal 100% of the browser window. When I set the html publish settings, I set it to 100% width & height. Then I embedded a swf using the loadmovie() method. I published it again. Everything seemed to be working OK but when my menu loads with the embedded swf, it goes back to normal size (actual size of project - 450x230).

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IDE :: Preloader Disappears When Embedded To Html?

Apr 14, 2010

I have created a website with a preloader on flash CS3 and now i need to import it to a .html file, and finally upload it to web. I have imported the .swf into dreamweaver and saved it. However, when I open the html file on Internet Explorer, the preloader has disappeared. (It works fine when I clicked simulate download when playing the website in flash)

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