ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Children At Once?

Nov 6, 2008

I have 4 tab movieClips (Suppose 1_mc,2_mc, 3_mc, 4_mc).Not 1_mc is on top and covering some part of 2_mc, same as 2_mc is covering some part of 3_mc, and 3_mc is covering some part of 4_mc.Now whenever i clicked any tab Movieclip. it should come on top of all MovieClips.

in AS2 there was a method swapDepths(This.getNextHighestDepth()) and by that we can swap current movieclip by all other MovieClips.So is there any code in AS3 also, which can swap child at once with all the Movieclips? I checked from setChildIndex and swapChildren too but its taking more length of code and complexity too, to understand which movieclips has to be swaped now?

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<dir name="images">


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totalb =


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info="" />


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trace(yball.yellowBall); // Says the object is a MovieClip
var newHat:TopHat = new TopHat();
yball.yellowBall = newHat;
trace(yball.yellowBall); // Says the object is a TopHat

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Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
// Loading XML //
myXML = new XML();


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URL...I've written everything to detect when colors and teeth are selected, but I cannot figure out how to swap one movieclip for another. Right now I'm not using an actual image, just colored squares. I've set up a movieclip variable that is named each color. Basically I'd like to click a color on the bottom, then each time I click a tooth have it swap whatever movieclip is already there for the one of the color I selected.[code]

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[code]When I publish it keeps swapping over and over.How can I get it to call only once?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Swap Two String

Oct 5, 2009

I have one image which m calling through xml in string format, and i have another text field. I want to display text field content above the image.but currently text field displayed below the image. How can i swap the depth of two objects?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Two MovieClips?

Dec 14, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Know How To Swap Depths

Aug 28, 2010

ts an interactive gallery where when a photo is selected it plays the movie clip and the photo grows to fill the screne. The problem is, since the animations take part within the movie clips and all the movie clips exist on the same layer when they are selected and grow to fill the screne they are being hidden behind all the movieclips infront of it in that layer  I know that there is an action to bring movieclips to the highestdepth or to front on click/release but i do not have a clue where to start

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swap Images Using It?

Nov 23, 2009

I want to swap images using actionscript. I've got some thumbnails and the main big image will change depending on the thumbnail clicked. (it's a little complicated than that but that's what I'm trying to achieve in a nutshell!) [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Put MC On Top (swap Depth)

Feb 5, 2010

This should be really easy to do, but i cant find anything from searching. It's all tuturials for buttons and stuff. All i want to do, is put a MC called "face" on top of everything. What exactly would be the AS3 for this, and where would i put it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Instances Of XML?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using this code to swap different charts rendered in XML, but all that is happening is that they are piling on top of each other! How do I unload each one while another is loaded?Notes on the code: I have 52 different XML sheets to swap, all labeled Finance/"State Name".

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, financeSelect,true)
function financeSelect(evt:MouseEvent)


Overall, I'm not sure what you mean about putting in the charts by script.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swap A MovieClip With Another?

Apr 26, 2010

I've followed a few tutorials on Swapping depths, but they all refer to swapping the depth by using behaviors such as onRelease etc.

I would like to swap a MovieClip with another, but i want to do it at a given point on a timeline as opposed to doing it through a behavior so the swap isn't immediate.

I tried using the following on a keyframe this.swapDepths(second_mc); but nothing happened, the movieclip just runs through

I've uploaded my test file here:


As you can see each movie clip runs when you click it, but i also want it to swapDepth (so the second movieclip is now on top to be clicked).

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Swap Depths: Not Working With Animation

Jul 31, 2009

*I can't post the file due to the company policy, so I'll do my best to explain. 3 movie clips: slide 1, 2, and 3. Each loads an external image.

Layers (how I have them set up):
slide 1
slide 2
slide 3

The slides have a 3d feel, as if they are in the distance. When the user clicks one, the slide(mc) motion-tweens towards the screen, while the other 2 stay back. Obviously, if slide 2 comes towards the screen then slide 1 will be over top of it DUE TO layer structure (above). And of course, 1 & 2 will be over slide 3. To get around this I made a "current" layer over top of all the slide layers. So if I click on slide 2/3 then the tween is up on the "current" layer instead of the "slide 2/3" layer so that it's the highest.


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