ActionScript 3.0 :: SharedObject.flush() Reasons For Failure?

Apr 9, 2010

So I've looked all over the internet for this answer and have found nothing.I'm writing data to a shared object and need to know when it's successfully written to disk so I can take further action.Most of the time the shared object gets successfully written, but some times, for reasons unknown, it will fail.So my question is, what are the reasons a call to flush() can fail and how best can I avoid that case and ensure that its successfully written?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SharedObject - Cannot Get Flush To Return False

May 11, 2007

I have set the amount of data that my SharedObject can store to none, and Never Ask Again. But I cannot get SharedObject.flush() to return false as per the help system. Settings changed here: [URL]

var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("myObj", "/");
// trap SharedObject memory limit set to 0


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Media Server :: Flush SharedObject In A Separate Thread?

Nov 23, 2011

How to flush SharedObject in a separate thread? FMS is blocking the program during write, and to save more than 2,000SharedObject takes about 15 seconds.

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Flex :: Error #2130 Unable To Flush SharedObject

Apr 22, 2010

I cant flush the shared object in my project. What can I do for that problem?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reasons For Sound Not Working?

Aug 5, 2003

firstSound=new Sound();firstSound.attachSound("****");

that's easy...did the linkage thing and it doesn't work..did it with another mp3 file and it worked fine..any idea on what can be causing this particular mp3 not to work when attached with AS?

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Media Server :: SharedObject.NoAccess Error When Trying To SharedObject.getRemote?

Feb 18, 2012

I've installed developer version of Flash Media Server 4.5 and trying to get remote object, but no matter how I call my object all i get is this error .I've rad configuration guide and it told me that I should set StorageDir for shared objects, enable RPC (<RPC enabled="true">) and allow shared object (<Allow>users</Allow> in <RPC> - <SharedObject> tags)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Code Execution Delay For Unknown Reasons?

May 8, 2009

The following code is on a movieclip being used as a button.The code is pretty simple. Originally the code was just the code after the gap. This code loaded up a movieclip (filtermc) off-stage that runs through an xml file and preloads a form. This takes a second or two, and when finished that newly loaded movie tweens into position. The tween code is on a frame in the 'filtermc' movieclip.

The problem is that in the second or two that it takes for this movie to load, people could click the button a second time which messes up the form/movieclip (everything on it is unresponsive, I think because two movieclips having the same name)

Anyway, I decided to solve this problem by loading a transparent blocker movieclilp in front of this button to keep it from being double clicked. This blocker clip is just a movie that has an empty onRelease function in it so that the button below it cannot receive any new clicks. Also, the button goes to another frame where it says "loading..." to provide feedback to the user.

The Problem When I click this button, there is a delay of about 2 seconds before the semitransparent (for testing) blocker appears. In fact it appears just as the filtermc clip has started it's tween into place.

It is almost like this code is running out of order. The traces come back in the correct order so I know it is not running out of order, but why the 2 second delay before the blocker movie gets loaded up? The button also takes 2 seconds to show the "loading" frame. The traces also have the same 2 second delay.

If I comment out the second half of the code (the filtermc part) then the blocker movieclip pops up instantly and the button changes frame instantly.

PHP Code:

on (release) {
//problems occur if button is pressed twice before filtermc scrolls into view
//this button must be disabled until the filtermc finishes loading


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Flash :: Flex - What Are Possible Non-code-related Reasons For A Blank Screen In Builder 4.6 Design View?

Dec 13, 2011

I was editing a very basic mobile Flex project, and after I debugged the master (application) mxml file, Design View stopped working (blank screen displayed, no Design View errors) for all files. Creating new projects, either mobile or else, or testing old, working projects, doesn't work either. Out of the related issues I've found info on, most concern earlier versions of the IDE, and deal with either Design View errors (got none), use of certain functions or custom components (I get the error even on a new project), or are solved by changing styles back-and-forth (tried already, to no avail).

