Html :: Firefox Not Playing Embedded Swf?

Nov 4, 2009

I am using swfin to embed a swf object (video player) and it loads fine in all browsers, but in firefox it won't "start".I have to right click on the movie area and "start" is unchecked so I click on "start" and it will start just fine. Yet, in chrome and IE (haven't moved to a mac for testing yet) it fires up and starts just as I expected. I have tried swfobject instead of swfin and I have IE issues that I couldn't seem to correct. Hence moving to swfin.Here is the swfin code:
var s = new swfIN("/Flash/video_player_playhead_overlays.swf", "flashMovie", "427", "280");
// s.hideSEO("div_seo");
s.addVar("video_file", "/DownloadableWork/Boardwalk.flv");[code]....

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows
mysound = new Sound();
It works well in IE but not in Firefox.

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MP3 File Loaded Dynamically In Swf Embedded In Html Does Not Play In Firefox?

Nov 23, 2009

I have made a presentation with voice over, in which the images and audio files are loaded externelly from the folder where the swf was placed. the voice over files are in MP3 format, loaded with the script follows

mysound = new Sound();


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SWF File Not Playing When Embedded In Html

Aug 16, 2009

I have embedded an automatic slideshow as a swf file into a website I'm designing for my parents. When I test the swf file, it performs exactly as expected but when I embed it into the html, it just sits there and doesn't run/animate/whatever.

The slideshow (should) automatically run through a group of 7 photos, with a fade transition and was all done with actionscript, loading the external jpeg files into alternate movieclip containers etc etc.
The web page where it doesn't work is here: [URL] - you can see that the swf just sits there, doing absolutely nothing.

The location of the swf file is: [URL] - as you can see, it works fine on its own!!

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Flash Won't Load When Embedded But It Works On The Published Embedded Html?

Nov 11, 2009

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Jun 30, 2010

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when I layer an swf over html, with all the good stuff in place (wmode = transparent, z-index), I can't access the html elements in Firefox/Chrome/Safari. Here's a link to a test [URL] This is a stripped down version; I've also tried using swfobject.

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Javascript :: Lose Focus On Embedded/Flash Element/tab In Firefox?

Mar 20, 2011

Without AutoHotkey and Firefox -unfocus since it's involved in operating another program and it doesn't work on linux and without Restore Window Focus After Flash addon since doesn't give you control over flash tabs.implementing this gBrowser.selectedTab.unfocus(); method and bind it to a keystroke in Firefox v3.6 ?I've also tried (based on the addon above)

if (document.getElementsByTagName("EMBED").length == 0) {
if (document.activeElement.tagName == "EMBED") {


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.net :: Flash Rotating Banner Won't Start Playing In Firefox

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<script type="text/javascript">
'type', 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'FlashVars', 'xmlUrl=/Images/SpecEx/banner.xml',


I tried to put the 'play', 'true' option, but that doesn't help.

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Actionscript :: Flex - Sound Channel Is Only Playing In Firefox

Jan 13, 2011

I have made a little mashup mixing maps, translate api and flickr. I get the directions from my map and make mp3 files on the fly to play them at the same time but they only play in firefox and for the rest of the browsers I only get my first sound channel with background music. can't figure out why.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: All Embedded FLV's Playing At Once?

Nov 17, 2010

I have completed my website with several sections Home, competition, prizes, sponsors, gallery, enter, contact us.Each section is labelled on the main time frame and then there are movies within that with the content for each section.Everything was working fine until I decided that I was going to import some FLV files to use within my home section.There are seven of them and they are each 12 seconds long with audio. I imported them in to a movie clip called santa_intro_movie with structure like thisScene 1 - Home_BG - santa_intro_movie > and each imported flv sits within it's own movieclip named snta_click-001 etc up to 007 all on different frames of the santa_intro_movie and controlled by buttons.

When I test the movie it works great....except when i try and navigate to other sections of the website, when i click on my main buttons at the top for some reason the audio from all of the FLV's start playing at once and any tweens or animations that I have on those other pages start going in to hyperdrive!!!I have checked through my actionscript and I just can't figure it out.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Playing An Embedded Timeline?

