I am importing a picture in flash and i found out that there is a difference between importing to the stage, and importing to the library... [URL] I've placed both picture close of each other and if you look closely, you'll notice that one of them is losing some resolution. Both picture come from the same file, a png. The picture imported to the stage is sharper than the one imported to the library. is there a way to import that picture to the library without losing any resolution?
I am migrating from Flash MX to Flash CS 5. One of the most annoying things so far about the changes is that whenever I open a file - it opens a tab - How can I stop this? I was able to stop this in Photoshop CS but there does not seem to be that option in Flash CS
I recently purchased and installed Flash CS4 Professional on my home computer (HP Windows XP Media Center Edition). AS2 works as a Publish Setting, but AS3 does not function in any way.After my initial installation, I ran a CS4 update of all programs, including updating Flash CS4 to 10.0.2.I have uninstalled the software and re-installed it in the "simplified" mode. Updated to v10.0.2; no change in AS3 failure. I have run the Adobe Support Analyzer, and an error has been found in the installation log file (for both the initial installation and the re-installation). But use of the Package for Support button (repeatedly, over 4 days) fails to upload and fails to produce a "key", yielding this message: "The storage server is unavailable! Please try again later."Here is what I mean by ActionScript 3 failure:With any script in the Actions-Frame panel, clicking Check Syntax produces this message: "This script contains errors. The errors encountered are listed in the Compiler Errors Panel." The Compiler Errors Panel is always blank. When I am working in AS2, an intentional script error immediately is identified correctly in the Compiler Errors Panel.With any script in the Actions-Frame panel, clicking Auto Format produces this message: "This script contains syntax errors, so it cannot be Auto Formatted. Fix the errors and try again."Any .swf produced with CTRL+Enter sits in its initial state and does not run or otherwise have interactivity..
fla files I have found the failure with include: AS3 examples from the Adobe Flash website; AS3 files I produced with Flash CS3 Professional on a previous employer's computer; a simple "stop();" in the Actions-Frame panel for the first frame of a movie clip.I have also made sure that my computer has updated versions of the Flash 10, 9, and 8 players. A .swf file (AS3, Player 9) I made with my employer's Flash CS3 software runs fine on my computer. But producing a new .swf from the same .fla file on my home computer with CS4 yields an inactive file.Adobe technical support is unable to deal with ActionScript problems and referred me to the community of Adobe expert users.
When Trying to export a flash graphic out of Flash CS3 to.PNG format, Flash will either export a severely distorted image or it will just crash and shutdown. Admittedly, the graphic is pushing the max limits of allowable export (7900x7900px @ 300dpi). I've never had problems exporting to .PNG before, as I use that feature every day, but rarely at this scale. Could the size be affecting it's ability to export correctly? If not, what could be the issue?
i made an scrolling image sequence,that is controlled with moving left-right mouse or finger there are 120 images and its wheight is 36 Mb.it runs great on desctop as SWF .BUT when published to .ipa and lounched on iPad 2 - black sreen for aboute 5 sec. and throws back to "home".what does that mean?
Gb HDD (dual core). I've already installed with succeed Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator CS5 and InDesign CS5 with success on my computer with DVD versions on this Windows 7 boot. I precise I already succeed to install Flash CS5 on the same computer but with Windows Vista installed (dual boot), so the installer seems to be OK. But when I'm on my Windows 7 boot, when I try to install Flash CS5 Pro downloadable version, I get some errors as soon as the installer try to copy some files on my HD and the installer stops immediatly with those error messages:
Exit Code: 7
-------------------------------------- Summary -------------------------------------- - 0 fatal error(s), 58 error(s), 62 warning(s) WARNING: PayloadPolicyNode.SetAction: IN payload {03B6AF5B-A024-43DE-8DD2-8FB7B6A4149A} Adobe Media Player is required by {CFC9F871-7C40-40B6-BE4A-B98A5B309716} Adobe Flash CS5 but isn't free.
I've notice all the trouble people are having trying to get updates of FP to cooperate with Vista and IE, but is anyone out there having trouble getting the installer to work on a mac? After running the uninstaller, which says it was successful, I cannot get ANY version of FP to re-install on my mac. Both Firefox and Safari are showing the plug-in as missing and when prompted to download and install, the installation fails again and again.