I can't drag and drop components to the design area, either (a "prohibited" symbol appears and nothing happens when I drop); so I'm pretty sure it's not code-related or a bug, but probably something stupid, like a configuration issue, so I definitely need someone to take a fresh look at it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Flush Flash's Memory

Mar 19, 2011

Right now, I'm doing a lot of byte write operations, and I believe this is taking up a bunch of memory, which is then throwing an error. Is there anyway to flush some unneeded memory every now and then? It's not flushing the memory every time I run it in the fla either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Site Flush All Sides?

Feb 22, 2007

[URL]its like the whole area of the window is flash, he has it ALL over without scrolling. now what im interested is in the no scrolling part. is it a size thing? and if it is, do the values have to be set in flash or in a program like DW?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SharedObject Error: Error #2134: Cannot Create SharedObject?

May 9, 2011

Gives me this error:

Error: Error #2134: Cannot create SharedObject.
at as3_shared_objects/showVar()


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Media Server :: NetStream.Buffer.Flush When The Video Is Paused?

Dec 26, 2010

I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay.I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91, and the streaming server is FMS4

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Flex :: Set TCP_NODELAY To Socket.flush(), Or SendToURL()?

Jun 25, 2009

I'm writing a real-time app using a Flex/Flash client and my own server running on Linux.

I'd like to be able to send data from the Flex client in real time (in response to user actions). I've tried the following methods: followed by


The second above won't send data to the server until the ACK for the first call has been recieved. I'd like to be able to send data immediately without waiting for that ACK.

If the round-trip time to the server is long (e.g. 300ms) I can only send data to the server 3 times a second. Ideally I'd like to be able to send data up to 30 times per second, but this is only possible with a RTT of around 30ms at the moment.

It doesn't matter if the server itself gets the data 300ms late - I realise I can't beat the speed of light.

Is there any way to get the Flash Player to send data without waiting for an ACK? In other environments this is done by setting the TCP_NODELAY flag on the socket but it seems I don't have that level of control in Flash/Flex.

Update: I think I may have stumbled on a workaround for this. I think the Flash Player tries to get the host browser to give it a separate TCP connection for each NetConnection object, subject to the connection limit for each browser, e.g. 2 for IE. The connection limit can be got around by using sub-domains (haven't tried this yet) so hopefully it should be possible to get closer to real-time behaviour by using a pool of NetConnections.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash NetStream.Buffer.Flush Firing Repeatedly

Oct 13, 2011

I've made a custom video player in as3. Everything works, but once a video has loaded and played through completely, if the user replays the video it continuously fires the NetStream.Buffer.Flush event until the video stops playing again (by either ending or by the user hitting pause). It doesn't seem to effect anything negatively, but I would rather not have an event continuously firing in the background like that. I can't find any documentation of this happening online anywhere. Is this normal behavior for a NetStream that has fully loaded?

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Javascript :: Flush The DNS Cache Or Force A Host Name To Re-resolve In Adobe AIR/Flash?

Aug 9, 2009

AIR seems to keep its own DNS cache when an application is running, and ignores any changes to the OS DNS cache (i.e. ipconfig /flushdns.More specifically, I'm creating multiple URLStream & URLRequest objects over a long period of time in a AIR application. Once the first one connects the host's IP address is cached for the lifetime of the application.And the URLRequest.useCache property,understandably,has no effect on DNS to force a host name to re-resolve inside a AIR (or Flash) application?

Note: Unfortunately, resolving the IP through a web service and rewriting the URL is not an option as a workaround.The use-case is downloading files from Amazon S3 using signed URLs which are invalidated if modified.

Update: The test results above were gathered on WinXP prior to AIR 1.5.2. Subsequent tests using 1.5.2 show serialized requests with URLStream.load() are re-resolved more frequently but still ignore TTL values.I still haven't figured out what conditions are necessary to trigger the re-resolution, but have noted a couple of cases that prevent it.For instance, if another asynchronous URLStream is active to the same host then requests use the cached IP address and are not resolved. And simply closing and dereferencing all streams to a host is not sufficient to ensure the same host name will be re-resolved in the next request.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash NetStream.Buffer.Flush When The Streaming Video Is Paused?