Jan 18, 2011

I may not have the correct terminology and such, but I have a simple symbol that plays, and then I have a timeline within that symbol that I want to play right after that. I named the embedded timeline/frame "trailer" so I used the action


this works if the named frame is in the main timeline, but it doesn't seem to be able to access the timeline within the symbol. Is there a different command I could use? Or am I doing something wrong?

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Html :: Div With Swf Inside And Z-index : Firefox Mac Bug?

Jan 5, 2012

I've got a problem with firefox for mac and z-index.I've got 3 div: header, wrapper and footer; inside of them i've got 3 swf header.swf, wrapper.swf and footer.swf.This is the code:

<div id="header">
<div id="navigation">
<script type="text/javascript">


the problem is that wrapper div dont work good with zindex and cant stay below the header.So rollover and rollout actions doesnt work!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Not Playing When Embedded Into A Container SWF?

Sep 1, 2009

I have a simple MP3 file that I am attaching from a library and playing using Sound object.When testing SWF on it's own, it works fine, but I have to embed the SWF into another SWF (container) using loadMovie, AND, the sound not playing??? What can be wrong?

child.swf code:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
// in the library MP3 is set for export as "voiceoverclip"


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Actionscript :: Delay Before Playing Embedded Mp3 In Flex 3?

Nov 19, 2009

I am embedding an mp3 into my Flex project for use as a sound effect, but I am finding that every time I play it, there is a delay of about half a second from when I call .play() to when you can hear the sound. This makes it weird because I want the sound effects to sync to game events. My mp3 itself is only about a fifth of a second long so it isn't because of the contents of the mp3.

I'm embedding with

public static var TockSound:Class;


I know there's a delay because the sound plays about a half second after the Alert displays. I did consider that maybe it was the initial loading time of constructing the TockSound, but the delay is there on all the subsequent calls as well.

How can I avoid this delay on playing a sound?

Update: It turns out this delay is only present when playing the swf on Linux. I believe it is a Linux-specific flaw in Adobe's flash player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Embedded Audio From Playing?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a section of a site that has a voice over when you get to a page. I have a play/pause button that works fine, and plays and pauses the audio voice over. I have about 9 other buttons on this page that all have 'SoundMixer.stopAll();' in order to stop the embedded audio. This works the first time you click a button, but any button after that restarts the embedded audio.

Is there a way to make it so that Flash knows not to restart the embedded audio?

Do I need to make a sound variable and set it to 'false'. I am not sure what to do, or how to do it.

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Firefox - Way To Get Html Ontop Of Flash Content?

Nov 28, 2009

I've been struggling to get some absolutely positioned overlays to show above an flv movie(using flowplayer) in the firefox browser(works in safari)I have the overlays div placed underneath the video html "wrapper" and have tried using a high z-index on the overlays but to no avail. Is there anything i may be doing wrong? Or another trick i could try?

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HTML :: Firefox Object Height Ignored With Data

Apr 27, 2010

I have a flash video loading in a modal window. It works in others browsers but not Firefox. Firefox opens the modal window to the correct width of the object, but with no height. I have come to learn that Firefox does not recognize <param> and instead uses the data attribute. However, when I remove this attribute, the modal opens with correct height. Here is the code the modal window loads:

<object width="720" height="520" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="proxymovie.SWF?file=proxymovie.MP4">
<param name="movie" value="proxymovie.SWF?file=proxymovie.MP4" />
<img src="images/poster.png" width="720" height="480" alt="" title="Download the video below" />

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Flash :: Html - Not Transparent In Chrome Or Firefox

Oct 16, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Background Sound Not Playing In Embedded File

Jul 1, 2009

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[Code] .....

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Html :: Get A Vertical Scroll Bar On Object ONLY In Firefox And Chrome?

