Professional :: Photo Import Vs Result - Difference Between Importing To The Stage And Importing To The Library
Mar 24, 2010
I am importing a picture in flash and i found out that there is a difference between importing to the stage, and importing to the library... [URL] I've placed both picture close of each other and if you look closely, you'll notice that one of them is losing some resolution. Both picture come from the same file, a png. The picture imported to the stage is sharper than the one imported to the library. is there a way to import that picture to the library without losing any resolution?
What is the difference between importing a class and extending a class, I know that when you extend you add all the properties/methods of that class to your own class, but I am still un sure of what this actually does for you and your program, I am pretty confused on the topic and I couldnt find the difference between the two on the internet, also how do you know which one of the two you need to do?
I use the DistortImage class by Sandy to distort an image. This works. However it shows the picture twice unless I add _visible = false; to it on the mainstage. Now I don't want it to be on the mainstage in the first place so I place the picture on the stage from the library:
I'm making a project that is based almost entirely on code and I'm using classes. And everything was working fine until I came to a situation where I needed to make text field inside flash and not with code. I made a text field put some text inside, converted to a MovieClip, set the "export for actionscript" linkage in the library and deleted the movieClip from the stage.
Then went to my document class and wrote this code:
ActionScript Code: var txt:text1 = new text1(); addChild(txt); txt.x = 20; txt.y = 20;
And I get this error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
Weird. I don't understand this problem. I then put this as3 code into the first frame and disabled the document class. And the text appeared normally on the stage.
What is even more weird. I get the same error even if I delete this code. In other words, I get this error just by having this text object inside my library.
So what do I do wrong? Why can't I use this command in my class? And what is happening this just by having this object inside my library?
I am trying to import 100 png sequence (of a rotating object), so I choose the import command, choose all my 100 png sequences by shift clicking, but only one gets placed on the 1st keyframe the rest are in the library. How can they all be placed into the stage, all 100 png sequences taking up all 100 frames. So when I control test my movie I can see the object rotating.
For the last two days I've tried to import more than one PNG or two FW files onto my stage. Flash Crashes as soon as I start the import process, I realize this can be a file size issue, but the two FW files are 838kb and 833kb. These should come in easily, they have in the past. Is there some setting I haven't made or is this another problem totally?
I'm using Flash CS5 (11.02.489) with no updates available. I'm working on a box running XP Pro with a 3.00 ghz DuelCore Pentimum processor.
i'm using Flash CS3 on my Mac. I'm making a stop motion animation. I've already successfully imported some images, but when i've tried importing more, it replaces my last frame!! Is there something that i might of pressed??
I'm trying to get the as3corelib to work as when I run my file at the moment it tells me: 5001: The name of package 'com.adobe.images' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file. /Users/markbunyan/Websites/ I thought I had imported the as3corelib fine but can't get this to work. Can I simply import the code from
I made a xml gallery, and when i run it from the source file everything runs as intended.but when i import it into another movie, the gallery wont respond. I can see the thumbs. But there is no way to interact with them.Im gonna post the code
I`m using flash cs3 for my works , but i have one problem!when i use File=> Import=> Import to Library... or Import to Stage...the flash environment becomes terminated.I changed my flash version to CS4 and I have this problem again.
I have stored some basic data in a custom class, imported it into a project, and compiled it into an swf. Now, I want to import that swf into the library of a new, entirely separate flash project, and access the data from the original custom class inside that imported swf.
Here's how I'm trying to go about it (unsuccessfully):
1. Create a custom class '' with some basic data ("hello world") stored in a property:
Code: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class MyClass extends MovieClip{
I need to be able to add into the library an image via Actionscript 2 and 3 so when the AS is compiled into a SWF the image is in the library. Anyone know how to do this? I know I can drag and drop into the library manually, but i'm trying to do this dynamically and then compile it by way of the command line.
how to place movieclips onto the stage using actionscript 3.0 without having any material in my timeline. In other words just having my actions layer, and placing all my movieclips I created from my library to the stage using code.
how do I import a replay button onto the stage using actionscript. Right now I'm creating a web banner for school using as3, but I would like to learn if there is a code that would "replay" all actions I've written in my actions, or how to make my banner replay once is done animating.
Is there a way to avoid this? I import A LOT of bitmaps all the time and it's really really annoying to have to delete the graphic symbol flash creates with it.