Dec 26, 2010

I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:

Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay.

I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91, and it appears for both FMS4 and red5.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Forcing A Failure Because T1 <> T2?

Apr 5, 2009

Simulating Validators, how do I programmatically invalidate a TextInput because it doesn't match some external criteria? (even though it passes regexp/other internal validator tests).e.g. on lost focus, point out to the user that "confirm email" doesn't match "email" (even though both are valid email addresses). I've got a regex validator on a cell phone TextInput field that ensures the user enters with the international prefix e.g. 0044 for the UK Then I have a confirm_mobile field but I want to check the mobile TextInput against confirm_mobile TextInput.

The input on confirm_mobile could always be a valid phone number and pass the regexp test but I need to ensure field 2 == field 1 and if not then invalidate field 2 (or at least simulate the Validator behavior) to tell the user the fields don't match. I can catch this at the end via a trigger on the form submit button but still need to know how to throw a red box round "confirm_mobile" using a validator.

Code: Select allprivate function check_mobile2(evt :FocusEvent)
if (strings_match(confirm_mobile.text , mobile.text))


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Professional :: PNG Export Critical Failure

Apr 5, 2008

When Trying to export a flash graphic out of Flash CS3 to.PNG format, Flash will either export a severely distorted image or it will just crash and shutdown. Admittedly, the graphic is pushing the max limits of allowable export (7900x7900px @ 300dpi). I've never had problems exporting to .PNG before, as I use that feature every day, but rarely at this scale. Could the size be affecting it's ability to export correctly? If not, what could be the issue?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference Upload Failure

Jul 15, 2009

I got a FileRefrence instance for a simple upload and it did work for some time in the past, but now I just can't discover what made it stop woking. Can anyone help me find it out? To simplify, I took only the necessary code (not working as the full version). Here are some details:

1. I'm using Flash Player 9 (this can't change because it is a part of a bigger project). My current host machine is a Windows Vista one. The sandbox is set to network access.

2. The FileReference calls a simple php script hosted at an Apache server (Linux). The script permissions are set to 644 (it works for file uploads coming from plain html pages) and I set the folder permission to 777 just to avoid any other source of errors. Here is the simple code for the php script:

<?php// receiving variables$uid = trim($_POST['uid']); // just to check for a post variable that  I must send while uploading (won't work even if I revome it) 
// a file to check if the script is really called
$myfile = fopen("upload.txt", "wb");fputs($myfile, "file upload for uid $uid


Just for checking I add a Loader instance and used its "load" method with the same "urlSend" variable. It worked and the php script generated the output file...

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Flash :: Failure Of Movie To Run On IWeb

Sep 1, 2009

I've only started using Flash CS4 a short time ago and I'm having a problem being able to run a short flas movie on an iWeb site. Here's what I did to create the movie from scratch through to its failure to run on iWeb

1. A QuickTime movie was encoded in H264.2. This was then encoded with Adobe Media Encoder CS4 to produce the .flv file3. The .flv conversion was opened and processed with Flash CS4 which produced the .swf file along with the html file as well as a "preview.jpeg".4. All the files (.swf, .html, .flv plus the preview were then uploaded to my iDisk.5. Using an html snippet in iWeb, and using the correct coding, I attempted to create the site, which unfortunately refuses to load the movie.

A double click on the .swf file and/or the html file runs the movie along with the skin (but no preview) on my computer here so the encoding' appears to be OK, but uploading all the necessary files to thje server and adding the "correct" code results in a blank panel where the movie should be; no skin and no preview image either. The movie loads and runs perfectly when I used the Longtail Video JW player files and uploaded them to my iDisk (this proves the path to then server's OK).But it's a no-go using either the same .swf or the .html created with CS4. I've even gone through the process bit-by-bit viewing an on-line vbideo tutorial... their's works, mine doesn't.

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Professional :: Device Test Failure?