Mar 30, 2011

Okay, here's one. We're running a SharePoint publishing/public site and I have this URL with a Flash object that displays a table that updates every 5 minutes:es, Yes, I know there's a million Ajax ways to do this, but there's politics behind it.On Firefox and Chrome I get a vertical scroll bar from the browser, not the flash object. There should be NO scroll bar and is none in IE.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop Playing Embedded Swf When Clicking On A Link In The Parent Swf?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a flash website I have a couple of embedded swf's in my main flash page. When you click on a menu item to switch to another page the embedded swf's reload the home page again until they stop playing. Is there a way via as to stop these swf's from playing when you click on a link? sorry I am new to flash and as.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Sounds From Playing In Embedded Video Clip?

Jun 10, 2011

I have three embedded video clips that are inside of movieClips. They I have buttons that take you to a framelabel where those movieClips are located. Each movieClip containing each movie are on separate frames. (See attached image)

When I click on any of the buttons that take me to any videoClips other than the first one, make the audio from the previous embedded Video on the timeline in front of the one I went to , start to play.

I have SoundMixer.stopAll();

on everybutton before I tell it to go anywhere. what to do to only get audio from the video clip in that section of the timeline to play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Embedded Video On Stage Because Of Loaded In Image

May 5, 2009

I have embedded a flv video onto the stage. I then have loaded in an image which is transparent enough to see the video through it. The problem is I cant now access the video player to control it. Is there anyway to bring the embedded video on the stage above the loaded in image so I can actually click play on the control bar and play the video?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded F4v Files Drop Audio After Pausing/playing?

May 10, 2011

I have a template I created in CS4 where an flv video clip was embedded with a controller skin, etc. It worked fine.

I'm working in CS5 now and using f4v files, and publishing for Flash 10 Player. The files are targeted, load and play properly, but if I pause the video, then hit play, audio stops. Starting a new clip at a different point in the timeline works fine. I noticed if I turn off autoplay under Component Parameters, audio doesn't work at all.

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Html - Getting IE,Opera,Firefox And Chrome To Recognise A Sound Format?

Apr 9, 2012

I have audio placed into a controller on a page, however when i load different browsers the sound files are either no even seen by the browser or they dont work. Ive converted the files to wav. which apparently works universally for IE,Opera, Firefox and Chrome, however changing the file format does not change this situation. I know it has something to do with HTML audio tag or something but I am still unsure

<embed src="../Sounds/home_page_readout.wma" width="405" hidden="false" height="39" pluginspage="../Plugin/niftyplayer.fla" autoplay="false" controller="true"></embed>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PrevFrame() Buttons In A Swf File Inserted In Html Not Working In Firefox?

Nov 28, 2011

i have created a photo gallery using AS3 in Flash CS5. I have used prevFrame() and nextFrame() actions for "previous photo" and "next photo" buttons as well as for "previous thumbnails" and "next thumbnails" buttons.

All the buttons work fine when i run the swf files as well as when i run the swf files in Firefox 8.0 and IE9. However, once I insert this swf file into my html file using Dreamweaver CS5->Insert->Media->swf, the "previous" buttons dont work in Firefox 8.0! the previous image button works sometimes whereas the previous thumbnails button does not work at all They work fine in IE9. The next buttons also work fine in every browser. Heres my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Firefox Blocks Legitimate GetUrl & Textarea Html Links?

Nov 26, 2007

this command

getURL (", "_blank")
will work in Firefox, only if launched onRelease of some button

html links in html enabled textarea like this..


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Cannot See Embedded Swf's In Html

May 21, 2009

When creating my flash file, i load swf files into loaders on my stage. When testing it, it works fine, but when publishing it to the web, it dosn't show the embedded swf's?

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SWF Embedded In HTML TextField (CS3)

Jun 18, 2009

Basically, there is a Flash movie embedded in the HTML TextFiled. The code is is as follows:
<img src="[URL]" width="470" height="350"></img>
<p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
<p>Is there any way to make the space between embedded Flash movie above and this text more narrow ???</p>

In case there is less line breaks (<br />) the text in the last paragraph is shown truncated from the beginnng (so it's like "ny way to make the space..."). Is this a bug in Flash Player or is there any way to render text below embered swf better?
Attachments: problem.gif (42.3 K)

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