ActionScript 3.0 :: Stacking Elements Under FLA Elements?
Jul 10, 2009
I made a .as Class where some graphical elements are spawned into the stage. However, the Flash (.fla) have some internal graphics that are supposed to be over the graphical elements spawned from the custom class.I tried to make another layer over the layer where the as3 Class is being called, but unfortunately it doesn't do anything, the graphic from the .as still appearing over the internal .fla graphics.
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<book concept="tt" />
<book concept="yy" />
<book concept="uu" author="xx"/>
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May 1, 2010
I'm working on a site which is loading different swf to a main file. For that i have a script which is calling my six swf from six button. I'm also having a basic sliding animation in actionscript when I change page.
Everything works find but now for this project i want to place 3 element which are going to stay on top of the swf. This is the tricky part for me as i'm a novice to AS3. I searched for few days and i find maybe 2 ways to do this.
the first one would be to upload the external swf to an empty movie clip which would be place under the other elements. So i try to use an addChild(); on the button action but it just duplicate the swf (one on top same as before and one into the movieclip) and the animation is not working within the movieclip.
after i try to place the swf to load on the lowest level with a movieClip(root) but i don't know where to place it within the script to make it work correctly.
This is the script i'm using:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
//Assign CLICK listeners for each menu button
btn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClicked);
btn2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClicked);
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I am using a prototype function:
Array.prototype.sum = function(){
var totalSum:Number,a=0;
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Mar 1, 2009
I have created an as3 loader with fixed text on the left then the loaded images in the middle and the buttons on the right. I then created another loader with several buttons to load the original loader. it works but the different elements from the original loader are out of place.
Here is the coding for the second loader the coding for the first loader is below:
var myrequest9:URLRequest=new URLRequest("bolly.jpg");
var myloader2:Loader=new Loader();
[Code] ......
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Jun 22, 2009
with the above line I can select all elements minus one...
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Jul 17, 2009
I'm trying to seperate my projects along a horizontal and vertical row, for every project the images are shown vertically one after the other, then when the </project> closes and a new one opens a new column is created (creating the horizontal row).
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Oct 8, 2009
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<State name="AR" eVts="6" pCls="8:30 PM EST">
I'm wondering if its because there are two "Cand"s, or "Cand.length(); isn't the right thing to use or whatever, I've totally hit the wall.
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