The only way I have been able to successfully get flash player working again is to re-install my version of Creative Suite, which automatically installs FP when you install the Flash application.
on a MacBook Pro OSX 10.4.10 2.16 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have a flash project with about 3500 items - mostly containing movie clips with linkage. The SWF acts as an external library. I publish the SWF file under AS3 + FP9 (also tried FP10) and when I tried to access the items using
var _proAD:ApplicationDoman = loadEvent.target.applicationDomain; var profileClass:Class = _proAD.getDefinition(item) as Class;var sprite:Sprite = new profileClass();
but all returned null! (after looping through them) - I traced the item's name in the output and they all matched exactly correctly.After a while, I managed to narrow down the problem which leads me to think it's a newly introduced bug in Flash CS5.
Test1: Deleted 500 items from the project, and it worked - all items returned non-null when using the code above. Also tried deleting a different range of 500 items instead of the first 500 - which also worked. This test confirms that all items were not courrpted.
Conclusion: Flash CS5 is unable to successfully publish a project containing over 3500 items in the library. The resulting SWF file size was about 500KB - which indicates it contains something, but still was unable to access the items.
Test2: From CS5, saved the project as CS4 format and opened it with Flash CS4. Published it (via CS4), and it worked. All items returned non-null. Great. However, when I added 500 more items (total of 4000) - it failed both on CS4 and CS5.The publish only takes about 10 seconds. Not very long..
I have been given some .SWFs to use in a flash project of mines. I remember being able to import this as movieclip with the animation staying intact. I'm using Flash CS3 and in trying to import the .swf the animation seems to have been stripped. How can you import a .swf into your FLA projects?
I'm creating two separate AIR projects.I'd like them both to be able to access the same XML file that's residing in the user's document's folder.Before, I''ve successfully set up importing XML using URLLoader etc, but this method won't work when trying to access an XML from outside of an air project (I think).So is it possible to imporrt an XML file using something like:[code]
I have a swf presentation with 28 pages. Each page contains a swf movie. It was originally done in 2005 with Flash Studio MX 2004 . In 2005 I imported a swf movie to each page and it all worked perfectly. The filesize was small and exe-filesize was 1,2 MB. Now when I have done small modifications to the swf in Flash CS4 and I try to import it to the main fla then it imports dozens of bitmaps and other stuff. After adding just that one swf exe-filesize is 5 MB and the swf is not even working. it is just a still.
Why canīt I just add the swf like before and it will work? I canīt/donīt want to do the loadmovie-thingy because this exe will go to a client who will share it over and over in their network. Once the file has external files it will be unusable immediately. It has to be in one file just like before. Do I have to go back to Flash Studio MX 2004 to make my modifications if I need to have just one file? Flash CS4 canīt import SWF directly anymore?
Within Photoshop I added some 17 new image layers, then I copied (from an existing image layer) and pasted the layer style onto the newly added image layers. Everything went fine in Photoshop. All images show up correctly with the correct layer style in place, meaning the shadows showing up correctly.Anyhow, once I import the .PSD into Flash CS4 the new image layers show up with darker shadows (100% instead of 50/75% opacity)
I have been making flash titles with a program called Mix FX. Unfortunately it will only save the files as projectors, swf and html files which I cannot use as a banner for my website. So is there any way that I could import a swf into flash so I can save it as a gif?
so i've just been learning flash and i'm really enjoying it, i have got to a point when i want to import sound but when i do. i get the following message... "one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them." i am using windows xp and i have had this problem trying .aif and .mp3. (i haven't tried any other types but i think these should work anyway)
does anybody know why it isn't working? is it because i don't have the latest media players that flash uses? if so do you know which media player i should have? or is it something else?
I`m interpreting a large piece of MS Word text into movie shorts I mean to organize into an interactive `newspaper` style presentation that can be perused online. With `web-presentation`, I`m a true novice; so my first crucial question is: How, or can, I import text from MS Word into a Flash Film/Presentation, with all its fonts+colours intact? My rusty logic is that D-Weaver seems kinder to importing text, but is designed to make websites; I only want to make web-presentations, which I assume can inhabit websites such as MySpace.
I am having problem with importaing package/public customClass via a code snipit Scripting. Here are the details I created a customClass.as ActionScrip3.0 script saved it as customClass.as inside an unnamed package then I creeates a blank customClass.fla file (notice the the name customClass.fla and customClass.as must be identical for this to work)and in the properties section simply put customClass.as and then I run customClass.fla test movie and it works fine.. The problem is how do I call customcClass.as again in myFlash.fla that does not have the name customClass.fla file using a code snipet
When I tried to import an Illustrator CS5 file into Flash CS5, I got an error from Windows saying that the program "stopped working" and it was searching for solutions to the problem. When it found no solutions, it said that it had to close the program. I've tried three times now and the same thing keeps happening.
