ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Request Not Updating?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a function where I load a xml into my project. Theproblem is that when I have edited the xml and run the functionagain to load the same updated xml, it just keeps on loading theold version. Is there a way to like delete history and start freshwith the load?

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POST /engine/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0

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var WWbutn_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
function WWbutn(event:MouseEvent):void{     navigateToURL(WWbutn_req,"_blank");    }
WWbutn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, WWbutn);
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I get twelve total errors (there are six buttons with a slider next to them, and there are 2 types of errors). The first is: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property onPress through a reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton. The other is 1120: Access of undefined property _root. The key parts of the code (I think) are the button names, and slider_mc., a little black square that slides up and down the height of the menu. All of the buttons are button symbols, each with a unique name. I read that to fix the 1119 error, I can convert them to movie clips, but then they no longer function as buttons (which is sort of the point).

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// container dimensions
// is that even necessary?
movieW = 650;
movieH = 600;


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Home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,clickHa ndler1);
function clickHandler1(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""));


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Anyone know if its possible ?

so I want the equivalent of

<a href='large_map.php' rel='ibox&fullscreen=true' >

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Mar 27, 2009

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// container dimensions
// is that even necessary?
movieW = 650;
movieH = 600;


and then the gallery process - so how can I subsitute this for a XML DB?

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Have an XML that holds variables in place of hard-coded values. Then create a Flash app that will populate the XML to be used via Flash app.Currently...I have a Flash app that brings in XML data, but we have to manually put in the data into the XML file. I would like to create another app that will allow people who don't want to get into the XML file to be able to input that data into a Flash GUI and click on a 'submit' button that will populate the XML file automatically.

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PHP Code:
private function _menuSelectHandler (event : MenuEvent):void {
if (! event.abstract) {


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Flash :: Request For An Edit To A File?

Oct 26, 2010

My web designer is no longer working and has left me with a flash file which would benefit from a small edit

The file is made up of a banner which rotates between 3 images. I'd dearly like each of the images to become a link to html files already uploaded to server

The banner can be seen at self catering accommodation belfast dot com

Is it possible to request this on the forum please?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Request From User Input?

Nov 28, 2010

I am trying to make a generic multiple choice quiz, with questions to be loaded from an xml file. The hope is that I can give it to teaching colleagues as a resource, and they can create their own questions by just altering the xml file, as none of them know how to use flash. I can make all of it work beautifully for just one xml file's worth of questions, but I'd like to enable people to save several different xml files with different questions, and choose which one to use in the first frame of my swf. Here's what I have in the first frame, where there is simply a text input box (inputxml) and a 'Go' button.

Actionscript Code:
stop ();Go.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);var chosenFile:Stringfunction fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame(event:MouseEvent):void{Go.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame); 
chosenFile = inputxml.text;
[Code] .....

I have just changed over from Flash Pro 8 to CS5, and AS3 is still a bit new to me - am I doing something really daft?

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Use A SWF As A Web Request Proxy Between Javascript And Server?

May 23, 2009

I know I can call my server directly from javascript. However, I want to do this through a non-GUI SWF file. I'm fairly new to Flash but have gotten all the CS3 tools from work. Does anyone know of any examples on:

1. how to make a web request from within flash provided the URL, post content, and timeout

2. how to call a Flash API from javascript asynchronously

3. how to detect whether the browser being used can support my SWF (I don't want it to prompt to install Flash if they don't have it yet)

I'm actually hoping someone has already done this and has a sample already built.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Request File Not Found

Feb 17, 2010

I just learned last night from Ned Murphy how to code a btn in AS3.Trouble is, when testing the Dreamweaver frameset website, site name: URLRequest on the C drive with my default browser F12, I get a problem loading the page / file not found.[code]Just for comparison here is the AS3 btn code Ned copy pasted to my Thread last night.[code]What is it that is stopping my browser from directing to "C:WebSitesFrameSetsURLRequestmainFrame1.html";Is it the var url:String?

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Professional :: Creating A New Layer Request?

Aug 10, 2010

Does anyone know of a plugin that when creating a new layer, the name of the layer is immediately editable or which brings up a dialog window prompting you to name it, as in photoshop and illustrator?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Intercept Request Sent In Loaded SWF

Sep 11, 2010

Say i have a SWF file loaded inside a Flash , which i do not have the source code for, and I want to redirect all the requests inside that SWF to another address(or block them, then read the request parameters and just send new requests with the exact same parameters from inside the container object). Is that possible? And if so, how? Once again, I do not have the source .fla for the files loaded inside the container, and recreating them from scratch is not an option. So this, to me, seems like the easiest way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URL Request Not Working With _self?

Dec 2, 2010

from within a browser this will work:

function bobhome(evt:MouseEvent):void{    var urlRequest:URLRequest= new URLRequest    ('home.html');    navigateToURL (urlRequest, "_blank");    }

this will not:
function bobhome(evt:MouseEvent):void{    var urlRequest:URLRequest= new URLRequest    ('home.html');    navigateToURL (urlRequest, "_self");    }

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