ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Child To Each Movieclip In The Array?
Apr 4, 2010
add a child to each movieclip in the array below?I want the code in bold to increment with the wObj movieclips.
wObj1 contains a loader called wObjIcon1 loading an image from wIconURL1
wObj2 contains a loader called wObjIcon2 loading an image from wIconURL2
..and so on.
public function makeWObjects(numNewWObjects) {
for (var i:uint=1; i<=numNewWObjects; i++) {
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TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@2b1aa061
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var one:First = new First();
var myArray:Array = new Array();
myArray[0] = "one";
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This is the script
var delayHeading:Number = 1500;var repeatHeading:int = 1;var setShow:Timer = new Timer(delayHeading, repeatHeading);setShow.start();setShow.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, maybeLater);
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Sep 14, 2010
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: I have as3 script that successfully displays an array of MovieClips, the MCs have variable xy positions, and in some cases they overlap each other. I have a function within the array that I can't quite figure out. Here's what I'd like the function to do: When the cursor rolls over a particular MC displayed by the array,I'd like that MC to be brought to the front of the others. This is my script:
var myArray:Array = new Array(); for(var i:int=0; i<8; i++) { myArray[i]= new myImage();addChild(myArray[i]);myArray[i].x = 180*i;myArray[i].y = 330;myArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , overlap);
function overlap (event:MouseEvent):void
{trace('function triggered on image ' + i);
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Feb 2, 2011
so here goes the description of what i'm (trying) to make : i want to make a slideshow with AS 3, it will load external image which the location will be written in xml after it has load all the image it will play by itself and change beetwen image with transition.. well i manage to : read the xml, load the picture one by one and convert it into a bitmap tipeafter convert it to a bitmap tipe data i save it into an arrayafter all the image has been laoded , converted into bitmap and saved into array to display the image itself i first add the the image which has been save into the array to the container that i specially made to hold this (well actually because transition manager can only have effect on MovieClip).
myMCContainer.addChild(myImageArray[imageIndex]); that's how i display it (of course i have added "myMCContainer to the stage").
well the real problem is when i tried to use remove child fo myMCContainer it give me error #2025, and when i tried to check number of child that myMCContainer has it returned 0 even after adding the image...
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mySprite = new Sprite();
mySprite_child1 = new Sprite();
mySprite_child2 = new Sprite();
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Feb 8, 2012
I am building a tile based game, in which the player can digg away at all the tiles.The problem im having is that my collision detection code for the tiles only will detect a collision with the first tile placed, or any tile required i explicitly code its number in.
In all other examples, tutorials and code, this should work, and yet it does not on mine.heres the specific code , the array the cildren are stored in is called dirt, as they are dirt tiles.
ActionScript Code:
for (var m:int=dirt.length-1; m>=0; m--) {
if (dirt[m].hitTestObject(_player)) {
this brings me onto another problem i am having, which is that now that the collision code is inside a for statement, the above code doesnt work correctly. normally the lastx and lasty should be recorded , and if there is a collsion, the player is shifted back to the last position there wasnt a collision.for some reason now, even though it should be looping faster and detecting the lasx and lasty even faster, it isnt, and although a collision is detected (only with child 0).
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm having trouble removing a child that I have spawned from an array. If I try to use the same for each loop that I use to address the children in the array in other functions, it removes all children that are in the array, but if I try to remove only that child, it complains the child is null. The clickListener function is working out if the crosshairs are on the cow when the mouse clicks, but I want to wait two seconds (to allow the death animation to play in the clicked cow) before removing the child.
Here's what I'm doing:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
[Code] .....
It's the removeChild(cow) line that throws the "null" error.
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Mar 26, 2011
the script below is for a smooth random movement around the stage with a single instance of a clip (Player) loaded from the i can tell the package shown below that i want it to replicate the instance "player" on the stage multiple times and still keep the random movement for each instance of Player?so there are multiple clips all scooting around the stage at will?
PHP Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a picture on the stage that has multiple items that have hotspots/links over them that should open a child swf on top of the background and show details about the items. then have a button in the child swf itself that removes the child from over the background so the user can click on another item etc.I found this code in someone's post and I am trying to modify it so that works for multiple swf currently works for a single swf.I wan to pass the name of the button in front of the .swf in the URLRequest to have the same name as the instance name of the referring button. But I can't figure it out. Here is the code I am using on the stage
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Aug 18, 2009
I'm currently working on a system that loads images (by url flash gets from PHP).Now I've got a loop with addChild that works. I've put it into an array and I need a button with addeventlistener and then remove all the images in that array.[code]
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Jun 5, 2009
I am working on a project in which I am suppose to matain an array of movieclips, and I can also convert the movieclips into bitmap data. so I would like to know which one is the best to use either maintaing movieclip array or bitmap data array.
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Feb 9, 2009
Ok.. so here's the basics of the code:
ActionScript Code:
var stackNum:TextField = new TextField();
stackNum.everythingcondensedhere = everythingcondensedhere
stackNum.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
It creates a textfield (and an image, but not important) and a movieclip, adds the MC to the stage and adds the image(itemLoader) and the textfield(stackNum).
And then it adds it to an array at [x][y].
Then later it calls the .stackSize, adds 1 to it, and tries to update the textfield.
Everything works except for updating the textfield, I just can't figure out what I need to use to point to it and have it change.
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Mar 20, 2012
regarding adding multiple childs to an array these childs are added using timer after a time interval.actually there two classes and child of both classes are added to stage one through timer as i described and other through keyboard event. now is it possible to do this if yes than how?? and is it possible to apply hittest object between these two array.
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Nov 15, 2005
i want to load all the attributes by the name "pagename" within this xml file into an array : my_array
xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <earnvaluemanagement>
- <module id="01" title="Overview" foldername="content/module_01">
View 2 Replies
Nov 4, 2009
Is there a right way to removeChild index of the array? My code is working but it throws me error once in a while; Here is my code;
var temp_array:Array = new Array;var cap_array:Array= new Array(sugar_mc,sugar_mc,cocoa_mc,milk_mc);[code]....
the error is ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.[code]...
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Aug 29, 2011
The issue I am having is that I have no idea how to access the Children of another MovieClip. I have 2 MovieClip's, storeFront, at frame 25, and reviewPage, at frame 60. storeFront contains a vector, cart, and I need to access it from reviewPage.
I have tried...
var appRoot:MovieClip = parent as MovieClip;
buff = appRoot.getChildAt(30);
review = buff.cart;
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Oct 27, 2011
i have dynamic buttons in movieclip and i want the movieclip goto 2nd frame once some one click single movieclip while rest remains in 1st frame.the movieclips can be in arrayi have some code here:
Actionscript Code:
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();for(var i:int = 0 ; i < numberOfButtons;i++){ var btn:MovieClip = new button();
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Mar 6, 2009
I am trying to add a child in a movie clip and perform basic operations on the child but I cannot get access to the child.
It loads the child to the movieclip "FLine1MC" but it says FLine1MC.ClipArt1 does not exist when I try to change the x location.
function AddArt1(evt:MouseEvent): void {
var ClipArt1Request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/mypic.gif");
var ClipArt1:Loader = new Loader();
FLine1MC.ClipArt1.x = 550;
Anybody know what's my error?
By that token, is there a way we can check the exact path of an object?
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