Couldn't find a way to toggle this "feature" off in preferences.
how to import a SWC file directly in ActionScript, without setting a library path to the file.To exemplify, I need something like this:
package { [Embed(source = 'Library.swc')] // This line won't work, of course... import ClassInsideSWC;
Besides, I don't want to (I can't, in fact) import the SWC by loading it with Loader class.
Edited Just to add more info about the problem, I'll showcase my scenario with more details...I have a class SubClass that wil be independent from the rest.It will extend a class SuperClass that is inside the SWC/SWF...This SWC/SWF have the whole framework.I can't compile every class inside a single SWF.Every part of my framework is a SWF apart and will be downloaded by Loader class on runtime.
I'm using Flex builder 3 for my main application (web-based), and I need to load multiple swf files built in flash cs4 (AS3) at different times. The flash swfs import assets from a separate flash swf used as a shared library. I'm using 1 swf loader in flex to keep 1 flash swf loaded at a time.Loading the first swf works fine, but loading subsequent swfs generates an error in importing from the shared library swf.
Here's an example of an error:
"ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable sharedApps is not defined."
I have 10 jpg which same size and the name is liked a1, a2, a3...a10. Can I import them to flash and arrange them to same position on the stage and the animation is like: frame1:a1.jpg frame2:a2.jpg ...frame10:a10.jpg What ways is quickest to achieve it?
I am new to Flash and ActionScript 3.0. This code (which I think is the code to import an image onto the stage dynamically using AS3 code and convert it to MovieClip, so that I can access mouse_click events on the image present on the stage.) Actually, it is displaying nothing on output and no errors. Will it works good and is the code correct? I am new to AS3.0.
I imported multiple flvplayback videos on my file via the Video Wizard Import. After that I removed all videos except one. But it's still trying to load those old video and the skin of their player when I preload the file. I am sure there's no player on the stage except the one I need. And when I need to play the file, it's working well, the only problem is the extra loading for 6 skins that I don't use anymore and the time to look for 6 videos that are not there. So here're my questions;
1- When you import a video via Wizard, it there a script hidden somewhere that can be found? 2- When you import a flv to the stage, there's a loading bar saying getting metadata. Is there a place to edit or erase this metadata? 3- Any other ideas of where I could look to find this hidden data or trace or ghost that needs to be remove from the file ?
I have drawn buttons on my stage. They all set to export for as3. I then made a class for buttons
package{ import flash.display.MovieClip; import; import flash.system.fscommand; public class Buttons extends MovieClip{ public function Buttons(){ [Code] .....
And then I put in my document class ; import Buttons; nothing happens and no errors...
I made this flash CS3 project using Actionscript 2.0 I want to import some images in a folder to stage. The images are named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg etc.. All these images are 600px in width. I used a movieclip as a container for these images.
When i run this code, only the last image is loaded. since i used Actionscript Code: i<3 in the for loop, only the 3rd image is loaded. its in the right place. (_x = 1800). The first and second images are not loaded...
I've been running Flash CS4 (on a mac) for a few weeks now without any major issues. But the last few times I have attempted to import to the stage from Illustrator CS4, Flash freezes up. It allows me to select the file, gives the appearance of loading then the stage remains blank. Menus pull down but all options are grayed out. How to remedy this?
I have a inDesign CS4 (.4 update) exported SWF that behaves badly when it is imported into Flash Pro CS4 (.2 update). Hyphens in the text on word breaks are being changed into question marks. Font used is Arial. The SWF ( attached) views fine in Flash Player 10, but produces the errors when imported to the stage. I have tried all settings (Text to Vector Paths, Text to Flash text) but the result is the same. Rasterizing the text is unacceptable because text quality is severely reduced on zooming the Flash document.
If you try importing the attached SWF to a blank file stage, you will see the errors on page 3.So far, the only fix I have is creating all text in flash.
I have been given some .SWFs to use in a flash project of mines. I remember being able to import this as movieclip with the animation staying intact. I'm using Flash CS3 and in trying to import the .swf the animation seems to have been stripped. How can you import a .swf into your FLA projects?
I'm creating two separate AIR projects.I'd like them both to be able to access the same XML file that's residing in the user's document's folder.Before, I''ve successfully set up importing XML using URLLoader etc, but this method won't work when trying to access an XML from outside of an air project (I think).So is it possible to imporrt an XML file using something like:[code]