ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Embedded Audio From Playing?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a section of a site that has a voice over when you get to a page. I have a play/pause button that works fine, and plays and pauses the audio voice over. I have about 9 other buttons on this page that all have 'SoundMixer.stopAll();' in order to stop the embedded audio. This works the first time you click a button, but any button after that restarts the embedded audio.

Is there a way to make it so that Flash knows not to restart the embedded audio?

Do I need to make a sound variable and set it to 'false'. I am not sure what to do, or how to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embedded F4v Files Drop Audio After Pausing/playing?

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I'm working in CS5 now and using f4v files, and publishing for Flash 10 Player. The files are targeted, load and play properly, but if I pause the video, then hit play, audio stops. Starting a new clip at a different point in the timeline works fine. I noticed if I turn off autoplay under Component Parameters, audio doesn't work at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Audio Embedded In Timeline?

Aug 10, 2010

I've been given FLAs that contain audio embedded within the timeline. It's been a long while since I've had to deal with audio in this manner and I'm running into a problem.

The basic setup is this:

- There are 3 movie clips within the FLA

- Each movie clip contains embedded audio within the timeline

- The audio plays as soon as each movie clip begins

Here's my issue:

On the main timeline, there is a 'back' button which allows the user to move to the previous movie clip.

When the user clicks this button, it does move back to the previous movie clip; however, the sound does not stop which results in 2 audio files playing at the same time.

If I were calling the sound utilizing SoundMixer/SoundChannel, I know how to ensure the audio stops, but since the audio is embedded within the timeline, I'm not quite sure the best way to make sure the audio stops when the preceding movie clip is called.

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Professional :: Stop Audio Of An Embedded File When A New Swf Is Open?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Possible To Stop / Pause Embedded Audio On Timeline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Will Not Stop Playing?

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var loadSnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var thisSnd:Sound = new Sound();


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Code: Select allimport;

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I'm by no means up on my AS at all and this MP3 player I've had for a while and just readjusted to suit my needs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Music Playing Audio Player Automatically?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm by no means up on my AS at all and this MP3 player i've had for a while and just readjusted to suit my needs.

One thing i really want to change is the fact the music starts automatically. I changed line 38 from True to False which does indeed stop the music playing on load but instead i get "Loading" and it doesn't do anything after that. Hitting play won't work.

playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;


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next1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ongoPage2);
function ongoPage2(Event:MouseEvent):void {[code]....

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Html :: Flash Audio Player For M4a (AAC) Audio File Embedded?

May 15, 2007

I'm looking for a (free) flash player that I can embed in my site and use to play a .m4a (.mp4 with AAC audio) file that will be obtained using a URL (i.e. it's not local to the server hosting the web page).I've tried searching on google for one, but either I'm searching wrong or no one has made such a thing. Ideally this would be very simple (small user interface with play button and maybe a progress bar) and it would be easy to have multiple instances of on an html page (can create the player with an <object> tag).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When A Playing Audio File Has Reached The End (stops Playing)?

Aug 31, 2009

I have some animation (programmatic, I'm NOT using keyframed animation in timeline), and some music I want to play in the background. Once the music file reaches the end (about 30 seconds long), I want to trigger the end of the animation functions.I figure I could either use an actionscript timer to trigger the end of the animation or a keyframe with actionscript that is placed on the timeline near the end of the song but these methods assume knowledge about the duration of the wave file. If I changed the framerate or updated the external wave file, these triggers would possibly no longer sync upIs there some sort of event listener or other detection method for an audio file to signal it has finished playing? Or maybe there is a way to get the duration of the audio file to use in the timer

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Streaming Audio / Loading Audio Into Swf First / Then Playing It?

Jan 28, 2012

I think it is loading the whole audio first into the swf, but I would like to get confirmation from someone more knowledgible.[code]I want it to stream the audio when the button is clicked only so that 100 of these swf will not slow down a whole webpage from loading.[code]I only start getting concerned when I noticed that on FF and Chrome, the page loads really quick but when I open the page in IE, it takes a very long time for the page to appear.

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Flash :: Start And Stop Audio From The Middle Of Audio Track?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a single audio file, I'd like to avoid cutting it up.

I know I can use the sound class,, to start at 150ms but haven't come across a way to stop the audio say after 500ms or at 650ms.

