IDE :: Preloader Disappears When Embedded To Html?

Apr 14, 2010

I have created a website with a preloader on flash CS3 and now i need to import it to a .html file, and finally upload it to web. I have imported the .swf into dreamweaver and saved it. However, when I open the html file on Internet Explorer, the preloader has disappeared. (It works fine when I clicked simulate download when playing the website in flash)

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Select allfunction onRollOverHandler1(myEvent:MouseEvent){
}function onClickHandler1(myEvent:MouseEvent){
} function onRollOutHandler1(myEvent:MouseEvent){

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var yChange = 109.2;var yStart = 330.2;
myInterval = setInterval(preload,100);[code].......

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Aug 30, 2011

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Here is my code for the preloader. It is all in frame 1 of my flash file.The file does not have anything else, other than the dynamic text instance "percent" on the stage.


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SWF Embedded In HTML TextField (CS3)

Jun 18, 2009

Basically, there is a Flash movie embedded in the HTML TextFiled. The code is is as follows:
<img src="[URL]" width="470" height="350"></img>
<p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
<p>Is there any way to make the space between embedded Flash movie above and this text more narrow ???</p>

In case there is less line breaks (<br />) the text in the last paragraph is shown truncated from the beginnng (so it's like "ny way to make the space..."). Is this a bug in Flash Player or is there any way to render text below embered swf better?
Attachments: problem.gif (42.3 K)

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SWF File Not Playing When Embedded In Html

Aug 16, 2009

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The web page where it doesn't work is here: [URL] - you can see that the swf just sits there, doing absolutely nothing.

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Html :: Firefox Not Playing Embedded Swf?

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var s = new swfIN("/Flash/video_player_playhead_overlays.swf", "flashMovie", "427", "280");
// s.hideSEO("div_seo");
s.addVar("video_file", "/DownloadableWork/Boardwalk.flv");[code]....

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ActionScript :: Errors When Swf Embedded Into HTML

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Nov 30, 2009

I have made a html file in which a swf is embedded with swf object. this swf contain dynamically loaded audio files. It works fine in offline but when it is uploaded it does not show the movie(swf is not playing) I see only empty space. i thought that it may take time to load, but even after waiting for long time the swf did not play and it shows blank white space.


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Dec 28, 2009

I am working with loadVars in an swf file embedded in an html page. The script is written to add a text string to existing textfield. The documentation I have does not address this situation. How do I get the return value from the server to the embedded SWF file in this situation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply HTML Tag To Embedded Fonts?

Feb 10, 2010

i have a textfield, i embedded fonts and assigned htmlText, i.e.
txt.embedFonts = true;
txt.htmlText      = '<b>my text </b>';
but it doesnt aplly html tags because of embedFonts... i tried to make style using css but didnt work....

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Professional :: Apply Html Tag To Embedded Fonts?

Feb 10, 2010

i have a textfield, i embedded fonts and  assigned htmlText, i.e.
txt.embedFonts = true;
txt.htmlText       = '<b>my text </b>';
but it doesnt  aplly html tags because of embedFonts... i tried to make style using css  but didnt work is there any way to accomplish this?

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Professional :: Swf Embedded In Html Restarts On Postback

Jan 4, 2011

Yes, this is a newbie question and I'm a little surprised I can't find any mention of this anywhere. I have a flash banner that replays when my page posts back. I there a trick to this or do I have to resort to something heavy handed, like replacing the flash with the jpg on postback or writing some sort of javascript to check for postpack and setting the play attribute to false.

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Html :: Add A Link Around An Embedded Flash File?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to make it so that when I click anywhere on the embedded Flash element, it takes me to a destination URL.

Here is my current code, which does not produce the desired effect:

<div class="contentdiv" style="margin:-72px 0 10px 0px; cursor:pointer;" onclick="location.href='';">
<object height="410" width="720">


Right now it is making the space behind the .swf file clickable for the link, but the Flash element is not clickable.

If the right thing to do is to edit the .swf file somehow, I don't consider myself a Flash developer, but are there any resources on where to get started or how to do something this basic with an existing .swf file?

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Aug 23, 2010

How should I change the following code if I want to put my flash object into a directory named "flash/", I tried changing the value to "flash/photo.swf" but it didn't work.


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Flash Embedded In HTML Doesn't Appear In Chrome?

Nov 8, 2010

When i embed a flash video in HTML it works in IE and in Firefox but not in chrome. I've looked it up and I've found that chrome adds two attributes to the embed tag, width and height. i have already set the width and height attribute in the embed tag in pixels but from some reason chrome changes it to percentage. when i inspect the element and write pixels instead of percentage the flash is visible again.


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SWF Embedded In HTML - All Invisible TextFields Displayed

Nov 11, 2010

I have a SWF file and I am trying to embed it into an HTML. I used the following code:
<object width="704" height="440">
<param name="movie" value="[URL]"></param>
<embed src="[URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" menu="false" width="704" height="440">
If you go to [URL, you can see the problem. The button is blinking and all invisible text field are displayed. However, if I open the swf file directly, there is no problem.

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