Professional :: Importing XML Using AS3 And AIR

Dec 13, 2010

I'm creating two separate AIR projects.I'd like them both to be able to access the same XML file that's residing in the user's document's folder.Before, I''ve successfully set up importing XML using URLLoader etc, but this method won't work when trying to access an XML from outside of an air project (I think).So is it possible to imporrt an XML file using something like:[code]

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Professional :: Importing .SWF Into .FLA?

Feb 22, 2010

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May 7, 2010

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Jun 27, 2010

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I even tried importing the whole flash XML package, just to see if it resolved the issue. ( import flash.xml.*; ), needless to say, it didnt. So then I deleted the imported Illustrator group and what do you know.. my Flash file compiled without any issues, no XML errors..  VERY confused.. only thing I can think of is if it has to do with placed images..
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Apr 14, 2011

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Professional :: Importing Audio To Flash CS5

Apr 18, 2011

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Apr 26, 2011

ok i have used the code snippets in cs5 that grabs a .swf online and shows it in the flash file. However this is not exactly what i want.
Instead of the command triggering from a click i want the movie to load automatically. How?
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Professional :: Importing PSD File Into Flash CS5

Jun 18, 2011

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Professional :: Importing Text From Illustrator?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm using the CS5 version of Flash Pro and Illustrator on a Window box running XP serv. Pk 3.These are the AI Import Preferences:I'm trying to import some text, grayscale with suitable stroke and drop shadow, from a finished Board in Illustrator.  I've made PNG's, to allow for a transparent background, at both 300 and 600 ppi.  I know these are large, but it doesn't matter too much in this movie.  It worked well in the Color version. 
When I bring them into Flash there is a distinct difference in the quality of each, of course, but both are jagged when transforming them down to the size needed.  The ones at 600ppi are better but there is still a visual distortion due to the jaggedness.


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Flash :: Professional - Importing Sound Into CS5.5?

Jul 27, 2011

I have an mp3 file of a song i downloaded from [URL]. i tested it to make sure it wasn't a virus or anything like that- but wheneever i click file->import to library i select the mp3 file and an error comes up saying that it wasn't able to be imported! I don't understand why it willnot im[ort into flash. Im using actionscript 3.0 by the way. and it has the same error message when i try to import any song into flash.

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Professional :: Importing Ps Files Into Flash?

Aug 16, 2011

so Flash was importing my PSD files in the folders I had my layers filed into.  Well ... now, Flash will only import PSD folders as one big file and so I cannot edit in Flash.

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Professional :: Importing MP3s Into Flash CS5.5?

Sep 26, 2011

I have been using the new version of Flash since it came out in May or June and have had no problems with sound file import. Now today all of a sudden I can't import MP3s - I get an error that says it can't import the file, but nothing further to help me diagnose the problem. I have downloaded these from the web from a company that records files - the same company I have used before with no problems. The old files from them still work, but the new files, and recent MP3s I've downloaded won't work. I tried downloading on another machine with Windows NT but that didn't work either. I have had a programmer work with the MP3s to make sure they were indeed formatted as MP3, and those files won't import either. I am on Windows 7 Pro. I also turned off my firewall in case that was the problem, and still no resolution.

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Professional :: Importing FlashMX .fla Into Cs5.5 Failure

Oct 12, 2011

Im trying to open a .fla i got from the internet. Its from 2004 and in flashMX format.
On opening it flash gives an "unexpected file format" error.
Is this a corrupt file or isnt it possible to use this? If the latter, is there a way to convert a .fla from MX format to cs5.5?

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Professional :: Sound Files Not Importing?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a problem while trying to import any sound file into flash CS5.5. I have not successfully done it since purchasing the program. I have tried opening the file in a sound editor and saving it, as well as trying to convert to a different sound type that is still Flash compatible. I'm trying with .mp3 and .wav files mostly. The error messages i receive are "Couldn't import C://*file location* or else i get"One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them." I havent figured out a pattern as to why either might be showing or the connection to the file.

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Professional :: Importing A Sequence Of Images

Dec 7, 2011

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Professional :: Importing Images From Illustrator?

Dec 7, 2011

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Professional :: Importing Flv Video In Flash?

Feb 10, 2012

im currently making a multimedia product for my A-Levels ICT ... and had an issue with importing a video into my product the video was converted to flv using flash media encoding and then i embeded it into timeline using the movie symbol. the only issue which i have now is thatl it doesnt have a skin e.g. i cant stop or play the video.
I've tried creating buttons to stop and play it but they dont seem to work
here is the code which i used
play button
play.onRelease =  function(){;} 
stop button
stop.onRelease =  function(){kvideo.stop();}
i cant rely flash to access the video from a folder because it has to be sent to an exam board which means that they will only take the .swf file and nothing else so i have to make sure that the video is embeded into the multimedia product... also the video has sync issues with sound ( i know it gave me a warning about this when importing it into time line..) would it solve this if i have two seperate files? have one just a video and the other with sound... maybe import sound seperately?

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Professional :: Losing Gradients When Importing Swf To Flash?

Mar 1, 2010

I've created a globe in Flash CS3 and published it (no compression) as a swf The globe has a couple of layers with gradients used as highlights. When I import the file into another Flash document the gradients seem to disappear

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