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Professional :: Playing Scenes In Test Movie Animations Stop Playing?

Dec 4, 2011

I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash.  The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes.  During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine.  When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point.  At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found.  The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play.  All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop Other Sounds From Playing While Current Sound Is Playing?

Apr 10, 2011

I am creating a game that has 6 movieclips all on the main time line of the game. Each movie clip has three buttons that when clicked plays, pauses or stops a sound clip.When I press any of the sound clip play buttons that sound starts playing, the problem is when I click any of the other sound clip play buttons those sounds also start to play. Is there a way I can disable the other sound clip buttons while the current sound is playing then enable all of the buttons when the current sound has stopped.
This is the code that creates one of the sound objects


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Stop The Playing Sound And Start Playing The Button?

Oct 3, 2009

So I made a few buttons with sounds within them and when I publish it they work just fine. But what I want them to do is;

Say I click a Button.The sound starts playing.Then I click it again, before the sounds done playing.I want it to stop the playing sound and start playing the button I just clicked on, whether it be the same button, or a different one.Right now it just ends up sounds like an echo because it'll play it as many times as you click it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MP3 - Stop Whatever Song Is Playing And Start Playing The New One?

Apr 13, 2010

The problem I have is I click the play button and start playing. Then I click next and when I click play for another song the songs overlap. How can I stop whatever song is playing and start playing the new one? Has to stop the prev song when I click play_brn.


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Professional :: Stop A Sound From Playing If It Is Playing Already

Dec 6, 2011

ok so i have a button that plays an animation for fire when held down. and when realsed goes to and stops and frame one. when it reaches the end of the time line it goes to and plays at frame 10 and goes back to the end of the timeline. I have a sound for the fire animation that plays for the effect. The problem is the sound keeps going untill its over even if the button isnt held down. and when the playhead reaches the end of the timeline it goes to and plays and frame 10 and it replays the sound. if i hold it down it will just keep playing the sound over and over from start to finish. what i want it to do it when i hold the button down i want it to play the sound and when released it stops the sound where ever it is at. I also dont the sound to play again if there is a sound already going to stop it from playing 20 sounds at one time it gets loud and you need asprin after about 5 seconds of that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Audio Of Embedded FLV?

Apr 9, 2008

Im creating a microsite which loads external SWFs with embedded FLVs in their timeline (each SWF has its own preloader). To control their audio (mute/unmute buttun), I have encoded & imported the FLVs & their audio tracks seperately in the SWFs. I'm controlling the audio tracks by attached them from library through the sound object.


The FLV & audio run synced when I play them together in timeline. But they go off-sync when I play the audio though AS, rest assured that FLV & SWF have the same fps. I have even tried encoding the FLV at both the source video fps & SWF fps.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing Audio Embedded Into A Swf?

Jan 13, 2009

I read all of the threads on this forum about pausing audio in a swf. They were all very helpful - if you have control over the swf fla. However i have no control over the swf i am loading. I cannot find a way to reference a sound that is placed on the timeline of the movie. If i had access to the fla of the swf, then i could change the linkage, but again i don't possess the fla.

so does anyone out there know of a way to reference global sounds in a swf? In as 2.0, this could be done easily by declaring a new sound object without a target such as this: var gvol = new Sound();

I can't seem to make this work in AS3.

I need a way to reference a global sound in a swf, so i can then apply the SoundChannel to the sound object, and read the position property within

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progress Bar For Embedded Audio?

Sep 23, 2011

Is there a way to create a progress bar for embedded audio, or is there a component for it already? I have multiple embedded (in the timeline) audio files (MP3), and I have successfully scripted a play pause button for them, but I would also like a progress bar showing you where you are in the track. It doesn't need to be seekable by dragging. Just a visual indicator of where you are.

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Flash8 :: Controlling Embedded Video Audio?

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to control the audio of an embedded video from a mute button. I can get the audio to play and the mute button to control the volume using the following script:

var my_nc:NetConnection=new NetConnection();
var my_ns:NetStream=new NetStream(my_nc);


The problem I am having with this is that the video is not appearing on the stage and when I place it on the stage the audio is playing twice. how I can get it to appear on the stage and still control the sound as the button is doing at the moment?

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