Professional :: Creating A New Layer Request?

Aug 10, 2010

Does anyone know of a plugin that when creating a new layer, the name of the layer is immediately editable or which brings up a dialog window prompting you to name it, as in photoshop and illustrator?

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POST /RuntimeDelegate.ashx - 80 Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+U;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_4_11;+fr)+AppleWebKit/531.22.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/4.0.5+Safari/531.22.7 200 0 0
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POST /engine/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8[code]....

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Apr 15, 2010

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May 29, 2010

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Professional :: Multiple Tweens On The Same Layer?

Jun 21, 2010

I seem to remember reading that you shouldn't do it.I was mad at Flash CS4 and CS5 because I wasn't able to make the animation work like After Effects, as far as animating something, having it rest, and then animating it again. I know you can do this already, however, if you add easing you could mess yourself up as the ease gets applied to the entire tween. I wanted to be able to tween something with an ease, then let it rest, then tween it again, again with an ease.

Tonight I discovered this: Place CTI over last frame of first tween, select object, copy. Go to next "slot" and Insert Blank Keyframe, then Paste in Place the object. Make some more frames. Then after it all make a New Keyframe (content from preceeding keyframe gets copied into it, then add more frames, select them and Make Tween. I now have 2 tweens on the same layer, each with their own easing that can't get stretched out of place.However, when I did this I noticed, before making the second tween, that I was not able to just click the object and Make Tween from there. I had to actually make regular frames and convert them

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Jun 25, 2010

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Dec 4, 2010

I want to know how can I mask an image on one layer which should enogh for other movie clips. Like the following ...
1) First layer ........................ Actionscript

2) Mask layer ....................... Rounded rectange with some design

2) Image layer ...................... Best image (as a background for all other movie clips)

3) Movie Clips layer .............. 10 Movie clips (which are like slides and will be act like one webpage each)   
What I want is the mask layer (Layer 2) should be enogh for all the movie clips in layer 3. No need to mask in each movie. I tried in the same sequence but it did not work for me.

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Professional :: Layer Disappears When Testing SWF?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm using Adobe Flash CS5, ActionScript 3.0. I've created a simple file with a few animations. When I press enter, the movie animates perfectly on the stage. But when I press Ctrl+Enter to view it in test mode (and when I export to SWF), one of the five layers just doesn't appear. It's as if I never created the layer! What could be causing this issue[URL]

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Dec 15, 2010

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Professional :: Soundboard Trying To Layer Tracks

Jan 12, 2011

I'm a games design student from the UK I'm currently working on a music project. for this I want to create a soundboard where the user can select a multiple number of files and then play them as one track, my plan is to record background, rhythm, melody and random event tracks and have the user select one of these elements from each bank of samples and have a button for them to hear the outcome.So far i can get the soundboard elements to work, but no matter where i look or who i ask no one seems to know how to make this idea work, someone suggested using an array but when i started looking at arrays there seems to tutorials on creating them but not implementing them.

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Professional :: How To Copy A Symbol Layer

Mar 7, 2011

I have a layer with a bullet (graphic symbol) that flys out from the right and stops mid- stage, I am trying to copy this layer and have it do the same thing 3 times, to make 4 bullets that will be the BG for 4 text buttons I will make later, but I want to stagger their timing so they go with a sound effect.I am essentially trying to do exactly like the Duplicate Layer command in After Effects. Is there anything like this in Flash? I have even tried to do the more time consuming process of dragging another instance of my symbol from the library, but I keep getting the message "Do you wish to replace the existing tween target object", which also happens if I try to copy and paste the symbol.

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Professional :: Can't Copy An Armature Layer In CS5?

Dec 12, 2011

This has been a complaint since CS4. Maybe you finally fixed it in CS5.5? I'm in CS5, and cannot copy a group of layers with the "copy frames" option as I would with any other layer(s). So a bone tool animation I've done on the main timeline cannot be copied and turned into a mc symbol. A simple, basic process. I can export my MC and import, then it comes in as stills, increases file size, not editable. I'm sure the answer is "plan ahead." The answer should be, "Of course you can do that, that's always been a normal method of working in Flash." Flash is dieing as a web tool, and falling short as an animation tool.

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Professional :: Stop Action On A Layer?

Apr 4, 2012

its been a while since ive used flash,and im struggeling with a command id normaly do within trying to add a stop action on one of my layers,i know the action script is stop ( ) ;but i cant recall how to add it only to the particular layer. im affecting the whole scene when i add  a new layer and do the action.

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Professional :: Flash CS3 Bug In Mask Layer?

Apr 10, 2008

I have created mask layer with single MC cosisting of couple of instaces of another MC. This is a set of growing squares. The problem is that only first instance gives mask effect. Rest of instances are not used to. Does anybody knows what is wrong and how to workaround this (most likely)bug ? I would like to avoid creating one masking MC consisting of e.g. 100 layers - with teened growing sqare on each layer but in different position. Wiser is just to create one MC consisting of many instances of another single MC.Second example describing issue.Mask layer contains shape tween which consist of 3 keyframes.Masked layer contains single keyframe at first frame with one MC. This MCrestarts when middle keyframe in the mask is played. It seems that masked MC (on different layer obviously) is recreated when playhead meets keyframe in mask layer in tweened shape. In the same moment our MC stopped beeing visible for AS3 under given name as well.It seems that if mask layer contains more complex animation then basic shape move/scale then masking stops working properly. Is it bug in Flash palaer or am I doing mistake?

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Professional :: Locking Appears Not To Protect A Layer?

Jan 6, 2010

I thought from other adobe products that the lock would protect any layer you put it onHowever, In a situation where layer 1 is a looping background.Once setup, I locked itNow working on layer 2 but I notice unless I'm very careful I'm still able to move the background (layer 1) while working on other symbols that go on top of background. (even though the lock is in place.So I thought well what good is that, so hide the layer

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Professional :: Automatically Add A Layer To 100s Of Flash?

Jan 28, 2010

We have about 600 flash animations on our website.  They took many years to create, and we now wish to protect them by adding copyright message in the bottom right of every one. For example: (C) ACME
Is there some way to do this automatically?  This will save many days/weeks of repetitive work.

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Professional :: Change To A Duplicated Layer It Changes The Original As Well

Apr 1, 2010

I have a template that I am editing. I have created new layers by duplicating an existing layer. The problem I am having is that anytime I make a change to a duplicated layer it changes the original as well. ie if I attempt to edit the action script on the new layer it changes the action script on the original? It seems as though they are linked and I can not find a way to unlink them??

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Professional :: Create The Scripts On The Objects And Not On The Layer?

May 5, 2010

I have used buttons elsewhere in my project but this time when I use the same script I get the following error:

Symbol=gallery_button_vir_oak_tree_down, layer=Layer 1, frame=1, [code]........For some reason the project I inherited is set on an older version of action script (v1.0). So, I have to create the scripts on the objects and not on the layer.

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Professional :: Motion Tween Adds New Layer?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm rather belatedly getting to grips with the new tweening system introduced in CS4.  To be quite honest it's been a nightmare, but I'm starting to see its good points now.One thing that still drives me crazy is when you create a new tween and Flash creates a new layer for you and puts the tween into it.  Why?  And how do I stop it?  Over the course of a 10 min animation with a lot of tweens I could end up with hundreds of layers

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