Actionscript :: Make A Flash Video Start Playing On MouseOver, And Stop On MouseOut
Jul 6, 2010I'm wondering how I can make a Flash start playing a video on MouseOver, and stop playing on MouseOut.
View 1 RepliesI'm wondering how I can make a Flash start playing a video on MouseOver, and stop playing on MouseOut.
View 1 RepliesI have downloaded the following code and tried to change it. It works so far, but the attached MC are "pulsating" - if I change them with another MC (with text inside) I can't use them as a Menu links - they are "pulsating" too much and I can't read/see the text properly. where in code I can change(reduce) this "pulsation"? how can I make the MC-s cklickable=working as a buttons with mouseover/mouseout effects (changing color etc.)
View 1 RepliesI have a basic mouseover in my flex application which changes an image onmouseover and changes it back onmouseout using the code mouse Over "functionToChangeImageSource()" and another one to mouseout.It works fine when you slowly mouse over and out, however if I quickly move the mouse over it, it occasionally stays on the mouseover image and the mouseout function doesnt appear to kick in. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or does anyone have any ideas why its happening?Also, I've tried the rollOver and rollOut instead but it has the same problem.[code]I'd imagine you're correct about the mouseover event not completing before mouseout is but how to I fix this?
View 3 RepliesI have a simple movie clip for which i bind two events 1-MouseOver and MouseOut
in these events i am just tracing simple text
But the Problem is when i take my mouse over the movie clip both events called tracing the string in the output panel
Infact, things should be done like that on mouse over, its text is printed and when i take my mouse away[out] from the movieClip MouseOut event should be called.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.motion.Color;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
So I made a few buttons with sounds within them and when I publish it they work just fine. But what I want them to do is;
Say I click a Button.The sound starts playing.Then I click it again, before the sounds done playing.I want it to stop the playing sound and start playing the button I just clicked on, whether it be the same button, or a different one.Right now it just ends up sounds like an echo because it'll play it as many times as you click it.
The problem I have is I click the play button and start playing. Then I click next and when I click play for another song the songs overlap. How can I stop whatever song is playing and start playing the new one? Has to stop the prev song when I click play_brn.
I mean youtube or any other streaming video site, but I've seen it on Youtube. There are times that the loaded bar shows that more than enough video stream has been loaded so the player could play it but it suddenly pauses and shows the loading icon?
View 2 RepliesI have an image that grows on mouseover and shrinks on mouseout, and I'm using the following script for the events:
The problem is that while the image is growing or shrinking,if the mouse is on the exact border it simultaneously gets stuck on both the mouseover and mouseout fuctions, resulting in seizure-inducing loop. Is there any way to ensure that a function completes once it's started, or some other way to avoid the simultaneous over/out condition?
I made this simple movieclip with over and out states. However my function does not work. When moving over the movieclip the mouse out event is called immediately. I don't know why this is happening.
ActionScript Code:
home.buttonMode = true;
function onOver (e:MouseEvent):void {
I have 2 flash banners (using ActionScript 2) on my web page, how can I make them start playing at the same time, after the page has fully loaded? Both .SWF files are embedded in HTML using the script provided by Adobe on object export. I created both in Flash CS4, but I have very little knowledge of flash. I read about "LocalConnection", but I have no idea how to implement it in flash.
View 2 RepliesI realize this is probably an old thread, but does anyone have an actionscript example of how to create a custom start and stop time for a Flash video? In other words I'd like to be able to "bracket" the play time of a Flash video with custom start and stop times rather than start at the beginning and end at the end.
View 1 RepliesIn the stage I have a MC called test. In this MC I have another MC called sub.
on MOUSE_OVER the test.sub should be visible and i want to be able to go to it and for example click it... but when I leave the shape it disappears before i reach it. I attached my test fla
I'm trying to create a mouseEvent for my 5 points but it's ONLY work on last point. While clicking on the others point the mouseOut and mouseOver doesn't respond, however the ONLY work on last point.
I've got the following movie online to look at:(disregard background, temporary image)URL...I have 3 icons (will be 4, the photos at the bottom of the movie).When hovering over a button, it should rise up around 50px, and on mouse out, it should drop back down to its original position.If you look at the movie, it does that, however, if you move around the images a bit you'll see that at some points it picks up 2 photos/buttons at a time (since they're overlapping a bit I imagine), but the BIG problem is that sometimes, when picking up both images, they do not return to their original position when mousing OUT as they should, they remain suspended as if they are stuck at the end of the onmouseover function and can't come back down.[code]
View 2 RepliesI want to make two custom cursors. One to be visible on rollover and second visible only on mouse down. Is this possible. I want to make game where cursor changes into mc1 and moves around with mouse but when you click mc1 is changing to mc2. Till now i managed to hide cursor, make mc1 to move with cursor but dont have any idea how to change mc1 with mc2 on mouse down and then mc1 to come back on release. Is there any other way to make this, my idea was to make 2 clips to follow cursors and use as to determine when each clip is visible, but it doesn't work.
View 4 RepliesI am using CS5 - as3 and getting error
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at index_nutro_fla::MainTimeline/manageMouseOut()
My mouser over is a moveclip use to work fine but giving this error
Here is the code
import flash.display.MovieClip;
bk_btn.buttonMode=true;bk_btn.useHandCursor = true;
[Code] .....
