Stop The Playing Sound And Start Playing The Button?
Oct 3, 2009
So I made a few buttons with sounds within them and when I publish it they work just fine. But what I want them to do is;
Say I click a Button.The sound starts playing.Then I click it again, before the sounds done playing.I want it to stop the playing sound and start playing the button I just clicked on, whether it be the same button, or a different one.Right now it just ends up sounds like an echo because it'll play it as many times as you click it.
The problem I have is I click the play button and start playing. Then I click next and when I click play for another song the songs overlap. How can I stop whatever song is playing and start playing the new one? Has to stop the prev song when I click play_brn.
I am creating a game that has 6 movieclips all on the main time line of the game. Each movie clip has three buttons that when clicked plays, pauses or stops a sound clip.When I press any of the sound clip play buttons that sound starts playing, the problem is when I click any of the other sound clip play buttons those sounds also start to play. Is there a way I can disable the other sound clip buttons while the current sound is playing then enable all of the buttons when the current sound has stopped.
This is the code that creates one of the sound objects
ok so i have a button that plays an animation for fire when held down. and when realsed goes to and stops and frame one. when it reaches the end of the time line it goes to and plays at frame 10 and goes back to the end of the timeline. I have a sound for the fire animation that plays for the effect. The problem is the sound keeps going untill its over even if the button isnt held down. and when the playhead reaches the end of the timeline it goes to and plays and frame 10 and it replays the sound. if i hold it down it will just keep playing the sound over and over from start to finish. what i want it to do it when i hold the button down i want it to play the sound and when released it stops the sound where ever it is at. I also dont the sound to play again if there is a sound already going to stop it from playing 20 sounds at one time it gets loud and you need asprin after about 5 seconds of that.
I'm trying to make a stop button to make it stop playing the sound. But I get an error saying: TypeError: Error #1006: stop is not a function. at sound/SoundStop()
Here is the function for my stop button: function SoundStop(event:MouseEvent):void { cs.stop(); isPlaying:false }
I have a sound clip that I'm loading externally into my flash file. The code I'm using looks like this and is placed in the as layer on the first frame,
var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); var myTransform = new SoundTransform(); var lastPosition:Number = 0; mySound.load(new URLRequest("introaudio.mp3")); myChannel =; [Code]....
I am trying to get my flv file to start playing when the page is loaded with no sound, but I am have no luck. The flv file starts playing fine with the sound on, and I can turn the sound off with my volume controller, but I need it to start playing with no sound.[code]...
I have recently updated to Flash CS4 and AS3 from Flash 8 - apart from one issue I have with the Sound Object. There seems to be a delay in the loaded MP3 playing when told to. This means that I am unable to add SFX to the game I am developing for a client, because the sound plays about 1-2 seconds after it is told to play. How to tee the Sound up, so that it plays immediately?
The process I am using is this: Class defined to load all game assets defined in XML
All Sounds are loaded into their own Sound Object and a reference to each is held in an array and passed to the relevant Class (i.e. Player). The relevant Class tells the reference to the Sound to play - it plays, but 2 seconds after the collision detection Event has told the sound to play.
I have several buttons on the stage, each one will play an external sound file when clicked. If the user has clicked say button_1 and then clicks button_2, I need to stop the sound currently being played, before starting the sound from button_2
I have this code in the second frame to play a song, and it works fine. The class of the sound in my library being "MySound". var snd:MySound = new MySound; Now I need the song to stop playing from a latter frame.
I followed a tutorial using AC3 and flash CS4, to build a website for myself. Want to have a video file in my site with back ground music and sound effect. I did fine doing it but there is some problem I cannot figure out. My movie clip starts nice but half way through when I go to other pages, the sound and music plays in all the other pages. I have zero knowledge about coding and English is my second language. How can I stop that playing in other pages? I am trying hard to see if someone had same problem like I do but can's find anyone posted any thing.This is the code I have for that page with video on it.
var modelingboardTween:Tween = new Tween(modelingboard_mc, "y", Elastic.easeOut, 710, 0, 3, true); modelingboardTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOT ION_FINISH,donePlaying);
i cannot get the sound that has started playing to stop.