In an existing Flash (CS5) project NOT utilizing XML in ANY WAY, I imported (copy and pasted) a group of objects from Illustrator (CS5) into the project. When I published the file afterwards I got an XML error:
I even tried importing the whole flash XML package, just to see if it resolved the issue. ( import flash.xml.*; ), needless to say, it didnt. So then I deleted the imported Illustrator group and what do you know.. my Flash file compiled without any issues, no XML errors.. VERY confused.. only thing I can think of is if it has to do with placed images..
Right now I have resorted to importing as bitmap, but I dont like this option
I am using Soundbooth to record some sounds. I'm trying to save them as either a MP3 or WAV,but no matter bitrate I use for either file type, I get an error when I try to import it into Flash. I have the newest QT installed from the wormy fruit vendor, does not make a difference. I can save it as an .asnd and import it just fine, but that file type is huge.The files that give me the error open just fine by themselves in WMP
I have a simple rectangle with a 3D-bevel effect built in Illustrator that I need to export as an FXG file for use in Flash.When I export from Illustrator to an FXG format, it creates bitmaps and embeds those in the FXG file.if i import directly into Flash CS5 there are transparent gaps (and the symbols created are very complex), and it warns me that the objects aren't compatible with flash and they should be converted to bitmaps firstIs there a way to export the object to an FXG file and keep it in a vector format?if not, and this may be an Illustrator question, is there a way to create the same kind of effect so that I can get an end FXG object that will work in Flash?
I am trying to import 100 png sequence (of a rotating object), so I choose the import command, choose all my 100 png sequences by shift clicking, but only one gets placed on the 1st keyframe the rest are in the library. How can they all be placed into the stage, all 100 png sequences taking up all 100 frames. So when I control test my movie I can see the object rotating.
I have Adobe Flash CS5 on Windows 7 x64 installed and when i try importing 360 images throught image sequence in Flash, my Flash crashes. Anyone know how do i fix this problem
I've just started using Adobe Flash Pro CS5 for mac and I'm having trouble importing figures to animate. I've watched Youtube videos and have replicated what they do, but once I import the figure there is a blank box around where the figure should be. Also, the figure will show up in my library, but not in the stage.
transparent gradient not importing as designed. I created a button in Illustrator and exported as SWF. When I imported into Flash, it is displaying improperly (flawed). What is the full-proof solution for this?
Really don't want to have to go the bitmap route or re-create directly in Flash.
I'm having a lot of trouble determining the cause of this problem... I have an uncompressed .wav file, and when I attempt to import the file into Flash Professional CS5, something... happens to it. The audio quality is reduced somewhat, but more importantly, the pitch drops at least an octave! I have checked to make sure the file is correct. I tried messing with the Sound Properties window for that in the library. I tried re-importing the sound normally, and using the Sound Properties box to do the same. No matter what I do, I can't get Flash to maintain the sound of the original file.
ok i have used the code snippets in cs5 that grabs a .swf online and shows it in the flash file. However this is not exactly what i want.
Instead of the command triggering from a click i want the movie to load automatically. How?
Also is there any way of getting a .swf file and importing it into a new flash document? i have tried all the methods out but the .wf does not actually work properly. I cant just copy the timelines over as i dont have access to the one file all i have is tthe .swf -
So either i grab it from my server or if there is a way to import it into the flash that actually works.
I have a PSD file with layers that I am trying to import into Flash. The problem that I am having is that the text effects that I have applied in Photoshop are not transferring into Flash. All I get is the Font, Font size, and color. But I used Drop Shadow on some of the and some other effects as well. None of these are transferring over to Flash. Do I have to save them in a certain way i n Photoshop in order to effect the transfer. I want to be clear. I am not trying to import text effects as separate layers or anything complicated. I just want the text to look like it does in photoshop.
I'm using the CS5 version of Flash Pro and Illustrator on a Window box running XP serv. Pk 3.These are the AI Import Preferences:I'm trying to import some text, grayscale with suitable stroke and drop shadow, from a finished Board in Illustrator. I've made PNG's, to allow for a transparent background, at both 300 and 600 ppi. I know these are large, but it doesn't matter too much in this movie. It worked well in the Color version.
When I bring them into Flash there is a distinct difference in the quality of each, of course, but both are jagged when transforming them down to the size needed. The ones at 600ppi are better but there is still a visual distortion due to the jaggedness.