AS3 page with text links that change to a new color on mouse_over and change back on mouse_out. Sometimes the links do not change back and all remain colored after mouse-out. I have never been able to simulate the problem on my several computers at several locations but have seen it happen on the clients computers. Is there a known issue perhaps with Flash/AS3/Flash Player Version# that might cause this?
View 1 RepliesI am building a graphic component in MXML that has different states, each state having its own size. I have a "normal" state and a "highlighted state", the highlighted one having a higher height. On this components I implemented a function to be executed on each mouseOver and mouseOut to change from normal state to highlighted state and back. My problem is, in the highlighted mode, the mouseout event is triggered according to the size of the normal state.
how to make a basic image rotater by importing images and setting up motion tweens in the time line. That part works. When I hit ctrl + enter it plays through the images correctly.
Now I want to add an action script that will play/pause the rotator on mouseover and mouseout.
What I have so far is layers img1, img2, img3, img4 and an invisible button layer called buttonLayer.
I added a 6th layer and named it action.
Now every time I try to use one of the symbols from the library I get a "undefined property" error.
I have looked all over and find all kinds of tuts but none of the ones I'm finding tell the basics of how to use a symbol in the actionscript. Or how to make a symbol/instance/object in the first place. They just say things like "" but when I replace that with my symbol name I get the error.
I've renamed all my symbols to img1, img2... because one thing I can see that is obvious is that there is no way "symbol 1" works in any programming language because of the space in the name. I'm confused that flash would automatically create a symbol with a name I can't use.
When I right click->actions to bring up the actionscript window for my action layer where do I start? And are there other things I need to do with the symbols and layers before I can use them in action script?
I'm attaching the fla file in a zip. how to add the actionscript it would go a long way in helping me understand how it all works.
I also tried saving the swf and then importing that into a new project as one single layer to work with and that doesn't seem to make a difference as far as figuring out the actionscript.
I have a simple rollover button that I want to use as a background image for a navigation on a drupal site I'm helping to develop. I'm not too skilled in AS3 and I can't figure out how to get the button to play on a mouseover and reverse on a mouse out - all from the current frame.URL...I set it up a motion tween that would play on a mouseover and then play a motion tween back to the original size on a mouse out but this only works if you stay on the button until it fully expands, otherwise it jumps around.
View 1 RepliesI am using a custom skin on Flex's TabBar, and specifically the skin the controls ButtonBarButton. The width of the button is a variable size depending on the text it contains, and background of the button is an image that only displays on the selected states of the button.
The following is my MXML for the skin:
<!-- states -->
<s:State name="up" />
I tried wrapping the entire block in a Group tag, but to no avail. The invisible Rect does indeed fix the "machine gun" flickering that occurred when the mouse hovered over any edge of the button, but there is still a flicker on every mouse enter and mouse leave of each button.
I searched and found the code below which works fine to change the color. What do I do to make the color go back to it's original color on mouseout?
pedals.buttonMode = true;
pedals.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, changeColor);
function changeColor(e:MouseEvent):void {
var lorTransform;
I like to learn to create this effect [Url]...When you mouseover the Featured Work, it expands and when mouseout it collapse. It is on the left side of the stage under the heading FEATURED WORK.
View 1 RepliesI am playing youtube videos with the TShockwaveFlash component in Delphi 2007.The component has many options such as play, stop, rewind, gotoFrame, etc and they work on a normal flash file.However if I try to use them on a youtube video it doesn't work.
View 1 RepliesI am having a problem with the video on my website. I put a couple of videos on there and I have them working. But if I click on another page, the sound is still playing on the video until it is over. I found a temporary solution by putting in the code to STOP ALL. This make it work how it should. But the thing is I want background music, and with the code I have know the music would shut off every time I go to another page. Is there any code where I could just shut the sound off for that video when I click on something else and not ALL sound?
View 8 RepliesI DO NOT KNOW FLASH - let's just get that straight. I do not know actionscript, and I'm not familiar ith the interface. But I do know how to open a document, drag a .flv into the frame, add a playback skin, and save a swf for use on a web page.
The problem is that the videos all start playing on default. I'd like the user to have to hit the "play" button to play the video so that they are not inundated with sound when the page loads.
How do I play at video, but starting from say 20 seconds in?
View 1 RepliesI built a timeline based player with 2 menus and many videos that you can play.The buttons move the timeline to a frame label and the video plays. The back button has a stop function built in it so the video stops playing when its hit.It plays wonderfully locally but once on a server after a few clicks it boggs down and sometimes the audio from the last video remains playing even when prompted to stop. I was pointed to use the add and remove child functions to prevent this but being very new to Flash and 100% self taught i have zero idea on how to do this. The link to the player is[url]....Even if its a link to a tutorial or something.
View 3 RepliesI am putting together a small slideshow of pictures and it's only about 350 frames. I haven't worked with Flash since version 4.0, so I'm still trying to figure out Adobe's setup. 4.0's setup was so easy when it came to replaying a video once it hit the last keyframe, but I'm so lost in this ActionScript stuff.
How do I get the video to loop back and start playing again automatically?
I have a video file which plays fine but it plays as soon as the welcome page starts. I have some small text animation which needs to play first and after 45 Seconds my video should start playing automatically. How to achieve this? Using actionscript 3.
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