Sep 13, 2011

i made an scrolling image sequence,that is controlled with moving left-right mouse or finger there are 120 images and its wheight is 36 runs great on desctop as SWF .BUT when published to .ipa and lounched on iPad 2 - black sreen for aboute 5 sec. and throws back to "home".what does that mean?

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Professional :: Importing FlashMX .fla Into Cs5.5 Failure

Oct 12, 2011

Im trying to open a .fla i got from the internet. Its from 2004 and in flashMX format.
On opening it flash gives an "unexpected file format" error.
Is this a corrupt file or isnt it possible to use this? If the latter, is there a way to convert a .fla from MX format to cs5.5?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Failure With Box Fill?

Sep 22, 2010

basically I have MC with an event listener listening for a mouse click, when clicked an alpha tween on a different MC starts. The MC that im tweening contains only a stoke of a box I created (no fill). when I test my movie this all works fine.If I then give this stoke box a fill colour my tween fails to work/run and nothing is displayed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie() : Success Or Failure?

Dec 21, 2006

Can I trace whether the loadMovie() ... loads the specific content or not?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Install Failure?

Sep 6, 2003

Gb HDD (dual core). I've already installed with succeed Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator CS5 and InDesign CS5 with success on my computer with DVD versions on this Windows 7 boot. I precise I already succeed to install Flash CS5 on the same computer but with Windows Vista installed (dual boot), so the installer seems to be OK. But when I'm on my Windows 7 boot, when I try to install Flash CS5 Pro downloadable version, I get some errors as soon as the installer try to copy some files on my HD and the installer stops immediatly with those error messages:
Exit Code: 7
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 58 error(s), 62 warning(s)
WARNING: PayloadPolicyNode.SetAction: IN payload {03B6AF5B-A024-43DE-8DD2-8FB7B6A4149A} Adobe Media Player is required by {CFC9F871-7C40-40B6-BE4A-B98A5B309716} Adobe Flash CS5 but isn't free.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Failure In Executing A Method

Aug 18, 2004

I have a problem with executing a method called handleXML. At the moment I have the following code:[code]That means that for some reason the calling the handleXML method failed. Does someone know what is wrong with my code?

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Professional :: Flash Player Install Failure On OSX?

Oct 5, 2007

I've notice all the trouble people are having trying to get updates of FP to cooperate with Vista and IE, but is anyone out
there having trouble getting the installer to work on a mac? After running the uninstaller, which says it was successful, I cannot get ANY version of FP to re-install on my mac. Both Firefox and Safari are showing the plug-in as missing and when prompted to download and install, the installation fails again and again.

The only way I have been able to successfully get flash player working again is to re-install my version of Creative Suite,
which automatically installs FP when you install the Flash application.

on a MacBook Pro
OSX 10.4.10
2.16 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Webservice Invoking Call Failure

Feb 16, 2009

I've got a movie that i'm calling a webservice from. When I run the movie in flash it downloads the service stub and makes the SOAPCall and loads the data as you would expect. But when i upload it to a site it loads the service stub makes the SOAPCall but "Received SOAP response from network" is not called.

About the files: I load the movie in an html file using UFO. There are some external interface calls before the webservice is called but these definatley return what is required for the webservice to run because the stub does not get downloaded if they don't return anything.[code]...

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Flash :: Catch Mxmlc Ant Task Failure?

Jul 1, 2011

I've tried using the haltonfailure="false" and failureproperty="compile.failed" but ant just throws an error when I try to run it: "The <mxmlc> type doesn't support the "haltonfailure" attribute." I need to do a little cleanup before the build script exits if the mxmlc task fails, how do I achieve this?

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Flash :: Google Maps Api Directions Failure 400?

Sep 10, 2011

I created a map with the Google Map API For Flash that shows directions. It creates a line between the 2 addresses and gives turnbyturn directions.

This is working perfectly in Flash test mode locally but once i put it online The map still works but the directions dont show and i get the Failure status 400.

Does anywone know whats the problem here? I'ts driving me crazy just because its working locally but not online.

DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE.feature.status = 400

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