Code: var EdgenSound= new Edgen(); play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, playClick); stop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, stopClick);
I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash. The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes. During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine. When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point. At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found. The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play. All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.
I have created a form that has some buttons that open external swf files.Problem is when I close the external swf the audio keeps playing.If I turn off sounds the sound starts again when I load a new external swf.Here is the relevant portion of code;
function playMyMovie():void{ myrequest=new URLRequest(myMovie); myloader =new Loader(); myloader.load(myrequest); function movieLoaded(myevent:Event):void { stage.addChild(myloader); var; mycontent.x=100; [code]....
when i click my button the first time my transition MC works fine but when i click it to another button it works fine too.when i click back to the first button it shows not the transition but only the completed transition so i get no animation.[code]
i've imported a flv video file to Flash for the intro and i create skip button to go next frame..but when i press stop at next frame but the sound of intro still playing.
I have 1.mp3 beside my .fla file and when I tried to run a movie test, it doesn't play any sounds. Only the stage has a glitch was it keep loop frame 1 and 2. var mySoundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1.mp3"); var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); mySound.load(mySoundReq); mySound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, playSong); function playSong(event:Event):void {; } My test Movie with button on stage: [URL]
I have a interactive movie clip with buttons. The problem I have with my movie clip is that whilst the movie is playing and I click the forebtn, it stops the movie. Ideally I would like the movie clip to start playing straight away when I press the fore button.
I'm designing an interface for a class, and the buttons that I am using all have multiple functions.For example, when the story button is clicked, I need the mc to stop playing and change to text (in the same window/screen, just no mc playing). The mc is 31 frames long, but if there's a way to just make it loop continuously until told not to, Currently, my code looks like this:
stop(); story_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,story); function story(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(32);}credits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,credits);[code]...
When I click the button, the mc does not stop playing and the text does not show up.
I am trying to create a sound button to start a sound and then stop it when clicked again. I thought it would be easy because there is a code snippet for "click to play/stop sound"
I have my sound file in my library.
Below is the code that is not working:
Instructions:1. Replace [URL]below with the desired URL address of your sound file. Keep the quotation marks ("").*/
CYOA2bttn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToPlayStopSound_11); var fl_SC_11:SoundChannel; //This variable keeps track of whether you want to play or stop the soundvar fl_ToPlay_11:Boolean = true; Proxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 Cp>function
I have a Button named "Bt1P" that when I click on it, the Sound "S1.mp3" begin to play.
My question is, what is the right code to tell this Button not to repeatedly play "S1.mp3" while it is already Playing!because when i click it for the 2nd and 3rd time, the file overlaped, and 3 same sounds play together at once.
I got it working fine, but was wondering how to program a function for another button to stop stop playing that sound?I tried a function with snd.stop(); but that seems to be incorrect.
i can in AS 1.0 attach a sound and play it on rollover fine...
Pretty much i have a button when you roll over it plays a sound thats it...very simple....i also know i can do it on the keyframes but i was hoping to do it dynamically as my site is completely created using AS barely no keyframes and i do not wish to start...
I'm looking for some help regarding stopping sounds in Actionscript 3. Basically I'm making an interactive story game, basically a quiz game. On the main menu I have a narrator talking. What I basically want to do is have the track stop playing when you press the play button. I have the soundtrack playing already and the play button too. I just can't figure out how to get the sound to stop when I press the play button and it goes to the next scene.
I have a portfolio_mc that is inside of a content_mc (stage->content_mc->portfolio_mc). There are 3 buttons that take the user to an appropriate frame designated by a frame label and this loads up an FLV. The problem is that when I click on any of the navigation buttons on the main timeline, the FLV that is currently playing, is still playing (I can hear the audio). How to stop this.
Here is the code used for controlling the buttons in the motion_mc timeline: stop(); var naviArr:Array = new Array(btn01, btn02, btn03); btn01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate); btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate); btn03.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, navigate); [Code] .....